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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. Four of best things that have happened recently. First, I stopped reading any Buffalo News opinion pieces. Then the Snooze went to a paywall and so even if I felt like I was tempted, I refused because I was limited to only a few free articles a week. Then the Snooze asked to pay extra for reading these idiots, taking away any temptation. Last, the news won't even let you view their website if you use AdBlocker. So the news is dead to me now and it feels so great!
  2. But what was his Max update today? Tool.
  3. No he's reporting Max Capaccio's day. Worst reporter in WNY.
  4. Low Rider, that's a killer tune. The kindergarten country is losing it.
  5. Allen. I've railed against brawn over brains forever with QBs. This is the quintessential example. Highly doubtful his flaws, not just accuracy but reading the field (decision-making, which is rarely fixed), are too many to fix. Last of the top 5 QBs I'd want.
  6. This is the problem with today's big data mentality and the thought that we can predict anything with a simple model. Having taken my share of stats courses and someone who believes heavily (and relies on) in quantitative methods, I never look at the method and stats (or as dweebs like Jeremy White refer to them, to try to make themselves appear smart...analytics). It's simple for me.... the massive amounts of measures of individuals do nothing to predict team wins. And when guys like try to do something, get garbage results, and then keep publishing them, it's tie to ignore. I assume since he said he's trying to find a "correlation" that he's using a multiple regression model. The reason he has no significant results, and never will, is he's using college data that does not take into account the critical other variables that will determine the QB's success... coaching, quality of players around him, system, intelligence, hardwork, etc.... many qualitative points he's not measuring, and dweebs like Schopp poo poo, especially anything related to human and sports psychology (like momentum isn't a thing.. it is even if they haven't figured out how to measure it). So it's bunk, never read it again!
  7. 7/9 missed the last two, damn.
  8. Give me this kid all day long. If he fails, he fails working hard and smart, not lazy (read today Vick never studied his playbook).
  9. Hardly shocking that in a league full of antiquated "thinkers" and jockstraps that teams would be threatened by a guy with intelligence and an opinion. I'd take Rosen all day. Embrace his intelligence and inquisitive nature, not criticize it.
  10. Yes. And this year in the wet dream symbol of NFL greed and hype.... a massive taxpayer supported stadium. Gross.
  11. Awesome, four games at home between Thanksgiving and New Years. Think NFL trying to send the Bills a hint about a new dome stadium?
  12. And surely with it you'll have to cough up ALL your personal data, information, and location in the user license. More ways technology is being used to make things "better" but really is being used to make companies money harvesting and selling your personal information. I guess if you're the two guys next to me in my section, in their late 60s, who don't even have phones but have been STH for decades, you're no longer welcome unless you plop $500 down for a phone and buy a monthly service. Real cool.
  13. Whatever Pegula and his fracking empire are willing to pay 100% for, I don't care. Then I can walk away from the certain PSL attached to me ST and be happy. But hitting me up as taxpayer and then as a ST for a PSL is horse bleep. I'd give my season willingly either way on a dome. And a dome isn't getting used in Bflo, NY for "other" things. Anyone who can sell out an NFL stadium doesn't come to Bflo. Hell most who try can't even sell out the arena.
  14. Napoleon complex because someone doesn't want or like a QB? Man the level over utter stupidity on this board never ceases to amaze me. So based on your assessment, 100% of the people who don't like Allen fall into only two categories: A) Are ignorant of football in every way. They have no ability to even form a rational thought much less assess something related to a QB or B) Short and somehow that shortness has resulted in socially aggressive behavior related to John Allen that the person hopes compensates for their shortness. The goal here is by bashing Josh Allen, in most cases anonymously on a forum, that person feels better about themselves. Further, within this assessment is the implication that the ignorance could be overcome with more research and analysis of QBs historically and by conducting such an analysis, the only logical conclusion, one now properly educated poster, could arrive at is the massive deficiencies in Mr. Allen's game can be overcome in the pro game where the game is faster, more complex, and with players of higher quality. This is because, seemingly, the track record of every inaccurate, bad mechanics, strong armed QB is they get better and become eventual Pro Bowl, All Pro, Super Bowl winner. Got it. Thanks.
