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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. Why run the ball? The qb needs work and to continue to convince the team to draft one. Can't find a potential future Qb if you never draft one.
  2. I'm putting it out there now... They get killed next week when Charles runs over them and their D destroys this OL
  3. Today proves that a) the QB is not good enough, b) neither is the coaching and c) everyone behind the DL is a liability, including Byrd, who never did anything for me and is extremely overrate .
  4. Didn't they sign a couple DEs?
  5. Guy sucks and I hoped he got cut but he didn't Nc he's still costing them.
  6. A high level county contact says they have no clue what the hell Schumer is up to and were never approached. the fact that he's a federal politicians makes it more confusing. So theyre taking a wait and see unless his people get in touch with the county.
  7. Vindication doesn't come in the former of an editorial by some unknown fresh out of college making $12 an hour kid lacking any credibility at a dying, irrelevant daily paper with a roster full of young underskilled writers (they are neither reporter or journalists) and aging no name hacks. Sorry.
  8. Pittsburgh had an economy that wasn't entirely manufacturing and industrial so when our national economy transitioned to a knowledge and service economy, it had the colleges, foundations (huge asset), and diversification in their local labor market to do OK. As for buffalo being worse off than cleveland and Detroit, that's highly debatable. Cleveland (city) is bleeding residents and regionally like Buffalo they're shedding jobs. Same with Detroit but I would argue its in a more downward trend and no region has been more busted by the last 10 years than Detroit. Also, and this is fundamentally important, all three of those regions have at least double the population as Buffalo. From a supply and demand standpoint, they all have about the same number of available seats in their stadiums (supply) but way more people to make the demand higher. My point is, despite all four struggling in some ways, Buffalo's position with the smallest population is tenuous at best in the long run. As for the team, our owner sucks and Pittsburgh's doesn't. The bills have never one and there is only one common element.... RW. Pittsburgh has multiple Super Bowls And one common element, the Rooneys. To me it's that simple.
  9. Yeah because the success this team has had when they've been ignored has proven unfounded time and again.
  10. Misfortunes are when you get hit by a drunk driver or someone breaks into your house and steals your tv! Having numerous kids with numerous woman and having to support them is bad decision making, let's no confuse the two and feel bad for this guy as some poor unfortunate soul. Reap what you sow.
  11. Hell no! We Need people everywhere to spread the word. The more important thing is that everyone locally is a fan otherwise they are not true Buffalonians!!!!!!!!
  12. Just noticed berman's tie looks to be Bills blue and red?
  13. Good call on the commercial,
  14. Mark Gaughan has the pick but I won't break it here,
  15. I posted yesterday he's gonna be a steal for someone. Might not fit the Bills but I think he's gonna be a great player somewhere. His measurables doomed him And he's a classic cases of teams overlooking his production and overhyping his measurable.
  16. Courtney Upshaw..... I think his showing at his pro day/combine hurt his stock but to me he's the classic player who lost draft position over measurables but when you see his body of work, it's outstanding. He gonna make a late first round team real happy.
  17. No sarcasm but can Sheppard play outside? Can Kuechly? If neither can I'm not sure forcing either to the outside or bench is justified.
  18. But there IS a MAJOR difference between an EMPLOYEE making millions and subject to drug testing smoking pot and a stupid college kid. Ironic that a drug test is grounds for termination in he real world but it's nothing more than PR for the nfl.
  19. This entire discussion and attempted analysis is fraught with problems. Trying to link QB success to round selection is like stating the day you buy your car determines its reliability. Sure, the round matters but it only matters because the round is a predicted value based on prior performance but also skewed by need and over-prioritization of the position, leading to players being draft higher than they should. This Tannenhill kid this year is a perfect example. I don’t know his track record, but he’s got flop written all over him. He’s being pushed into the top 10 not because he’s that good but because the teams typically drafting in the top 10 desperately need QBs and talk themselves into this first round argument being made here. It’s simple “The Dolphins biggest need is QB, there will be two gone by the time they pick. Who is the third best QB, that’s who they should draft.” Basically, 5th round QBs are 5th round QBs for a reason, they’re body of work isn’t that good. If it were, in the vast majority of cases they’d be selected higher because teams wouldn’t pass over the guy two or three times. Why? Because everyone constantly argues that there is a small number of franchise QBs and that most teams don’t have one. So if one was so good, these teams would draft them with their second pick. College should be the main predictor of potential success, not draft position. Other things, like measurables and brains. I’m a huge brains over brawn guy and have been on this board for years. I continually rant that drafting low Wonderlic QBs is akin to never wanting to win a Super Bowl. I think one (Bradshaw and he I think was dyslexic so he might have scored better actually) with a Wonderlic below 20 has ever won a Super Bowl. High Wonderlics don’t guarantee anything but low Wonderlics do, they guarantee you never win a Super Bowl. I’m not saying geeky noddle armed 5’10” QBs are the model, I’m saying that this fascination with physical freaks over very good athletes with brains is stupid. If you start with Parcels’ criteria and build a regression model, I’d bet the model would be pretty damn reliable if you added in Wonderlic and a few other variables. Make dependent variable “NFL wins.” I’ve always wanted to do it, never had the patience to collect the data! Someone out there has to have done something similar. It wouldn’t explain all the predictors but it would at least tell you what they’re worth draft wise and potential wise based on college and other measurable indicators. It wouldn’t account for playing time, coaching, team quality, etc. in the NFL but its intent would be as a predictor and for draft slotting. Right now, NFL teams given such a high priority to the position, players are drafted higher than they should be based on their track record (see: Losman, JP). There are a few good academic articles about the draft as an economic market filled with flaws.
  20. I committed to a draft NCAA pool at lunch, would bailing and screwing coworkers over to stay on the thread be acceptable?!!!!!
  21. I have it bad today... I can see the field house roof and stadium lights from my office window and Keep looking to see if there are fireworks over the stadium yet!
  22. Well, based on that article, he's got the skills... won't answer what party he's affilitated with or whether he's running.
  23. No one needs journalists And it's that self-righteous Attitude that hurts the media. The issue is, what other walk of life do people have the ability to provide no proof whatsoever of their work? I just turned in a doctoral preliminary exam with 70+ citations because I don't have the luxury of saying "I heard from any anonymous source...." that garbage doesn't fly. We don't need the media, it's an accepted part of our lives and we give it the same level of respect as politicians.
  24. Well you're qualifier "conscience" is the argument. In this 24 hour news cycle are we supposed to give the media automatic credibility when it refuses to ever divulge sources. As someone with a degree I journalism I find the profession lacking credibility more as the days pass and this spectacle is a perfect example. Sorry jw but you're a good one among a lot of shams.
  25. No one makes a 24 visit without some real sincerity. No one drags their significant other into a football stadium and a city tour without some sincere interest. So don't count is out yet!
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