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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. Problem solved. This is my backpacking seat pad... Inflatable, packable and perfect at RWS. Rolls into a stuff sack less than the size if a beer can. Never had a problem bringing it in and the policy seems to ignore these. http://www.rei.com/product/845302/rei-sit-pad
  2. I think the media has no place on forums, it breaks down their credibility as unbiased reporters and is akin to trying to be friends with those you cover. Respectable journalists avoid forums and social media fights.
  3. I renew my seasons annually after they expire so (long story, missed a season due to job situation and lost seniority so screw it) I end up moving a lot but this year I haven't renewed and this certainly doesn't make me run to the phone to call and order em. Games have become a pain to be honest. The lines suck, this doesn't make it any better by any stretch because everyone will just use the clear bags, still requiring handling by these rent-a-cops. The crowd seems to get worse and more annoying every year. $9 crap beers (in Boston a few years ago I got a Sam Adams for $7!). The NFL really just wants your money, they want to minimize anything you can "sneak" in so they can sell you more. This war and terror (aka: epic fail) has been used as a fear tactic to strip everyone of their rights and liberties even when we want to enjoy a football game on Sunday. The Culture of Fear is a alive and profitable. And I don't carry anything in, I'm just getting sick of the greedy NFL... from this to the desire to a team in London, it's all just a game of follow the money. I enjoy the Bills, but as I age, it becomes less important and less worth it, particularly when it becomes just like real life... a reminder of greed and control and loss of privacy. So I was 50/50 on seats this year, this drops it for me. And if games don't sell out, and they won't, I'm OK with it. I no longer feel obligated to support this team or league and I think that sentiment is becoming pervasive among many fans who find it easier to watch the league at home, even if your team isn't on or is blacked out. I hope the feds step in and end some of the perks the NFL gets, like the blackouts that rob taxpayers who support these stadia from seeing games because they can't afford a seat... or in strong markets (ie not Bflo) can't get a seat.
  4. If its coached, why don't they all score well? If its meaningless, why do they still use it? If you're a QB what's your incentive to half-ass it? The answers.... 1) because some of these guys aren't that smart nor can they learn. Thats pretty important for a QB. 2) It's a way to contextualize players and rank them. It might not be he greatest testing instrument according to all the educational research academics on this board or academia in general but when give to a sample population, it provides a means to test them all the same. 3) If your a QB you want to do as well as possible, not caring and screwing off on it can be disasterous financially and might cost you a chance to go to a team that needs a QB who drafts you in the 3rd and had a starter. The bottomline I've harped over and over with those who want to dismiss this thing, in the words of a comic, you can't fix stupid. Stupid downs work under center and grades and GPAs for athletes in many cases are questionable. But most importantly, there is a high positive correlation between Super Bowl wins and reported Wonderlics. I've run the analysis. You don't win Super Bowls with sub 21 scores. Sure you might get to the playoffs, because by default 12 QBs make it, but if a true franchise QB is what you want and a Super Bowl is the goal, this test is a true indicator!
  5. If they stay at 8 I think they're set on Nassib there and don't care about a so called reach. They've made it clear that a QB is necessary and they aren't going to get fancy and try to trade down and get their guy or gamble he makes it passed everyone at the top of he second.
  6. The Wonderlic is a poor test of intelligence, anyway. Really, how so? Lots of people say that but no one ever backs it up. Intelligence has been defined in a multitude of ways, including problem-solving (we can agree that those who can solve problems are in most cases more intelligent); the ability to learn; and retaining knowledge. So a test that measures problem-solving And what you've learned and retained isn't measuring intelligence? It might not be perfect and have some inherent bias like any testing instrument but I says it's a joke misses the point. The point is measure many people to be able to compare them and rank them. And when you look at scores, in particular for high intelligence positions like QB (we can all agree that it's the most mentally tough position on The field and requires high intelligence, decision making and mental processing skills), you'll see a high correlation between success at QB (if we measure success by championships first ad playoff wins second) and Wonderlic scores, indicating that the test does measure intelligence.
