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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. Allen Wilson at the Buffalo News is reporting a compound fracture and no timetable on his return to Buffalo. Not good, certainly. Early on the News site he said it "looked" like it but this story has a 9:27 p.m. time stampo on it. http://www.buffalonews.com/sports/story/870526.html
  2. Chris Brown earning his paycheck with another earth shattering piece of news! Someone started a thread on him and I wanted to reply but didn't out of lending any credibility to him but this forced me to respond because this exactly the Brown MO. Report the obvious or already been reported news. What has happened to the journalism biz when NFL teams self-report. Isn't that what Scott Berchtold is for? Do the Bills honestly think anyone gives Brown any credibility? Oh wait, we still buy tickets and fill the stadium for them.
  3. According to PFT he's not. I hope its for a good reason because this guy needs playing time.
  4. I also think that if a QB comes in as a rookie or with little experience and has a poor line from the outset, his development is stunted and he's on too short a leash to grow and get better. A good OL can go a long way in getting a QB confidence and experience. Once they get that, I agree, they can excel. I think Rodgers had a very good line last year and the experience he had last year was a major help. What Bills QB, in all fairness, had an OL you'd consider even a top 25?! I think though its unfair to compare anyone to Manning. The guy is as intelligent a player (football wise) as you'll see so he has the amazing ability to put the team in better situations and account for issue from the line of scrimmage.
  5. I believe I've said it on this board before so I'll say it again. I'd pay $25 more a seat. RW continualy decries Bflo as poor or small market. However, that mentality and economic reality does not take into account passion, as evident by sellouts on a regular basis for a decade of fail! He and his minions are way too short sighted. They could sell tickets at $10 more per seat across the board when they suck, IMO. So they could do even better when they're winning (whenever the hell that is!). Here's why I think it can happen: the Sabres charge more for seats for a relatively meaningless (1 home game has significantly less importance in the NHL than the NFL) Wednesday night game in November. A season ticket holder on the 50, 10 rows up from the field pays $70 per seat. That's a joke. I had the lucky opportunity to sit there last season for the MNF game against the Browns and thought the Bills are wasting an opportunity to increase seat prices. If a MNF game is only worth $70 for the best non-club/suite seat in the house, the front office is dumber than I thought.
  6. Always a-holes who think they're the gatekeeper of the board. Must be nice to have a life where you have time to be unproductive and just repsond to others posts with no real critque of the issue, but only an invaluable opinion on whether the topic justifies a thread. How stupid. So should everyone ask YOU before posting whether or not the topic is worthy of a thread. Don't you get the basic concept behind the internet and fourms like this., It's the opposite of traditional news media in that we can pick and chose what we read and more importantly, ignore the topics we don't care for. You, unfortunately don't have the emotional and intellectual maturity to ignore a post you don't find interesting by being dignified and ignoring it. So let me critique your insight, rather than a theoretical disucssion of whether or not this warrants a thread. Obviously you know I think the thread is warranted. As for the data being irrelevant, its as relevant to the discussion and understanding of Brohm as a QB than anything out there. Here's a novel idea... you read something about a topic, in this case the traits of a QB, and use them to form an opinion, instead of just having an uniformed opinion. So, the post is in fact highly relevant in that there is no NFL tape or playing experience to judge Brohm on. And the fact that you're willing to dismiss this report due only to time shows your short-sightedness and lack of intellect. The bottomline is, based on this report, pre-draft analysis, and his college playing career, I will state an educated opinion: good pickup for a QB deficient team that obviously doesn't have the future QB on the roster. Hamdan was a thirds stringer behind two guys who are backups, making him not NFL material. Brohm was essentially the third strong QB in GB as the team only had two on the active roster. So, using reason and rational thought, the third stringer behind Aaron Rodgers is certainly better than the third stringer behind Ryan Fitzpatrick. Therefore, this post allows readers the opportunity, then, to see what the Bills got.
  7. He doesn't write anything anyone with a baseline understanding of football couldn't come up with on their own. He's a columnist because he WANTS to be the guy who is critical, that's what communists do. Reporters report, columnist opine. I think the issue with Buffalo fans is not the message this guy delivers, we know the teams sucks top to bottom, it's that unlike the great ones who do it, either in print, radio or TV, he doesn't do it with class, or humor, or intellect. He does it emotionally and with rancor. It's like he has an axe to grind and anyone who listens on the radio to his weekly show realizes he's an angry person in general and he can spin out of control quickly, due to his anger. Tune in and listen, he can go from talking calmy to angry in 30 seconds. And a good columnist can keep the emotions in check and deliver his opinion based on fact. You lose credibility when you're just angrily rehashing what the readers already know. I can listen to that at 4:15 in the stadium parking lot. He's not all that great. If he were, he wouldn't be stuck in the 49th smallest media market, and steadily declining.
