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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. Oh so they can suck then cuz they don't make what he does? Guys got 10+ sacks, plays well in run d and does exactly what he was expected to... Hold his gaps and funnel plays to others to make plays... Who never do. Figure out the game because calling a guy out because of what he makes is preschool.
  2. He's the least of the defenses problems. Where were the lbs and dbs?
  3. AMEN. Been saying it for years.... RW is the constant
  4. If this isn't an indictment of Chan that his team has quit AND his staff sucks, there's no hope for change.
  5. And Chan and Mularkey and Nix and Jauron .....
  6. This week on WGR he said they'll get a QB but not sure which round cuz they'll stick to their board, something to that effect when pressed by Simon.
  7. When has RW ever made meaningful change? Don't expect the senile old coot to do it now.
  8. Sadly nix said he'll stick to his board again this draft. So my question is, does a QB have the be the best player available when they pick. Seems that way. Nix sucks too.
  9. Can't someone on this staff get fired, please. Haha.. Announcer said chan's gotta find an answer fast. That's hilarious.
  10. So predictable on 3rd and long. They saw that coming a month ago!
  11. Wasting Away - Nailbomb ... Trying in vain, figure it out Always thinking, this is a waste Build it up high Further to fall Right down on you Wasting away Suffer more, suffer still Found release, locked away No values anymore Nowhere to turn, wasted
  12. Not enough JJ Watts in this world and certainly not enough in the NFL who are willing to do something positive with their fame other than act like entitled aholes. Good for him, superstar human status as far as I'm concerned.
  13. Move. That's the only way to cure this destructive relationship/addiction.
  14. Coach. Wind was minimal and at his back. The qb still sucks. How many games has he bad the ball in his hands with less than 2 minutes to go and a chance to win or tie and shat the bed?
  15. A former co-worker once had breakfast with RW maybe 5 years ago. He was there with a host of other people. They discussed the Bills and the future, and RW and I believe RB stated, basically, that cities like Bflo can't expect to have a team if it continues to decline. And they also suggested that a buyer could come forth and take the team to Chicago and make way more profit than by keeping it here, even as the second NFL franchise in that city. I think RW was trying to make himself look like a priest for keeping them here (he still turned $25,000 into $800M so lets not act like he's doing us a favor) while suggesting someone else might not be so inclined. The reality truly is that when he's passed, assuming he did nothing to help ensure this teams' future here, they're gone. And RW doesn't care one iota.
  16. I saw this and honestly, other than feeling bad for the deceased was totally underwhelmed. Over the years sports, and in particular the NFL, has become this larger than life entity that people obsess over and glamorize and I've gotten to the point where I ignore players and just watched the laundry running around and rooting for that. It's hard, and this might be cold, to relate to or feel anything for a culture of spoiled, over-privledged, arrogant children who think they're above the law and heroes, who've got the world by the nuts, act like idiots, probably couldn't pass a 10th grade math exam, got free rides to school great high school scholars struggle to get admitted to because they're so competitve and yet are millionaires. What's the longest streak there's been on profootballtalk between arrests in the NFL? Less than a 100 days if I recall. I've worked as a professional for 15 years and have never had a coworkers arrest, killed in a DWI, commit siucide, kill his girlfriend, act like an ahole on a place, etc. Seriously, what is wrong with this league and these players? I'm not stereotyping them all, but rather asking a legit question. Where else do you see an arrest rate that high for a profession where the average salary is over $1M. So when you don't see one, the question is legit. Further, what other SPORT has such an issue. None. It's not a racial issue, other leagues like the NBA are predominantly blank with not nearly the issues. So what the f is wrong with this league, seriously. Two murders in one week. Last week a guy kills his girlfriend and himself and not only is that horrific, the loser was passed out in his car at 3 a.m. that day in front of another girlfriend's house... while his mother is home watching his 3-month old child. Then he apparently comes home and goes bonkers on HER for being out late, while he's shacked up at some other chick's place. What world was that guy living in? Apparently one where you get found passed out behind the wheel at 3 am in a running $200,000 car by three cops who conviently look the other way that you're under the influence. They throw him in jail like they would to you and I, his girlfriend is still alive. I guess my point, the culture of the NFL continues to accept these morons, their attitudes, their transgressions all in the name of money. Somehow I'm supposed to feel bad when this happens or reflect on it with some sort of empathy? Nope. And go figure, this guy was on the Cowboys with a DUI in college. Win at all costs. So unlike Jerry "Plastic Face' Jones to hire degenerates all in the name of greed and money. Maybe Goodell, Jones and Kraft should worry about cleaning up this mess... the arrests, the player health, the quality of the sport, and less so on world domination. Morons.
  17. Walked off the field bit was carted to the lockerroom.
  18. We're the Buffalo News and instead of focusing on the 53,971 diehards who braved the cold rainy weather to watch a non playoff team, we instead seek to make a negative visual statement about the fans and perpetuate the News' negative coverage of the team that will certainly come with a story today about post game arrests.
  19. Browns. Similar city, similar fans, similar histories of sadness! They're a Buffalo team!!!!!
  20. As states, nothing new here. If I go back and read my post here, I'll find the same exact argument. Sadly, many on this board have a defeatist attitude and feel like we OWE him for keepin this team here when in fact he OWES us, the taxpayers of Erie County and the fans who buy tickets for helping make his $25,000 investment into an $800m asset, which is all he sees it as... An asset for his heirs. F this guy for all its worth. Someday, when theyre gone becausw of him, those that hold him in high regard will see the error of their way.
  21. Sorry but going proves nothing. I have three games left and won't waste my time after wasting my money. This fallacy that going proves this region is legit has one fatal flaw... It's not a viable region. Economically it continues to decline and any new jobs are largely back office, low paying jobs. Population continues to decline and, a double whammy, continues to age. The NFL stadium exeprience is a young, relatively young person's event. The older crowd, and I don't blame them, isn't up for the BS in the stands. Let's be honest about what Buffalo is. Let's also be honest about what the NFL is... A sport with owners more focused on growing the game (see profit at all costs) than making what it has better. Bigger is better to them and that means getting teams in large markets when possible (like an ownership change for example) and putting expansion teams in stupid places (London) just For the sake of short term gains rather than long term sustainability. My feeling, some because of contacts I have in local govt, the rest from my realistic understanding of what Buffalo is and isn't and how that doesn't fit the NFL ideal, tells me this team is gone. The lease is dragging because of the high costs of improvements and the lack of a long term commitment by the team. Last I heard the improvements were being scaled way back to mainly necessary repairs and minimal game day improvements. All that leads to is the realization that the county isn't willing to go all in, as they've suggested in the past, because of concerns over this owner's commitment and willingness to mke some assurances. So not only am I to going, im not returning next season. Choose as you will, but don't think for one second that your attendance means anything.
  22. I got $50 for one calling for the owner to sell now,
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