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AReed Deep For 7

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Everything posted by AReed Deep For 7

  1. Grow a beard crazy? What's next changing toilet paper brands? also, im a white boy and dont think i can get a fade like stevie but would consider it if i was able haha whos out there that can give me a stevie fade
  2. when i grow out my monster beard im going to tell girls im ryan fitzgibbons i wanna see random Fitz beards everywhere i go If shes your wife shes probably knows your first love is the bills.... she will understand perfect time to try? some said we couldnt start 2-0! GO BILLLS!!!!!
  3. Im so excited about this team, im going to have as much fun as i can while were doing good. Im growing out the beard, trying to leave it alone all season. Anyone else getting on board? Dare your friends family or even complete strangers to do the same!!! I wanna see some ZZTOP looking sh on everyone! Lets get some pictures up!!!
  4. Wow thanks for this.... its great to see the board in good spirits. after the won sunk in yesterday i thought i cant wait to log onto TBD @ work tom
  5. Def kill your friend
  6. I hope that POS is actually broke, I think it'd be funny (LOSER ). Cry i've been unemployed since '09, how many applications did he put in? TYPICAL! Lazy bum, how far down the road do we think the arrest will be?
  7. it sure as hell confused me haha im glad this Defense isnt trying to tackle me!!!!
  8. slow news day, great thread. Jauronimo 1 Rest of TBD 0
  9. This one is a very close tie with the titans playoff game. wow i was 9yrs old, i was a die hard andre reed fan. i had a plack on my wall with like 30 andre reed cards on it, anyways i was wearing my andre jersey, and of course he caught the ball inches from a touchdown, bumped the ref and we had to kick the field goal. its amazing the crap i took as a 9yr old!!! mostly my friends, but i remember this one particular hole in a rite aid after the game who said "thanks alot for blowing the game" because i was wearing my andre jersey... if your reading this and your that guy i hate you lol. also very close with NO GOAL, that was a kick in the nuts.
  10. Phil Simms is the answer your looking for
  11. modeling in kohls ads with a plain wife has tom come out of the closet yet?
  12. gotta wish the guy the best, I hope things get ironed out so he can get back to playing and lead a long healthy life
  13. welcome, TBD has the potential to be a fun board with the opening performance we saw sunday!! GO BILLS!!!!!!
  14. these are two funny clips wow, haha berman cant really do anything more to be any cooler in my book!!!
  15. Wow does the writer hate on buffalo in this article...... him dont eat our chicken wings, and orchard park is nice
  16. is there a link? not that i dont trust you guys i just want to read it myself.... might print it up and get a few friends on the board
  17. Ruvell the article is on ruvell martin who finally found a home.......... or not just cut per Buffalo Bills text
  18. Hey this was one of the guys i really liked in the draft (not better than dareus but thats besides the point) and i couldnt find any news on how he was doing. I tried a Rams forum and it wouldnt let me in without joining. anybody hear anything or see him play? i really want to see this guy do something. thanks and GO BILLS!!!!!!!
  19. HAHA and its not even the Rams robert quinn
  20. thanks guys i was having a hard time finding individual defense stats, dunno why bb.com only had the individual offense stats.
  21. I was out of town for the weekend, and i searched all over buffalobills.com to try and find the defensive stats for the game and they arent anywhere?? Can anyone help me out, thanks!
  22. We need to do what Karl Malone already did and forget about this guy
  23. WHY IN THE IS THE #83 STILL BEING GIVEN OUT?! Seriously Lee came in close enough where I can see him getting #83, but this is ridiculous. We havent seen #12, #78, or #34.... would we be giving #12 out to a 3rd string journeyman? Retire the number, its only one number, and receivers can use 11-19 too so dont tell me they can only use 80's
  24. Flame the guy away (its unfortunate) but the most fun time of year on TBD is draft time. although i bet if we were SB contenders it'd be alot of fun too. I bet its lollipops and gumdrops over at "Two Lambeau Drive" , haha what would they possibly argue about?
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