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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. Pegulas will do whatever makes them the most money. So roll over to 2021, let our money sit in a nice interest-bearing account. I'll be demanding a refund and will pay for 2021 on the normal schedule. If that's an issue, I'll gladly give them up... was real close this year anyway. Stadium experience is worse every year.
  2. I rarely take time to read any article online, I get what I can from the radio in spurts and here, of course. But this article's first sentence exemplifies how little skill it takes these days to have a bad opinion, soaked in hyperbole of course. Instead of letting data and facts guide analysis, which should be the course taken, this guy's first sentence can only spell a piece of garbage article. So here is it: Of all the quarterbacks who have come out of the NFL Draft over the last few years, none had more work to do than Josh Allen. So this guy wants me, and others I assume, to read an article about Allen with a first sentence that employs hyperbole and overstated to drum up interest. So of ALL the quarterbacks, he needs the most work? Making this idiotic statement a first year journalism student would get slayed for even worse, he makes this bold (and incorrect) statement with a temporally vague argument. "...the last few years"? Way to nail it down. So no I didn't read it because I can't lend any credence to this kind of sloppy, sophomoric, lazy, writing. This is the era we are in... overstatement and sensationalize. But all that does is undercut your credibility and show your lack of skill. The sentence would be better as follows; Of all the QBs to come out of the NFL Draft since Josh Allen's draft year, he was undoubtedly one of the QBs with the most work to do, especially given his high draft position. Here's a sampling of scrubs taken just in Allen's draft year:.... tell me "none [of them] had more work to do than Allen" Luke Falk (out of league) Tanner Lee (out of the league) Daniel Etling Alex McGough Logan Woodside Good lord reporting and journalism is lost, destroyed by the "I am right if I yell louder than you" or have a hotter take than you.
  3. One quarter of the teams in the league are located in 5 states that are among 10 that are seeing their highest average 7-day counts of new cases...Arizona, Texas, Florida, Nevada, North Carolina. 8 of 10 states are southern red states. So just make sure blame is properly leveled on the states that didn't want to listen because, you know, don't tread on me and all.
  4. zero debt and being asset owners (in oil/gas) means they are on sound financial ground all around. Let's be honest, the Bills make money. And they paid cash for them and have zero stadium debt (why I have long stated and will continue to state that they are not in favor of a new stadium carrying that debt... imagine no fans this year and what that would mean if they were carrying $500M in stadium debt). Bills are fine and will always be fine in this market, it's just that the greedy owners like Jones and Kraft aren't fine with it, they want more profit. But they are profitable. I think they made a major mistake trying to get into other areas of sports with PS&E. They feel like deep pockets make them capable of anything but as I have also stated, this is a guy who is a geologist/rock jockey who was smart and made billions. She's a Houghton College grad who was waiting table in Olean and about to leave to be a fisherwoman in Alaska before the golden goose came along. She worked in oil and gas and she's in over head in sports and entertainment. PS&E was a loser and they apparently lost big, but again, just because you have billions doesn't guarantee success in other business ventures outside the one you made your millions. And by many accounts, she's not a leader or visionary, just a rich entitled micromanager. The Sabres are a problem, and although clearly a standalone LLC, they must be looking at the Bills as a way to keep the Sabres afloat and hopefully still profit. I wouldn't be the least bit shocked to find out that they're interest in the Bills was as a way to offset losses with the Sabres, who every single owner has claimed is a loser. Smart move for the same reasons as above... they have zero debt on either team or facility, which minimizes any losses. In the end, they are sitting on a football team that has appreciated in value significantly since they bought it, far more than oil and gas has. And when oil and gas inevitably increases in price due to global conflict and geopolitics or pure supply and demand, the Pegulas will drill baby drill and make their billions. In the end, all is well for them and always will be.
  5. Murphy turned into a miserable old crank and laughably biased and ignorant homer. It was unlistenable and won't get better with Glab, I literally caught less than 2 minutes of her on my way home from work, when we used to go to the office (!), and she's horrible too. So they took off one turd and replaced it with another. No thanks.
  6. First, Buffalo isn't getting a new stadium with any govt funding anytime soon, if at all. Second, Pegula's over-extended and his productions for wells far exceeds the market prices, they're losers right now. So he's not in any position to pay for one. The current lease will get extended by a minimum of 5 years, likely with "stay afloat" maintenance. The point above about costly overruns in Bflo is off base (implying surely about union costs by the tone). Unlike LA, where construction is a 24/7/365 industry with tight labor supply, driving up costs, Buffalo's market doesn't have the same level of competition for labor on large jobs taking place everywhere. Local contractors have to be competitive. In LA, contractors are driving up prices due to high demand. Only major challenge will be that the large structural component (think tower cranes) will be from outside. Many local/regional firms can do work once the shell is up and they'll be competitive the work.Also in LA, when you're project literally takes years, you are at the mercy of changes in material costs, labor costs, lead times, etc. It's what happens when you try to make a statement with a major project, the overruns are orders of magnitude higher. And both of those teams better be good, or that place will be empty. It's moot anyway. New stadium isn't happening.