  7. Meaningless for WR for the not part, se with RBs. Look up the historical scores, they'll prove it. I'll take a dumb WR anyday... Moss had a 12 and AJ green a 10. You won't find a Super Bowl winner with a Wonderlic less than I think 15 (Bradshaw) with the next lowest I found being Favre with like a 22. There's a highly positive correlation between playoff and Super Bowl wins and higher wonderlics for QB...
  8. Is an open container illegal in Erie County? I think the county would have to pass the open container law to make it illegal on county property. The stadium is not owned by the town but the county, hence county sheriffs proving coverage. So the town can't pass a law that supersedes a county law on county property, as far as I understand it. Under this scenario, carry unopened beers until you get on stadium property and open em!!!
  9. You're off a few ways here: 1. UB doesn't have the only law school. Albany has one, and a good one. 2. Selectivity and the quality of students are not one and the same. UB continues to grow and as its capacity (supply) outweighs current demand due to a lack of visibility, acceptnace goes up. High acceptance can also be due to high quality students. 3. UB is a top flight research university. According to a 2010 ASU report, UB is a top 50 Research University, as is Stony Brook. However, it outranks Stony Brook in top academic measures; total research funding; total federal research funding; and total endowment. So if you want to make an argument it's not a high quality university, try to find some metrics to back it up. The bottomline is, AAU/R1 schools are ranked on their research as much as anything and UB outperforms all SUNY schools and will continue to as the state continues to focus on its as a center of academic excellence, or as used here "flagship." It continues to climb rankings and earn a higher reputation. Sadly the academics programs suck. We can argue until out fingers are typed out about whether this is a good idea but what's not up for debate is which SUNY University if the eminent one in the system.
  10. according to Chris Brown in an interview a few months back on WGR the Bills and Nix apparently have questions about Smiths abilities to scan the field and read defenses. The comment was that he's a one side of the field player. He gets accolades because of his physical tools but as I harp on over and over... You want Smart QBs, not ones you have to limit your play book for. I highly doubt they'd take him. And hope they don't.
  11. I've always been annoyed with RWs assumption that people can't pay more. I think he assumes they won't. And won't and can't aren't the same. This insistence that were all paupers makes it seem like the stadium is filled with the homeless. I went to a Sabres game last week and the tickets there are outrageously high for what are meaningless games. They sell for two reasons.. The team is generally good and the high prices make people feel like their in a small group who can afford it and People will pay for he idea of being exclusive. They bills can charge higher prices but they need to compete first. Once they start winning,you van charge anything and people will pay. PSLs didn't work well for the jets in NYC so they not working here. And don't waste you're time with Esmonde, he's another in a long line of hacks in the WNY media. If he stadium isn't on Elmwood so the hipsters can walk and ride their bikes, he'll poo poo the idea.