  8. Why? The government, instead of building and maintaining a stadium to support a $25,000-turned-$800M-investment football team and ensuring $25M per year in profit (above of couse the massive equity he's earned on the aforementioned investment) could have better used that money to create more jobs (more the the Bills employee and have the multiplier effect on the economy), invest in our quality of life and saved us 50 years of rooting for a team that has SUCKED, let me say it again, SUCKED exponentially more than its even been mediocre. A few good years in the early 90s doesn't overcome the fact that the owner and this team are perpetual loser, the Kansas City Royals of the NFL. As a season ticket holder, I say move now Ralph. Ensure your greedy family gets their profits stolen from our tax dollars supporting your investment and team. Move it, so we can move on and focus on making this region better without this team. It'll take the focus away from mediocrity and maybe the passion people have for this team will allow them to realize that it's not as important as the other 8 months a year we live without football. So here's to what I hope is the eventual removal of the Buffalo Bills from this region. Bye and good riddance. It's not worth it anymore. Say what you want, it's like a bad drug addiction. Everyone loves it in short burst of passion and optimism, only to ALWAYS crash and leave you feeling depressed and downtrodden. We're better off without it.
  9. I was close to not coming back this year and didn't renew until I lost my seats and had to move. But I got the bug and renewed late. However, I won't do it again without wholesale changes from the top to bottom. Basically, start with the strength and conditioning coach, move to the assistant coaches and head coach, then to scouting and then Brandon. Sadly though, I know RW will still be the owner and I have zero faith in him. That means I don't trust his capacity to make the changes that are best for the team, instead of making changes that on the surface seem like progress but are under-lied by money and profit for his heirs. Cynical? Maybe? Truthful. Absolutely.
  10. Great ignorant generalization. The morons that troll this forum will never cease to astonish me. Affording a computer and having the talentless skill to type can't cover-up stupidity. The problem with your ignorant generalization is you make a major leap in logic by inferring that those 3500 people who were "legal' (stating "legal" only proves your ignorance) then drive home. Nothing worse than social commentary from some loser who then ends his ignorant rant with "not sure this if front page material" like somehow you're the gatekeeper of what's relevant to the board. Go upstairs and say hi to your parents.
  11. That's easy to say but I own four seats and when this team is gone, is it my fault? Where is your support? I agree, support is an issue, but at the same time, as a football fan, and one who CAN affords seats, should I forego tickets to a game I enjoy because the team sucks, even if I enjoy football in general? That's a shallow argument since no matter how many sats the old curmudgeon sold, he still sucks as an owner. Don't blame me for showing my loyalty by breaking out my wallet while you sit on your arse and sling your arrows with zero economic incentive. If it wasn't for me and the rest of the 55000 who buys seasons, you wouldn't be watching games on TV so piss off.
  12. I'll root against them, no problem. The reason it, is appears that the only way this team can get better is to hit rock bottom. So that's what I'm rooting for. I will never, ever root for mediocrity. That's the Buffalo defeatist, whoa is me, hope for the best attitude. The attitude that is need at all levels here from all WNYer is to stop settling for mediocrity, be it by not buying Bills tickets, to not voting the losers into office everyone keeps voting for that keep this region as regressive and reactionary as it is (Hoyt, Brown, Volker, Thompson, etc), to asking what the F the people like Jim Allen, Tom Kucharski, and Andrew Rudnick are doing with your tax dollars. As a region, people needs to stop settling for whatever is handed to them and start demanding and requiring the best.
  13. I thikn what we all want, but are too nice to ask for because it means death, is a new owner. 50 years of failure is more than we can take. And save you're "what about the early 90s" argument. We had a great talent evaluator and the owner wouldn'y let him run the show despite his success. And statistically speaking, a few good years does nor outweigh the 40+ years of mediocrity. And I'll be the first season ticket holder to say it: sell the team Ralph, even if it means it gets moved. Lets move on as a community. No more false hope the tram will be good and no more dreaming you'll do what it takes to ensure its place in WNY. Sell it and let the drama unfold. Let's get it over with. As an Erie County taxpayer, I'd rather see my tax dollars spent on something positive, instead of lining your daughter's pocket.
  14. When DJ is your coach, the impossible is possible.
  15. when Jauron is fired so I know I can root for this team again.