  7. Yeah, I'm buying tickets...Waitress Kim and Awe Shucks Terry keep taking my monthly ST payment like we're going to have people in stadiums in September. Just waiting for them to ask me how I want my money back... put into 2021 tickets or credited back. I'll take my money back, thanks. This league is tone deaf, rich aholes sequestered on their yachts hoping to put lives in danger so they can safely profit. So hoping that the two LA teams eat a giant bag of losses with their stupid new stadium sitting fallow for 2021. So hoping the same for the city-jumping Davis nightmare in Vegas. Would love to see the unquestioned forthcoming spike in cases eat into the profits of every single owner in this league. Fingers crossed.
  8. Then capitalists aren't the ones you want here. Ration for them is "reopen everything as quickly as possible because we have safe harbor in our yacht and we'll gladly accept the death of our workers for our own profit." The people that think she or Terrance give two flying fadoodles about you, your city, One Buffalo, or anything other than their profit and lifestyle are living in bizarro world.
  9. More proof that money buys you access to power and policy, even absent any actual qualifications. From Olean waitress who intended to move to Alaska to join the fishing industry to unqualified president of two sports franchises (one she's running into the ground) to a role, which is thankfully largely symbolic, in addressing critical issues arising from a global health crisis. Total. Joke. I had a friend so disgusted with the Pegulas and esp her, he gave up his Bills seasons. Said he can't support these greedy, phony, leeches. Good for him.
  10. Just came here to say "who cares?" Country is in a pandemic, people are dying, and this tool acts like some dumb news about a sport is vital. Guy and his ilk, the ones demanding attention, building suspense, and acting coy just to drive up ratings are invariably hucksters, snake oil salesman, and rubes. If it were real news, it would have been reported by now. By someone more reputable. It hasn't been so it won't be. It'll be something inconsequential, like the opening Sunday night matchup. No fans this season, book it. And the fracking Bills just heisted my account today knowing they're not going to have fans. Meanwhile, PSE and that underskilled tyrant gold-digger are laying people off to hoard their money. Bet I can't "suspend" my payments right now, right?
  11. I won't attend a game without a vaccine or without the cases being down to zero. Risk health and life for sports, give me a break. To watch a bunch of millionaires make money but extracting it from our pockets and with our health on the line. No F. IN. WAY. I'll demand a refund from the Bills for my STs. Also, anyone here saying "we know nothing" and can't predict anything is a moron and I'm sure I know where you get your news from and who you'll vote for in November. We can predict, with certainty, what this looks like moving ahead based on certain measures, like social distancing. And I was told yesterday from some well placed people that non-essential people would go back to work in 2 waves. First on July 1, second by mid-August. And even in that case, a fall re-emergence of the disease absent a vaccine or complete eradication would be likely and a shelter in place order would keep every locked up for the holidays. I'd put my money on it's more likely we're still dealing with this well into the fall than Josh Allen exceeding a 62% completion rate and 30 TDs in any season.
  12. My money's on Belichek/Pats with at least 10 wins and Stidham being good. This is a good read, especially about him being in the wrong system at Auburn. He's basically what you expect (and I love) from a Belichek drafted player.... hard worker, real smart, team first... qualitative strengths first. How many first rounder QBs hit the quantitative stuff and everyoen falls in love with the TDs, running yards, height, hand width, college wins, etc. And how many of them, we come to find out, were lazy, rather dumb, and selfish and the physical tools and numbers couldn't help them? Cry in your beer, I don't think this team falls of the face of the AFC East with BB and McDaniels. BB is a warlock and I'd be stunned if they didn't win the division. https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2885053-replacing-tom-brady
  13. But what did Max say because that jock sniffer can't make it through a single appearance without gabbing on about his kid, who no one cares about. Yes, I think Sal is the worst of the worst in this town, gym class hero turned high school sports coach and teacher to somehow on the radio. Guy's terrible.
  14. If I want a fact-free breakdown of anything, I'd watch Fox News and drumpf's daily lie conference. This is going well into the summer, easy. We've taken few of the precautions other country's have. Wuhan is reopening April 8. It was in total lock down for 11 weeks. No state or city has taken that drastic step. So we'll see a peak long after the initial cases. We'll see a slow decline in cases and we'll see major lags in cases as it makes it's way around the country from big cities to small and rural areas. So I'd bet no OTAs, no minicamps, and best cases a delayed training camp and season start.
