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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. So you've never taken any of his work seriously yet read it all? Gotcha. I never take doctor's seriously but I go all the time and take prescriptions. Aholes like Jones are most disgusting. That and over-saturation with games 3 days a week and the inability to explain a catch turn me and many others off. Greed killing the golden goose.
  2. New Orleans the best by far. Great fans, great people, great party. Never had a bad time really on 6 road trips. But I don't wear Bills gear (home or away) and don't look to get in people's faces.
  3. So by my math, one inning took an hour. So it should be over by what, 5 am EST? Good take.
  4. That NFL MVP and QB who took them to the Super Bowl? The All Pro and Pro Bowl QB? The Rookie of the Year QB? Yep, he's the problem, except, you know, he's playing on a bum throwing shoulder right now after off season surgery, but I see your point, he's being a narcissist by refusing to throw left handed. What a selfish jerk.
  5. Maybe but a complete elimination of DirectTV and cable is unlikely. First, as I mentioned above, there's not enough coverage and likely bandwidth in many places. High speed exists in huge markets, but in smaller markets not s much. About 20% of the population is rural, many with freakin dial up internet or limited access. Those people use DirectTV and Dish to a very high degree. The point is, it's not a black and white, either or but rather a complete coverage approach. I would expect the NFL to try and divvy up its coverage across multiple platforms. Unlimited data plans for cell service with better networks might be the real game changer, especially as a way to connect the rural communities where laying physical infrastructure is extremely costly on a per customer basis.
  6. First off, no broken heart if ESPN no longer carries football, much less exist. I don't need every sport turned into hip hop culture and screaming hot takes. When I get stuck watching it in an office waiting room, I'm subjected to this garbage: an assist in hockey being called a dime (stupid) and a wrist shot called by a female broadcaster a one-timer. Put woman on because their attractive and dress them scantily, this is what you get... turned off viewers. Second, the NFL would be insane to go to all streaming service. First, service isn't great in a lot of places, even in cities and suburbs and even worse of non-existent in many rural communities. If the object is to get more viewers, this is the wrong way to do it. The NFL has bigger problems than a TV contract.
  7. After how many playoff-less seasons did you 'predict' a winning records? I have friends who every single year say 10-6 or better. It's what rose colored glasses homers do. Nothing wrong with optimism. Did the realists come in here every single season for the last 17 and rub their right predictions in the board's face? We're all happy they're winning but to act like you're somehow a genius because they're 5-2 is a little self-righteous and dangerous... come back and post when they're actually finish with a winning record, are in the playoffs, and the drought is over. Glouting after 7 games is sophomoric. Can we expect a So, 5-11 predictors...how's that working out? if they win Thursday? So looking forward to it.
  8. Exactly this.
  9. Second this. Got away with monster days from Ryan and Winston, can't always win when a team beats you badly in the air.
  10. Damn. You can't and won't ever win with selfish, stupid, and lazy players. Pure raw talent is useless without drive, passion motivation, intelligence, and commitment to teamwork. Dareus is a child. And he's has not dominated as he should given his talent so you can't overlook transgressions when they're no dominate. LT was a drunk and coke head but he dominated so the Giants looked the other way and paid him. I't not advocating that, but saying that it's easier to look the other way when a guy with god given talent dominates. Dareus just isn't worth it. Watkins was outshined by Woods here and is again in LA. Ragland and Darby were scheme none-fits and Cardale was a project. This is the Patriots methods, which I have watched and appreciated for years. Create a culture of accountability, responsibility and professionalism. Treat players like adults and draft smart, committed, intelligent players who hate to lose and are willing to put in the time and effort to earn their paychecks. Pure athletic talent absent brains is useless. More Tre Whites, less Marcel Dareus'. How many first round athletic freaks do you need to see flame our here before you realize that it's more than a 40 time? Mike Williams, Leodis McKelvin, Erik Flowers, JP Losman, CJ Spiller, Aaron Maybin, Willis McGahee, Marshawn Lynch... all since 2000. All physically gifted, all sucked. Too large of contingent of football fans are brawn over brains, emotion over ration. Finally we have a GM and coach on the same page with a clear plan to build a winner. Let it play out. If we get a QB, this model works.
  11. This is why they would have taken a bag of used kicking balls. Anyone who wants this guy at that salary is insane! See ya big lazy puff.
  12. Won't be missed. The yelling and screaming hip hop lingo during replays is stupid and childish. But ESPN banked on two things: that men want scantily glad young women to deliver their sports regardless of their skills and that their target audience is always men 18-24 what want cool lingo and yelling and screaming. Neither are true. Just turned it on to see if I could get annoyed. Yep. Calling a hockey assist a dime is exactly what I mean. Why I don't watch. Just stupid. Hope they disappear and my cable price goes down.
  13. Really? Just wow. Guy wants to play, picks a team out of maybe a small handful, signs an exclusive rights contract and then retires and the other party should just allow that? I'm a moderate but that's some bleeding heart liberal shite right there. If he didn't want to play here, shouldn't have signed. And because he did and then quit, that's on him too. Could have asked for a trade rather than walking out. Could have played and then asked for a trade. There's also a precedent here. No other owner would want to the Bills to grant a player an outright release after they "retired," it would open up opportunities for other players to pay that card.