  16. Stop going and stop buying merch. Sadly, we're such optomists, we think ever new hire and FA means a better tomorrow but we need to look back at 50 years of ineptiture and realize what we are, a city, a region, and a team with no future.
  17. You beat me to it. Every year, the time I tune out gets earlier and earlier and I'm a season ticket holder who just posted my remaining games on CL for face value. I refuse to suport RW's profiteering anymore. Sell the team, if that means they move, so be it. Better to move than have a team that's a perpetual loser with an owner who is OK with it since he still make profit. For anyone out there who thinks RW cares about winning, just looks at this team and the money he spends to compete. Free agency is basically an exercise in filling major holes with third tier talent (see: Hangartner, Geogg; Mitchell, Kawicka; Walker, Langston; Dockery, Derrick, et al.) and malcontents no one else wants (see: Owens, Terrell) while refusing to pay for bona fide talent they drafted and groomed (se: Williams, Pat; Winfield, Antoine, et al). Money means more than winning and it has for 50 years. So we've come to this fork in the road at a bad time: we need a better more committed owner who recognizes the dedication and passion of its fanbase as one willing to fill the stadium for a joke of team that hasn't made the playoffs in this decade and the realization you can double ticket prices and we'll still come, which is obvious since we come and the team sucks. It comes at a time when the owner can barely utter a coherent sentence. All we're left with is a daughter who is only counting the money her old man made of the backs of WNY on a $25,00m investment.
  18. Sell the tickets or eat them, but don't go. Don't support this owner one more minute.
  19. Time to move on people. Do something more productive with your three hours every Sunday in the fall. RW is without na doubt the cheapest, most football illiterate owner ever. He continue to put his control, profit and ego ahead of winning. All the talented GMs and coaches we've had were fire or quit because RW is a meddling, miserale miser. So either pick a new team (Go Packers!!) or find another sport t cheer for. As long as this incoherent jerkoff runs this team and continues to tell us as WNYers were poor and can't support a team, he doesn't deserve our support. He's taken advantage of us as fans (I'm a season ticker holder) and us as taxpayer to turn his $25,000 investment into a multi million (hundreds of millions) windfall while complain the entire time that he can't make a go of it here. F him and his wife and daughter. Pack your gear and move this team because if this is the team you're going to field while you maximize its value to increase the sale price for your daughter so she can sell it to the higher bidder, just leave now. RW's legacy is not an owner who kept a team here and some sort of Robin Hood, but a cheap SOB who did everything he could to maximize profit, including raping taxpayers and season ticker holders. Here's hoping for a resolution to the ownership ASAP so we as WNY can move on, with or without this team, but MOST importantly without this curmudgeon.
  20. Yeah, it's his fault DJ and AVP have not made a commitment to use him as a weapon. Throwing his way what, 4 times today, isn't exaclty a commitment to getting him involved. I hope he goes nuts and flames away. It can't hurt a team that can't win anyway.
  21. for head coach. I've railed againt DJ and his passionless, pathetic, conservative approach to losing. The antithesis of that mentality is April, a passionate, aggressive and intense coach who takes his philosophy to the other team but as importantly, has the passion of his players. When DJ finally gets fired (hopefully before I wake up tomorrow), make April the coach. From RW's perspective, he fits the "cheap" bill and from the player and fan perspective, he has passion and creativity and at this point we'll take anything that's not a cold wet towel standing on the sidelines.
  22. He might be locking onto WRs but the issue is the conservative nature of the coaching. If all you get are 10 yard pass calls, and never get to chuck it downfield until the fourth in desparation, then you would tend to do whatever it takes to make those 10 yard plays work, and if that means locking on, you do it, particlualry if you know you don;t have time to scan the field due to the weak OL play (which will get better). This team is an epic failure, from the miser running it and his death grip on the finances (that ensure his family walks with millions from the backs of taxpayers and fans), to one of the worst front office on football to a second-rate coaching staff. Name the last assistant coach to get plucked from here to be a head coach. I'll check back next week to if there is an answer.
  23. You know what you're taught. f your dad tells you to respect a woman and honor her, you do it. If your dad proivides you no guidance other than to conquer any woman standing in your way, that's what you do. I think DJ is the former, trying to respect a defense and take ehat is given. That's what losers (and virgins do). Winners take whatever they want!
  24. Awesome. I hate the "blind follower" mentality and this shows some attitude and anger over this joke of a team. Hope you sell 73,000+ thousands and the stadium is whited out next time.
  25. You fail to remember that RW is the owner? Who is an unemplyed loser right now, that's the next coach. Or some one-year wonder assistant like Meathead or Greggo who comes cheap.
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