  15. Sure there is, you just have to a) believe in science and b) agree to aggressive measures to make a valid prediction. We have leadership that refuses both. Wuhan locked the city right down on January 23-ish and just announced yesterday that the lockdown will end April 8. They quickly built hospitals, set up food delivery, and were successful. We've done none of that. So let's call March 13 the beginning of the measures taken here, which are not the same measures in Wuhan. If we had adopted such measures, that would mean about a June 1 re-opening of life in some fashion. Instead, were seeing an infection increase rates worse than China, a president now looking to roll back measures on Monday as he puts the economy and the profit of himself and his donors over our family and friends lives, and a certain continuing of the problem, not a reduction. Bet you any money the number of Erie County cases at the end of today is about 150 or more, up from 96 yesterday.
  16. No, Kim's got it under control. I mean, she graduated from Houghton, was torn between waiting tables in Olean or fishing in Alaska, so she started dating a millionaire in his 40s while in her early 20s and married him at 24. So clearly the quals for mgmt are low enough for Beane to have a shot.
  17. I've been saying culture matters forever and was happy with the early things I heard from McD and Beane. Unfortunately, we have two types of non-believers on this. First are the dorks on the radio and others who use descriptive statistics and treat every player as a monolithic robot, absent any human psychology or emotion. These folks, who spew descriptive statistics (not inferential, which means they predict something) believe they are measuring a machine. Simply put, find the 11 individual machines with the best descriptive statistics and make them into a new machine with a new operator (coach). Nothing about the individual parts (the description) tell us anything about how they all will function when acting as one and being coached. It's laughable how much a bunch of journalism graduates have falsely fallen in love with and overstate the importance of analytics, which they are both under-skilled in and misrepresent what it is constantly. The reality it, only measuring quantifiable measures and ignoring completely qualitative measures leads to false findings, outcomes, and results. Again, it goes back to a key assumption in this thinking, which is that all players perform equally under given circumstances. That they are unaffected by poor leadership (disengaged, unmotivated) or impacted by positive leadership and coaching (engaged, motivated, feel valuable). And then there is the other kind, the neanderthal. These are the guys out there who act like toughness is what a football player must be and anyone who can't take being yelled at is a wuss. These are the guys who probably got emotionally and/or physically abused by a father or father figure and because they endured it, so should anyone else. These people are a lost cause, whereas the empirical and quantitative folks are misguided and lack the understanding of what's being measured and how it contributes. And I'll leave it with an example. I know someone who worked hard for years at a company. One where the CEO was more concerned about the stock price than the workers. And those are not mutually exclusive, you can care as passionately about both, and should since the workers create the stock's value. He worked in this office, corporate headquarters for a national firm. CEO never walked around and said hello to anyway. Anyway, my friend made a significant promotion after a number of years and was invited to lunch with some others who were promoted...with the CEO. The CEO introduced himself at the table, as if no one knew who he was. This is a class power move, let everyone at the table feel small but also grateful to be in his presence. He then says "Please tell me who you are and what you do for me." Not for "us" but "for me. Lots of crushed souls at that table and lots who left as soon as they could. Working your ass off only to be dismissed, minimized, and anonymized by leadership is deflating for some, I'd say for most. But here's the main reason it matters. People don't have to accept bad leadership and bad culture. Those who prefer it and thrive on it, will leave. And you want them in your organization. You can work you ass off for anyone, but why do it for someone who treats you like garbage? So culture matters, just because it can't be measured doesn't mean it doesn't matter.
  18. People watch the combine? Holy hell.
  19. The is one of a millions reasons why everything outside the white lines, and a lot of it inside, makes this league less and less likable everyday. The fact the league tweeted out and called it "legendary" is the underlying problem and endorsement of garbage behavior. This league has zero class, it's run by greedy owners who will go along with anything so longs as it makes them a buck. If I want trash, I'll watch E!, it sucks the NFL celebrates the worst of humans. I'll never respect Ray Lewis' opinion. I'll never respect Michael Irvin's opinion. Or any of the cavalcade of losers that we're supposed to respect because they can tackle or catch a football.
  20. Leodis McKelvin. No contest. I can't stand stupid and error-prone players he epitomizes the dumb but physically talented player that for years during the drought this team loved. Beane and McD are, thankfully, taking the smart, mature, emotionally intelligent, hard working player approach. Won't always be perfect but this league is littered with overdrafted physical freaks who could dominate in high school and college but lacked the smarts and work ethic to do it in the pros.
  21. He's my classic case of not drafting dumb and emotionally immature players, regardless of the talent, which in his case evaporated after college. He's averaging 3.3 catches for 46 yards per game since he's been traded. He simply lacks the two things everyone is celebrating about Kobe Bryant: a desire to be great and a work ethic to match. So it's on the Bills for drafting this clown and on him for not rising to be what the physical gifts he was given suggested he could be.
