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Everything posted by 87168

  1. you just used the word: disirregardless so yes, I agree. good day.
  2. the real hypocrisy is seeing confederate and nazi flags, you know, two groups that literally went to war with the US. but oh no they're not disrespectful to the flag or country or VETS...yet, there are still states, counties, and individuals who supposedly love the "great country" but also fly a treasonous war flag, and genocidal empire's flag. man, people rooting for a group that's never won! haha sound familiar? hahah Go Bills!
  3. the bold speaks volumes. - there is ample evidence from multiple independent and gov't agencies. you're simply in denial because they do not impact you. - ever think they're protesting for the individuals who do not have a voice or platform? or that maybe, just maybe, having money and success does not negate racism? - you might want to look up the definition of Civil Rights. also, the Civil Right Movement was never defined as such until well into the movement's demonstrations. it faced the same backlash as this movement. - oh, a terrorist hate group. hm, did you call Dylan Roof a terrorist? I mean, after all, he committed an actual act of terrorism by killing NINE blacks in a church solely because they were black. The cops took him to Burger King afterwards. Oh, and he can be seen burning an american flag. cognitive dissonance is real, huh?
  4. not surprised you don't see the difference. your group's "making fun of" consists of calling people unpatriotic, SOBs, claiming they hate the country, vets, or calling for them to lose their job. oh and of course the free use of racial slurs to express one's disapproval. we're simply laughing at the blatant idiocy. not mention, again...for whatever reason this keeps getting lost. one group is protesting police brutality and an unjust justice system. the other is burning their belongings in protest to the other protest...yea, they're both quite different.
  5. that's why man created accelerant haha the guy talking about the Torah at least had enough foresight to use it. he had no problem setting his purchases aflame
  6. oh man, I loved it. haha it was such a funny way to end yesterday's evening. I loved the woman that couldn't light her steelers flag on fire, and was quite possibly the least articulate of the bunch. then there was the one dude that was talking about burning his $400 steelers jacket, and stated that this country was founded on the Torah. I saved them all for future laughs.
  7. kind of like what Kelley did with his initial tweet, huh?
  8. why must we constantly try to diminish a win? the Bills D was incredible, and they stopped an offense, that is more than capable of moving up the field. the offense wasn't the highlight but they made some pretty impressive plays, and had some really nice drives. every game has bad bounces, questionable calls, and plays one team wishes they could have back. the Bills won. simple.
  9. i'm taking this tread as seriously as the OP's taking police brutality and social inequality.
  10. and in regards to the OP, haha.
  11. hahaha good. you gave a away young talent. sammy will have more games like that.
  12. watching their games...it appears so.
  13. you might want to do some research on privatized prisons, and the industrial prison complex, overall.
  14. i don't know if you've noticed, but the run game has also suffered, drastically.
  15. well played, Mr. Wonka. well played.
  16. he really does. i think he's just accepted that he's not an NFL golden boy, and won't get those calls. some people on this board, again, have an inane hatred for newton, and it's pretty weird.
  17. hahaha according to tsw, pretty much. unless you're a qb with the last name of Brady, Rogers, or Ryan....
  18. the entire offense is conservative and pedestrian, at best. I don't understand the drop off. I mean, one can only attribute it to the OC. the cornerstones of the run game are still there (25 and 5). Dennison's offense lacks explosiveness, and I'm not willing to peg that on the players. the plays themselves leave much to be desired.
  19. newton made the plays needed to win. he converted multiple 3rd downs with long yardage. He controlled TOP amazingly and the Bills should be embarrassed. if it weren't for the Bill's defense, the outcome would have been a blowout. he also beat McDerm, an ex couch that should be more than familiar with his ex team. a couple or errant passes doesn't make someone overrated. some members of this board have an inane hatred for newton and it's hilarious. he is now 2-0
  20. what is it with boomers, and their obsession with millennials?
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