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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. Put McCoy on the bench, he's hurting them. Throw more.
  2. The best part of all this garbage reporting was the as I said earlier, Josina Anderson is a hack and was wrong. Second to it was all the national outlets who jumped on her report and trusted it over JWs, including Rotoworld. Good on JW.
  3. Saw Anderson's piece and then JW's. I am not media nor JW friendly, hence the warning, but when it comes down to trusting someone here, I laughed at her report because JW usually never goes out on a limb for the sake of a potentially incorrect scoop. She's a national honk who with very limited journalisitic credibility. Hell she doesn't even have a journalism degree. My guess is that it's not the Bills pushing McCoy, it's McCoy's desire to play and pushing them. Seems like the state of the national media is to over-sensationalize and over-state problems, hiding behind chicken-bleep anonymous sources, and then when it turns out to be wrong, run misdirection by blaming someone or something else.
  4. There you go. Said it at the end of the first half thread... Expect more TE
  5. Expect quality adjustments by the Pats so let's hope the Bills are ready. I'd expect more use of the TEs by them,
  6. Not watching! Time to cut the cord. Is wasting 3.5 hours on an outcome you know before kickoff good for your sanity? Nope. After dedicating way to many Sundays to this team, it's time to do what Bill Burr did with religion... Just let it go!!!
  7. Arizona -4 is the lock of the week, call it in!
  8. Your "proprietary analysis" is not a measure of the credibility of your assessment. I can develop a multivariate regression model to support my arguments too, that's no measure of the validity of such an argument. If you think this roster is ruined, just say so because your self aggrandizing implication of statistical prowess absent published results is amateur.
  9. It's not Rex's fault these players are stupid. No fin situational awariness from Shadys stupid in bounds move in the first half to no hustle to beat the 2 minute warning. Rex sucks clearly, but what we have here is the confluence is sheer stupidity between the lines and on the sidelines. I'd love to see the Pats draft philosophy, I am convinced they hold brains very highly in their evaluation.
  10. Where is the first win?
  11. What sucks is this is a total blow up, rebuild. Coach will be fired. GM probably too. And hopefully Tyrod is relieved from his contract by new regime. So fifth verse same as the prior four. Wash rinse repeat.
  12. Also note that our former QB has time but when he doesn't he knows where he's going with it. Tyrod is slooooow reading the field, key sign of failure.
  13. Jets should not run the ball anymore.
  14. Thought maybe, just maybe, Tyrod was the guy. Now certain he is not. Cardale? Draft?
  15. Holy hell Jackie Walker looks like a plastic surgery disaster. That's all I got. Oh yeah, I heard the probability of making the playoffs after being 0-2 is 10%. With Arizona and New England next, you're insane if you think this team has any shot making the playoffs.
  16. Night night. They lose 41-13.
  17. More stupid just to prove my point.... Get the f%#* out of bounds
  18. Same old story I've been saying for years... Draft stupid, get stupid.
  19. This is the end, my friends, the end.
  20. 17-9 Jets. This OL will not hold up against the Jets front, which is light years better than a good Ravens front. Tyrod was brutal even when he had time. Despite an improved Bills' D, the offense is going to be the season killer. None of it bodes well.
  21. Ahhh the great American Blame Game. I'll play, a la Family Feud.... Top answers are the failure of every GM to find/draft a QB, Bill Belichek, Tom Brady. No QB, no winning. They didn't have a shot at a lot of guys who are/were/expected to be elite like Manning(s); Newton; Luck; Rivers; etc. Others they graded out other players higher and passed on options, like taking Aaron Williams a spot before Andy Dalton. Or McKelvin 7 spots before Flacco. Or TJ Grahan in the 3rd a number of spots before Russell Wilson. Other times they fell into the "We need and must draft a QB" and took one high and they failed miserably. Manuel, Losman, and Edwards. I think deep down though, if we must assess blame, a slippery slope to be sure, Tom Donahoe set this team back in the early 2000s, culminating in the clusterf&*$ that was the 2004 draft where they moved back into the 1st for Losman after either not trying or failing (not sure which and failing means you didn't try hard enough) to move up from 13 for Rivers, Manning, Roethlisberger. That is a crucial moment in the team's history. Instead of selling the farm to get up, they draft Lee Evans and arrogantly double down and trade back into the first for Losman. It costs them their first in 2005 and in that draft the pick Dallas got was before Green Bay drafted Aaron Rodgers. Nothing hurt this team more than Donahoe. You need to go a long way down the list to get to Brandon. This guy has kept this team afloat from a business perspective and probably helped save it in Bflo.