  12. It is NOW and will ALWAYS be so long as the political and "social" powers that be run that city for their own personal gain and the state continues to use it as leverage for its own gains and as political favors for do-nothings like Milstein. Read some of the political history of NF and you'll quickly realize the reason that place it a dump is because of regressive machine politics and an unwillingness to progress forward and leveraging one of the world's marvels. All one needs to do is look across the river and see what progress looks like and ask "Why can't NF, NY do that?" The reason is not because they don't know what to do or how to do it, given that Ontario has developed the perfect model, it's that they can't do it. They, politicians and their "friends," remain self interested. Remember, this is the same place where a few were convicted of firebombing a housing a few years back over some union squabble. Where you get run out of town under threat of violence if you try to work their without union labor. The problem in WNY is we have a split personality. Half recognize the true dire situation this region presents and the lack of leadership at any level to move us forward (we can only do so much as residents, taxpayers, grassroots orgganizations, block clubs fans, etc within the framework of back governence and bad laws). The other half are perpetual dreamers who think things can be better despite a 40+ year track records of decline and no facts to support change. If you think a convention center is the answer, you haven't read enough about how much of a loser propect those are... over and over and over again they under-deliver in a uber competitive convention market. If you run a major organization or trade group, you're not coming to Buffalo for your annual convention, you're going to Vegas, San Diego, Chicago, NY, Boston, Atlanta, Tampa, etc. Of all the stupid silver bullet projects this region has dreamt up and failed at, convention centers are the worst idea, with casinos a close second and sports stadiums third. So the point is, Milstein isn't investing anything or moving any chess pieces. He continues to sit on his property and actually waiting for the state to invest and give him handouts, not the other way around. He's not interested in spending his money in that city, and who could blame him. So he'll continue to sit on the property, pay the taxes and claim a loss and break even. I would put the waterfront as the because of issues with the other sites: 1. The Falls is out, particularly if it's private funds. No developer/owner is going to get strong armed by labor unions and political cronies. Plus the available sites have major constraints. 2. Bethlehem is out. The environmental conditions are an issue but even more so is transportation access. Read the paper more often. There is a rail line that the county was involved in moving to make access better for one part of the site and its still an issue. You'd basically have only a two or so points of access to that entire site. 3. Downtown... where? There is limited space for a stadium and if they want to maintain tailgating, downtown doesn't work. I can say with 100% certainty that a site was looked at during the lease negotiations east of downtown. The waterfront I think would suck... too windy, too cold, even on semi-decent falls days. I'd hate a dome too. But, there is room, it would be the centerpiece of a destination and could spur other projects and investments and that's how politicians think and with state and local dollars likely, there will be a push for that site... if they stay.
  13. Not too keen on Smith but what do I know. I tend to rely more on what I read than I see. I can see good and bad throws but I think opinions from others on throwing mechnics, footwork, velocity, maturity, intelligence, and leadership matter at the QB position as much as what I can see. So as I read throw the Scouts Inc profiles on ESPN Insider, evey QB has things I like and some I don't like. For Smith, this comment for me against him "Still makes too many questionable reads/decisions." I've said here over and over, gotta have a QB with brains and good decision making because the physical isn't the entire package. I'd bet Losman has similar comments about his decision-making but his physical tools were good. Here's a comment from another QB often discussed here... "Does not appear to be an ideal fit for NFL team in a city with frequent high winds and bad weather." After reading, and watching a bit, the guy I like the best (meaning has the least warts I think) is Tyler Wilson. But it seems the crop is average so we're getting a guy with warts, no question, which sucks.
  14. His argument fails because the the correlation between starts and draft position surely drops off from the first to the seventh round. So it's no that its a sham top to bottom, it's that some underwhelming college players are drafted late and exceed predations and vice versa for hyped players. Frankly the guys a moron and shut up and play football and lay off the PEDs.
  15. Classic example of why turning the draft on and watching it unfold is the best use of your time. Every media outlet has some self-anointed in-house expert with rankings. How much time has this guy spent in a scouting department as a scout, at any level? Lets stop glorifying these mock drafts and rankings. If I worked at WGR and was given that same opportunity to rank players, my opinion would be as invalid as his. Opportunty is Apparently equal to credibility.
  16. Chris Brown stated on the radio yesterday that he spoke with Nix during the season and Nix stated Smith only was told to read half the field and make a decision. Brown intimated basically that Nix may think he's limited mentally because he said the Wonderlic and other team test will impact opinions on QBs like Smith. I've stated it endless times, give me a QB with a Wonderlic above 22. No QB has ever won a Super Bowl with a score less than that (based on scores I have found). In any case, you can win regular season games and even the occassional playoff game but if you think you can win a Super Bowl with one of these low teens athletic freaks, you're wrong. And sure a high scores are no guarantee (see: Fitzpatrick, Ryan) but if you're going to pick a QB to win with and build around, skip the Losmans (11 or so his first time)!!! Just to show you: Flacco - 27 Brady - 33 Rodgers - 35 E Manning - 39 P Manning - 28 Brees - 28 Roethlisberger - 25 I won't waste time collecting the scores of all the first round busts and some decent playoff game winners. But the bottomline appears to be that Super Bowl wins are positively correlated to higher wonderlics. If I were a GM, I wouldn't waste a pick on a guy below about 22.