  22. This argument is so off base it's hard to even convince someone who makes it how laughable it is. Mainly because it offers zero data or evidence to support indefensible arguments like "it really is time" and "it needs too." The counter argument, which is why I suspect a renovation is as far as Pegula will go, is that a new stadium means the Pegulas have to incur stadium debt or spend some of their cash when they are currently spending little annually on stadium costs. So their annual expenditures go up. So a new stadium has to return more in annual profit than the prior stadium did. It can't be they make hypothetically $50M now and make the same with a new stadium while carrying debt or spending cash. Why would anyone spend hundreds of millions to make marginally more profit? What we're talking about here is opportunity costs. Are the Pegulas going to make more money spending $500M on a new stadium or investing it somewhere else... fracking, real estate, stock market. And the response from the "they need to do it" proponents is higher ticket sales and more suites will cover the costs and increase profits. OK, this is a team that doesn't sell out now. This is a team in region with stagnant population change since 1970. This is a region without a single fortune 500 company and by the way, the two richest families won't be buying suites or tickets because they are the Pegulas and the Jacobs, who is a sports concessionaire, he's profits from the Bills and Sabres. A large portion of our relatively weak job growth is in low wage jobs. There aren't companies and wealth here banging the door down for better suites and ore expensive seats. I'm a STH and every year it's harder and harder to buy them again and drag myself to the stadium for games when the 70 HDTV, comfy couch and $10 craft SIX PACKS beat the $14 beers, loud obnoxious sound system. and overall stadium experience. This is a league where attendance has declined the last 4 years, down 1.1M people. So yeah, let's use taxpayer money to build a stadium when attendance is declining in a region with lagging economic growth, stagnant population growth, and limited high wealth companies so Jerry Jones can make more money from our investment in a new stadium. Bills are a bottom market team. The league's power owners (greedy) are in large cities, wealthy cities and basically feel like revenue sharing is welfare. So they don't care if Pegula makes less annually because he's incurred debt or spent cash if they're making a few bucks more on our gate. And that's all it comes down to. When that idiot Goodell says the Bills need to be competitive, what does he mean? They are owned by a very wealthy family with zero team or stadium debt. The league has a salary cap. They spend on facilities. So how does a new stadium make them more competitive? It doesn't, it makes the other owners, greedy capitalists hellbent on more and more profit, a few more bucks a year by extracting money from the stadium. Period. I hope they come up with a reno for the stadium, maybe blow out the upper concourses by creating indoor atriums like Green Bay and keep it right there. That's the most cost effective solution and most appropriate for this region and the taxpayers who will be bent over the barrel because Jerry Jones wants more money.
  23. Due? 15 teams have played in London once, the Bill's aren't "due." The only team due I think is Green Bay, which I think is the only team to not have plated an international game. And best city on the planet? Come on now. I love London but that's subjective. Been to major global cities on 4 continents, they're all awesome in their own way. I'll support the NFL in London never. Would love to see how Arsenal or Spurs fans would lose their minds if one of their games was sent to NYC to be played on a substandard pitch at MetLife.
  24. Amazing family? Dude, she's the spoiled child of a billionaire who has never, for one second in her life, know what a real day's work is like. Her parents bankrolled endless private tennis lessons and she never had any pressure to have to give up and get a job. Give everyone that opportunity and lots of kids would turn out to be anonymous pros hanging on for a paycheck that dwarfs what's in your trust fund. She has a lifetime losing record in tournaments, she's ranked 82nd in the world and is 25, well past most players peak years. She just lost to a 38-year-old mother who hasn't won a title in 3 hears. She's basically playing tennis as a hobby because she can, that's not "amazing" it called privilege. The privilege is amazing.... if you were lucky enough to be born into this family. Kim's adoption story is amazing, but she was a nobody until, wow, she met and married Terry. And everything she does isn't amazing. Everyone overstates what they've done but if anyone on this board had the money she did, you could do all the same stuff. Stop glorifying these people as other worldy. They're good people, clearly. But amazing? And the glorification extends right to board admin, who aggressively babysit this board for any topic that it's the Bills/football and toss it. But I guess this is One Tennis Drive too so long as it's about your savior Terry and his "amazing family." And no, I don't resent the family one iota for being filthy rich. Good for them. Terry earned it, he rolled the dice, took chances, and it worked. He understood the rules of the game and dominated it. But let's be honest here.... HE, TERRANCE M. PEGULA earned that money and any accolades for what his wife and kids do or have because of the opportunity his money affords them is blind idolatry. Cognitive dissonance is a hell of an affliction.
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