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Everything posted by 87168

  1. exactly. not a single snap has been made.
  2. the younger one, Ben.
  3. this thread made me panic. you have to put "poll" or something in the title ha
  4. cognitive dissonance, I choose you!
  5. which QB won more games, and made it to the post season this year?
  6. Nightmare? You mean making it to the post season for the first time this century? Let me guess, TT had zero impact on that huh...? Haha people's disdain for TT is absolutely mind boggling. Looking at this board, you'd think we just shipped off Geno Smith or Johnny Manziel. Most players traded away from this team, somehow end up on a better team that makes better decisions. We'll see how the Browns do. TBD is so telling.
  7. Second. I hope he encounters nothing but success.
  8. hah when ignorance has internet access. so afraid of what's different huh? or you can call him by his real name.... it's really grotesque and disrespectful.
  9. amazing post. most here won't like it, or agree, or even acknowledge the of essence of the topic, but it's spot on. thank you.
  10. we're not talking opinions, but rather actions. it's not like these people had a civil discussion. they went out of their way to hurl insults and verbally attack an athlete, because of their performance. the behavior of some fans is disgusting. I'm not sure if people deem the behavior "ok" because these athletes are making some serious money, but regardless, it's not civil behavior.
  11. his fragility? wasn't this in response to individuals with nothing else better to do, than harass a professional athlete because they disapproved of their performance? perhaps their "little job" grants them the time. agreed
  12. why is 25 constantly mentioned in the context of a trade? it's crazy.
  13. I'll be honest, I clicked this thread because I wasn't sure who "JF" was. damn naivety.
  14. ...is for the children.
  15. of course is it. in all honesty, she's an Asian American, married to a white billionaire. she couldn't be further disconnected from the issue, yet she feels entitled to weigh in on how it "hurts" business, while people are losing their lives. please.
  16. no, you have a problem with what they are protesting. the NFL stage is used for many things...fighting breast cancer, wounded veterans...hell, even toys for tots, but the minute it's used to address the oppression of others, then you have a problem with it...? haha there's that cognitive dissonance again.
  17. picture it. Buffalo. 1994...
  18. man, these "source" threads are getting out of control.
  19. wait, am I missing something? where's the outrage and venom for the disrespect and treason, shown towards are military and its veterans?!
  20. a top 30 QB just won the Superbowl so much for needing a franchise guy.
  21. why are people on this board so eager to trade elite, future HoF talent?
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