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AReed Deep For 7

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Everything posted by AReed Deep For 7

  1. I feel like alot of things have changed for the worse since Taglibue left... on a side note Spiderweb, Im jealous of your Bills room. You may have just inspired me to make something on my own to
  2. this is coming from someone who uses bledsoe for user name have you seen our run defense??
  3. I dont care what he does, as long as its leave buffalo. how can you try to act like a team leader, and than throw a hissy fit by coming to grab all your S*#@! out of your locker and your name tag (look at me! look at me!)without catching the season ending meeting or even seeing any of the other players. See ya, dont let the door hit ya on the way out
  4. what an idiot either way, if its a memento than get it after your career is over. not that i give a about donte. it just makes him look really stupid if he goes to another team. he'd have to get that team's tattoo (and with how bad he sucks he's gunna end up looking like one of those coats with everyteam on it )
  5. With our track record NOTHING would suprise me. You could make an argument that he is best player available. (Just to clear things up this isnt what I want at all). I am envious that a more complete team will more likely take him as a luxary pick, one we unfortunately cant afford to pick. Being AJ Green, I dont know why it left out the first half of the reply. Being AJ Green, I dont know why it left out the first half of the reply.
  6. this is very frustrating, its football. they are taking away an exciting part of the game to cut down the amount of plays? you could avoid all this all together and just put flags around their waist too
  7. I don't like this at all, they keep watering down the game every year. I dont see the 5 yards helping cut down on collisions. Like everyone isn't going to be at full speed now because of the extra 5 yards?
  8. That's bad. He got off waaaaayyyyyy to easy, come on LT, your above this.
  9. 12th Man thing is pretty stupid, couldnt figure this out at first, but it has to be because of the "eruption" after marshawns run, and the report that it was like an earthquake or whatever
  10. Yes dline is very deep this year, thats where we are going. Quinn should be there at #12, if so im pulling the trigger. If not a solid player is there regardless.
  11. Randy Moss wants to be a Patriot again, is his production worth his baggage? Did he learn his lesson? Get your votes in
  12. Very true. how the hell can u be rich like that, actually take the time to hit up the gym...... and than not eat enough quality food. how can u not take the signing bonus and pay a nutritionist. this makes no sense to me
  13. nice muscles..... for a high school kid
  14. i saw an adult video one time where the girl was wearing a bills t, she wasnt that hot, but she got bonus points for it
  15. his dad is pretty jacked to. good genetics and looks like someone who knows how to push him. very glad to see the hard work
  16. He was sabres season ticket holder for over ten years if I remember correctly
  17. 225x 24 reps at the combine is not very impressive for a DT. I know its not the only thing you look at but you have to be concerned when the dude weighs over 300 lbs is going up against multiple blockers and has a pretty weak effort here. I just dont want to see the guy getting pushed around like a ragdoll, especially in a 3-4 where alot more would be asked of him.
  18. There was also something about hardening of the arteries, and it seems like he liked his stoagies alot. Sounds like something similar to Bernie Mac, very sad. Couldnt even watch Lindy's postgame yesterday, he was choking me up just from seeing him hold it in.
  19. We should be good. There are alot of other teams ahead of us for most likely to relocate. For a while I thought it was Jax, but looks like Minnesota moved into the lead. Stadium is a mess, and they are alot of nay sayers about building a new stadium for them. Also, I think San Diego is up there. The move would alienate their fan base alot less being pretty close to LA (something that will be taken into consideration), their stadium also sucks, and there is plenty of competition already in the Bay Area.
  20. Im gunna put some thought into this and make an entry, just wanted to say this is a pretty cool contest good work and thanks!
  21. I would think you can t replace the conditioning you get from playing in games, no matter what your doing. Anywho I dont see Buff taking him rd1, hoping he slips to #34
  22. http://www.nfl.com/draft/story/09000d5d81eb3b06/article/intimate-conversations-provide-new-perspective-of-mallett 2nd or 3rd, maybe you take a gamble. Im not sold but a good read.
  23. http://www.sectiononewrestling.com/documents/nfl_players_wrestled.html Obviously this not the most important thing you look at, just proof that its a great supplementary thing to have
  24. I would think that he would be OLB in a 3-4, it does seem like #3 might be early i agree. Most likely scenario of taking him would probably involve a trade down.
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