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Everything posted by 87168

  1. I would too, if I were staring Father Time directly in the face.
  2. should you? this is a forum...on the web. as far as being a fan..hah well yes, ignorance is often very entertaining. you also make me smile. #laughs
  3. grow up. "Ya'll"? haha race was mention 4 posts into this thread, and it wasn't me that mentioned it. It's very funny how defensive people get when defending their own bias. keep up. that Cam thread is waiting for you.
  4. don't you have so more hate you should be throwing towards Cam Newton? you know, the successful athlete that doesn't know you exist?
  5. haha ah yes, the the cognitive dissonance kicks in. ALynn can't possibly be qualified to garner interest, right? has to be the Rooney Rule, huh? fyi, the largest benefactors of affirmative action in today's society are white females: Times thanks for playing.
  6. nah, not here at tsw. pretty sad that the only reason people feel he's getting a call is because of that rule. i think it reflects more upon the poster than Lynn or the rule itself.
  7. the whole smart vs dumb players for rex's scheme is a joke of an excuse haha. it really is.
  8. coach killer? haha! since he's been GM, he's had two coaches. Marrone, who left on his own accord (with a winning record and team on the upswing), and Rex whom was awful and NOT his pick at HC (Rex was the doormat of the afce, and the Pegulas hired him)...so....elaborate?
  9. stop making every thread about QB. this is addressing the Bill's lack of discipline. every thread doesn't need to circle back around to QB play. give it a rest.
  10. good for you. I'm sure he's losing plenty of sleep. smile big and hard, but his team ran all over ours, and once again, have made it to the post season. have fun hating.
  11. are you sure Mike Francesa didn't remind you? http://www.nydailynews.com/sports/football/mike-francesa-laughs-rex-ryan-10-minutes-bills-call-article-1.2799319
  12. it would still be a "Rex D", so no.
  13. preferably Gills
  14. exactly! haha very reminiscent of that same scenario. if the Bills were the type of team to retaliate, and stand up for their teammate...they would have done it that game. they didn't. this will be a normal game played. it's just not part of the culture for either organization.
  15. you're right.... this is deflating. we've literally had this discussion for almost 2 decades, whether on this site or within our own circles. eh, next year is our time? Go Bills!
  16. Rex and Rob are the reasons why the defense is horrid. I don't understand what cap hit has to do with performance. say what you will about mario or hughes, but all I know is that these two players became irreverent in Rex's D, yet thrived under Schwartz's. one actually left the team. mario sure, he quit....he this...he that...but he played for Schwartz in a way he couldn't or wouldn't for Rex. now hughes is falling into oblivion...Darby regressed, Gilmore has rare flashes of competence. see a pattern? keep blaming players.
  17. reading comprehension isn't your strong suit.
  18. precisely. I don't know what people wanted him to say. for sammy it's damned if you do, damned if you don't with this fan base.
  19. just refreshing this page. hoping this come to fruition.
  20. not by a long shot. even if they win out, not by along shot...
  21. he didnt call out his teammates (as if he singled them out) he called out the team's mentality. that includes himself, his teammates and the coaching staff....they've been saying for multiple seasons "culture change", yet here we are.
  22. Derek Carr is an elite QB now?
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