  17. Link directs to CBS home page. Anyone want to offer up the info, I couldn't find anything on the site.
  18. I love how every no name draft honk seems to parrot every other no name draft honk. The one thing that these guys all say is he's immobile or has limited mobility. Sure, he's not RGIII or Kaepernick but to say he has limited mobility is laughable. What some of his tapes, he rolls of well and can move in the pocket. He's not a running QB but does that make him suck? He's as mobile, and I'd say more, than Brady. Three of the four conference final QBs were traditional pocket passers as are most all Super Bowl winners. I for one have no problem with this style QB and prefer it for longterm careers, Assuming a viable line. I'm decidedly pro-Glennon. I like Wilson and I still think Barkely is a decent QB. No thanks to Smith or Nassib.
  19. Hooters contest winner ranks pretty low on the list of people whose opinion should ever be considered relevant. Her lack emotional intelligence and maturity is pretty obvious. It's America where having no talent whatsoever is enough to be relevant... See Kardashans, Hiltons, any of the train wrecks on at housewives show. Being stupid pays! Being hot and stupid lets you marry a millionaire and gain immediate relevancy if you want it.
  20. First off, like all media, you have to accept the fact that 99% are unqualified to pass judgement on coaching, player evaluation, ownership, finances, etc. their sole qualification is someone gave them a job to have an opiniion,, regardless if that opinion is grounded in reality or personal experience. I don't read these jokers because they add nothing to my fan experience that I can't figure out myself. This is a case in point as the curmudgeon apparently has some issue with the coaches. Shocker. The ironic part is, this guy is on the radio constantly harped for the Bills to take be path less traveled and stop hiring retreats. So they do and be slams it as risky. Sounds right for this walking contradiction. Has there ever been a more I likable writer, ever? When you hear other guys on the radio, you might disagree with them but there's not a single one I can think of where you say his miserable personality and anger taints his work as much as this guy. he's got anger issues and can't have a conversation without resorting to getting angry and resorting to pouting. But it seems that his nasty attitude is rubbing off because now Gleason is becoming a crank.
  21. Possibly greatest fumble scoop ever there by lynch. Or luckiest!!!
  22. I've watched as many highlight reels on YouTube of all these QBs and Glennon was most impressive to me. I know, who am I! But we've all watched tons off football and QBs and all we have are our preferences based an what we've seen in the nfl. Too many QBs get too much credit for playing at powerhouse schools.... Think any USC QB. Many others get too discounted because they were on poor teams with maybe not with mind blowing numbers. Or in lower conferences. Roethlisberger comes to mind... I mean his college team is in UB's conference like Dysert!!!!! Flacco played at Delaware! My point is, it's the skill set moreso than the college or conference. So when you look at Glennon's, it's hard to argue he can't be the top QB from this class.
  23. Guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. I know a couple former Bills season ticket holders who moved to the Clemson region and are now huge Tigers fans and dont want the guy. Think the bottomline with QBs and this board is that all of our differing opinions are based in our own mental constructions of what "makes" an NFL caliber QB and in be last 13 years what doesn't. Some hate inaccuracy because Fitz so thy envision a highly accurate QB. Other hated the statuesque Bledsoe and love the Mobility of RGIII and deem any QB that is not that mobile as a statue. Others like the big arms, again from dealing with Fitz and Capt. Checkdown and don't want someone like Barkley. What I'm saying is, we know squat about how to pick one!
  24. Well, analytics doesn't mean comparing two descriptive statistics and making a leap in faith they indicate, infer, or have any causal relationship to winning. This board isn't the place to attempt to teach analytics, econometrics, or any statistical test. But what I will say is this comparison of punting inside the opponents 40 lacks statistical significance. If you don't know what that mean, you have a lot of catching up to do.
  25. Was Brandon the GM at some point?
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