  15. Been saying brains over brawn since Manning was at Tennessee and I followed that team religiously! You can't fix stupid, it's that simple. It's why I continue to argue for a 22 minimum Wonderlic at QB. The starting point for a SB winning QB is brains first. I'd never draft a sub-22. That 22+ includes an assessment of emotional intelligence/personality. Ration over emotion. Team over individual. Hard work over reliance on physical skills. Grit over shrinking violets. Then physical skills and to me, mechanics are huge. I think trying to "fix" major flaws developed and ingrained into QBs over their high school and college careers is a tall order. EJ has problems, they were never correct. He reverted to them in games. But metrics and analysis in the NFL is still behind the times. The eye test that results in teams falling in love with a guy like Josh Allen still dominates.
  16. Gonna keep saying it in every thread that discusses the Browns as I have been for about 2 weeks.... all signs point to this even for the armchair QB. Dorsey was reported months ago to prefer Allen. They trade for a starter in TT. They call TT their starter for the year. Allen needs work and is a project, he sits for the year while TT plays. Drafting Darnold to ride the pine for a year makes no sense in light of any of this. Certainly could fall in love with Darnold and draft him but my money's on Allen.
  17. Been saying tit here for over a week... Browns are taking Allen. The TT trade plus calling him the starter for the year indicate they like Allen but want to develop him, not start him. That aligns with a report a month or so ago that Dorsey loves Allen. Means if true, Bills are not getting into top 3 for a QB because if Allen goes 1 and the Giants do love Darnold, that's it. Over.
  18. That TB12 and BB are not the greatest QB and HC ever. They are.
  19. He should get a camp invite, jeez Osweiler just got a contract FFS.
  20. Said it last week.... Browns I think are drafting him. Didn't see any of it but reading what's been published and said by the Browns, I think he's the pick. Months ago someone stated Dorsey wouldn't pass on Allen. Then they acquired a started in TT. Then they called him their started for the year. That combination points toward Allen. Darnold could start Week 1 or soon after, same with Rosen. So taking TT and calling him the starter puts clear NFL ready players on the bench. Both who had said they're ready. Allen has admitted he needs work. I think Allen goes 1. Giants take Darnold 2, and the damn Jets get Rosen at 3 (not that I like him, I hate the Jets).
  21. You know this is TBD right? Turns more trolly every day.
  22. Been beating this drum here for years and years. Don't need to read it. A 22 is as low a reported score for a SB winning QB as there is (Favre). So if you want a SB, think above a 22. You can get to the playoffs with less but you are not likely to win it. This is not a point that over 22 guarantees you win one, but the contrary, that beneath guarantees you won't.
  23. So in the supposed best year for QBs, you had a 50/50 chance of drafting a Hall of Fame QB. And when they made it to the Super Bowl, their chances were 1 in 10. And this class compares to 1983 how? I continue to maintain, of the top 5 guys, a minimum of 3 are total busts.
  24. Been on the supply and demand argument forever about QBs. The very limited supply of quality QBs dictates that demand is always high. That demand then gets operationalized by over-drafting low quality QBs. If anyone thinks there are 5 legit starting, playoffs caliber QBs in this draft, you're insane. What amazes me, is the irrational thinking that goes into drafting questionable QBs in round 1 all the time by GMs. It's demanding owners, job security (damned if you, damned if you don't), and fan bases like this one that convince GMs they have to draft one. I'll say there's one guy, Darnold, every team is probably comfortable with because he has a good chance to succeed. It's the Peter Principle.... people get promoted, and this case drafted, based on how well they perform in their current job (college QB), which in no way predicts how well they'll do in the new one. Every promotion is a filter and everyone, all of us, reach our level of incompetence. In this draft, many of these QBs will once again prove the Peter Principle.
  25. Or the Giants know the Bills have offered a better deal than the Jets could have. For the Jets, if they love 3 QBs, this gets them one.
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