  14. If they act like adults, the first question from the NFL is, "What can we do, together and collectively and appropriately, do to support the cause of civil rights, social equity, and social equality that does not include kneeling during the anthem." And Kaep should say "Open you wallets, start investing more in the cities you extract profit from. When you've taken billions in direct tax dollars to build stadiums and then used those stadiums to further extract profit from the region, you should think about using a small amount of that to support the people who root for us and support this league." Sensible people from this starting point can work toward a mutually agreeable solution that a) avoids turning what is not an "anthem protest" (no one is protesting the anthem, stop it) into a continual hot button issue that sadly continually included the doophus at 1200 Pennsylvania Ave and b) gets the NFL and its players a place and platform to actually develop programs and contribute, and c) gets Kaep a place to air his point, make amends with the league, and get a job back.
  15. Print media is dying, it's well established. The problem with the industry is that it's locked into it's embedded mentality and I suggest self-importance. It used to be, you went to school for a journalism degree, worked your way up from the local rag to the bigger papers. The entire process was about validating the journalist through the system of credibility that newspapers had. A journalist at a large newspaper had immediate credibility. They, in theory, earned it through education and the system. No one challenged this to any degree so long as the newspaper industry was buying ink by the barrel. Small townie papers and neighborhood papers used the same approach, although with less skilled reporters at smaller circulating rags. This worked great until the internet. Internet did a few things, some slowly, some immediately. One, it hit back at the idea that only college educated white guys could be reporters. A blog and some good takes got people noticed. Two, it gave the newspapers, once a dominant local monopoly, a challenge from anywhere. This actually started with the USA Today, mainly, but the internet took it to new heights. The cost of entry used to be a massive investment in presses, distribution, staff, materials, etc. The price was slashed and people got in, it turns out in droves. And the 24 hour news cycle has been a massive challenge. It used to be 'news' was released in the morning, making us line up for the paper. Now it's released in seconds, usually by someone outlet not the local paper. The newspaper business' response has largely been to keep being a print newspaper. Keep printing the paper, keep with the same ideas and beliefs and approaches. There is so much emotion and so little ration in the newspaper business. And for our local rag, it's moved away from talent in the newsroom (I don't read the sports, I read local news if I read it) and dumbed down the coverage. Now they have more photo galleries than news stories. We have no investigative journalism coming from that rag, it comes in better form and fashion from the Investigative Post and The Public. Instead of delivering better news, they're intent on delivering better visuals. And that is not what a newspaper is for. I get my national news from national news outlets. I get my Bills news on the way to work on the radio, haven't read more than maybe 3 Bills articles in TBN in the last year. I read TBN occasionally for local news. I'll never pay for sports news, ever. I'd pay for Investigative Post (I've donated) for local before paying a nickel to TBN. They're like cable, buying a lot of junk I don't want.
  16. I swear K Williams burned a timeout late in the game deep in their own end when Dareus wasn't sure where he needed to be on a 3rd and 10. Then Dareus jumped off on the next play, making it 3rd and 5. They should eat what they need to eat and move on. Guy doesn't show up enough and clearly doesn't act like a professional athlete.
  17. Who cares. Seriously. Self immolation is one's choice.
  18. Take Winston 100 times out of 100 over TT.
  19. Only read the excerpt but it seems like a fundamentally flawed analysis like some many in football are today because no one seems to understand causality, only descriptive stats. Does he offer how many penalties caused big runs? If it's merely saying that they can add in the yards from plays were penalties negated the play, then it's useless. If a hold resulted in a longer run, then only the yards up to the hold should be included. The idea is good, though, the execution is bad! I scream at stupid penalties more than I cheer for good plays because they drive me crazy.
  20. Trade him. Get rid of players who are constantly injured and players who aren't committed. Can't win with the injured and the check cashers. Watch the Sabres. O'Reilly is useless, Okposo is useless. Moulson is useless. Can't win with 'em.
  21. Jeremy "Confirmation Bias" White would argue this is meaningless because PFF, in his mind, sucks.
  22. The question is, was she the best reporter for the job or the best "candidate" for a highly visible position. The media is an institution that takes its image seriously, like lots of institutions that are highly visible. And the move now among public image concerned companies is to attempt to align the demographics of their companies with their market. So I am going to say she was the best candidate, meaning had the combination of requisite writing and interviewing skills and is a minority female. I am not saying she sucks but slay away. But how many reporters that young make the Washington Post? I work for the type of institution that makes these types of hires, one that works hard and explicitly to achieve a workforce that demographically mirrors its market. I have been in meetings where this question has been asked "Does anyone know a minority candidate?" I know a woman who was hired by a major politician who told her, which an advanced degree, "I need a hispanic female in my office." Not "I need these skills and you posses them." If the Washington Post was hiring a reporter, I find it very hard to believe in the universe of reporters it could have reached out to (she didn't apply, the called her, bet my life on it), she was the best reporter available. But she likely was the one that best fit for demographic criteria editors sought. Don't be annoyed with me for saying how the world works, be annoyed at the rules of the game.
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