  22. So you want the red flag out in 10 seconds, regardless of seeing a replay? Just throw it out there? Do you have any concept of time and what 25 seconds it? From the time the whistle blows to the time the replay gets to team officials (whoever is reviewing and making the call), to the time to review it, to the time to radio down to the sidelines to throw the flag is a miracle if it happens in 25 seconds. And on the road, without the home scoreboard replaying it in super slow-mo 10 times, it's shocking they even can do it. Seriously, the continually grinding of the anti-Rex axe is nauseating because it's basically the goal to take every single thing and blame the coach. It's a system. Systems never, ever function perfectly when humans are part of the process. If you hate Rex, which lots do here, let's start an "If you Hate Rex, Post if Officially here" thread and stop with the new threads always trying to blame him for every single issue. Yes he's at fault for a lot, but cheese and rice, give me an effin' break on this.
  23. Believe by last measure it was the 6th most segregated, measuring black-white segregation among large cities. It hasn't changed, which I guess you conflate with the "resurgence" myth of a new Buffalo. Why, you don't like the truth, the tough topics, reality? Yes we do. The reason for a conflation between poverty and race is because minorities are disproportionately poor in America, with the black population being the most impacted. If you think racism and discrimination is gone in this country, you must have your head in the sand. I am not saying or believe that on the individual level that people can't overcome it, but am saying on the macro level that systematic racism and discrimination are alive and well. The only difference between the 50s and today is that in the 50s, it was acceptable to be overtly racist and discriminatory. Today it's not acceptable nor legal so it's more hidden, which means many assume it's gone, making for the convenient argument that its been eradicated. Worse off, the ones saying it is gone are whites, those who have no experience with it, thereby giving them no credibility to suggest otherwise. Can't think of a black celebrity or athlete who has publicly suggested racism has been eradicated. This isn't the place to even have this conversation obviously. It ruins my distraction from work and reality. But when people question the validity of empirical evidence, it's something that needs to be responded to.
  24. Good for him! Singing a national anthem before a sporting event is a joke. Never have sung it, never will. That's my right, provided me by the founding fathers. It's not that I don't appreciate them, nor both my family members who fought in WWII. I'm just not a flag waving, blind patriot who is willing to ignore the problems in this country for a few minutes before a game. If you want to, great. That's your right. If not, great, that's your right. The problem is, we're never allowed to criticize the country, the founding fathers (slave owners and oppressors), or law enforcement. They're untouchable in the minds of many and those who challenge these concepts are marginalized by those without the guts to Have an honest conversation. Not all cops are heroes, America as an ideal is not ideal, and the founding fathers were not altruistic free-thinkers, they were wealthy opportunists.
  25. Why should the 3rd pick accept a deal that no other players selected before him or for who knows how many picks after was forced to accept, which is the offset language. I'm glad he's holding out and the Chargers can waste their third overall pick and get nothing for it. That's why they are perennial losers. If he was good enough to draft third, you should have zero worries about having to pay the offset. If you are that concerned about offset language, above fielding the best team, then trade down as far as you can to a pick where you won't have to provide it. See how that works out competitively. If he can sit out and re-enter, let him. I am sure the NFLPA will support him and it would be awesome to see the Chargers lose the player altogether over a few millions dollars in offset language. Morons, complete and total morons. The next CBA is going to be an absolute war and I hope the players take the teams and league to the bank. They risk everything, owners risk zero because they get handouts and subsidies left and right from a system and machine that prints its own money.
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