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Everything posted by zonabb

  1. What is clear here are two less than upstanding people were in a relationship that went south. She was beaten and has told police that the robber SPECIFICALLY asked for jewelry that SHE CLAIMS he has repeatedly asked for, clearly imply that the robber was targeting McCoy's jewelry and further implicating him in this. Now, we can take her at her word that this is what the robber said since, you know, he hasn't been caught yet. And further that McCoy has asked for this jewelry since I am not aware of any report he;s made to the police asking for it back. However, given her track record in the link above and her refusal to move out of HIS house, she's not the hallmark of credibility. On the other side of the coin, McCoy's act is legion in these parts and in Philly given his run ins with trouble and clear lack of maturity. And the damning evidence here, outside of her statements and what appears to be some motive on his part (again from her statements and his claims) is the implication that he installed a new security system which he apparently could control and the fact the police report stated there was no sign of forced entry. So did that security system include the ability to unlock the doors? I am honestly so dead to the issues with NFL players that if he never suits up for the Bills again, that's fine with me.
  2. Anything any broadcaster and jockstrap says.
  3. Yeah... it's here again, the day we celebrate white guys who fought for their 'freedom' while hypocritically being slaveholders. Oh the irony of the story.
  4. How can a University be on the list of dumbest colleges? You know there's a difference right? So dumbest poster goes to.....
  5. I wouldn't support anything with Graham's name on it if I had billions of dollars. In this day and age, where everyone wants to be a brand, and in fact where columnists have always been a brand, his brand sucks. I don't ignore anti-social, a$$hat behavior when I buy or support something. Why? Because there are better alternatives out there, we don't have to accept idiots and what they peddle. One bad apple spoils the bunch. But good luck to them. Even with that tool.
  6. Money. The answer to every question about why a company does something is money. It has zero to do with user experience, in fact the experience usually gets worse because the intent is to find ways to monetize your experience. I suspect this thing is loaded with adds, popups and in-app commercials during the show while also subjecting you to the show's commercials. Old app sucked as well, stopped using that. Cut out all the time. So I get a few minutes a week in the car. Good enough.
  7. Turn the volume down abut 700 decibels on the stadium sound system. Fewer attempts to entertain me via the jumbotron (or whatever we call them now), the constant contests, screaming morons in commercials, trivia is taxing. Seriously. I like to chat with people in my section about the game during timeouts, can't because it's so goddamn loud and constant. Fines the hell out of people in the lots who are pigs. Party your a$$es off but have some goddamn pride and pick up after yourself. The bus lot is a team and fan embarrassment.
  8. So your justification is the overpaid, underperforming players? What about the underpaid, over-performing players? In true GOP fashion that's OK because the company wins and the labor loses? Sh!t take.
  9. 1. Sub .500 record 2. Fewest passing TDs in the league 3. Top 10 defense Classic lack of balance as D is good, O is horrible.
  10. Then quit. I never, ever understand this mentality, whether talking about Sullivan or any person who has become disgruntled with their job. If you're so prideful, quit and take a job somewhere else. If you can of course. Nothing says you have no skills more than sticking around a job being miserable about it. Skilled people with confidence GTFO. I have always maintained that Sullivan was a jealous, miserable curmudgeon because he was not writing at a top market paper. It wasn't that the teams sucked, he could have been stuck covering bad teams in a big market. But as a New Englander, he longed for the big banner newspaper and never got there. He was never good enough, even if you can ID a time you'd call his prime. He longer to write for the Boston Globe or Herald. But he sat in this tiny one-newspaper market and covered some bad teams, making him more miserable. He got divorced along the way, got crankier, his work was roundly dismissed by local sports fan. For me it was never about the criticism, for me it was about the tone and the condescension toward fans in this city he's not from. I ran into him once outside the media entrance of a stadium while we were waiting to get in. Late 1990s maybe. We bitched and complained the whole time that he wasn't being allowed in yet. He was arrogant and a loudmouth about it. And it stuck with me that this guy covers sports for a living and does so by the grace of teams giving him free access to their press boxes and free food/snacks for every game and this miserable SOB couldn't see the forest for the trees. Could anyone be more of an ungrateful crank doing a joke that's really frivolous and should be fun? Good riddance. Crawl back to NE and lurk in the shadows of some real columnists you could only dream would let you sharpen their pencils for them. Bucky I feel bad for, local guy, albeit turned into a crank. But Sullivan can GFH right into the unemployment line.
  11. Good piece. I've worked in development and upper level govt in this region and have friends who were heavily involved in some recent stadium construction jobs. The issue that is mentioned in passing but I think critically important as it relates to cost is infrastructure. This is what drives total stadium costs sneakily up. And it's why the most cost-effective new stadium location is across the street from the current stadium. The infrastructure costs alone in downtown Buffalo would be enormous. The City's sewer and water system is antiquated and has limited capacity to add a stadium to. Those two systems alone would cost tens of millions if not over $100m to not just install on site but improve and upgrade capacity off site. More costly would be necessary improvements to the existing transportation system. Right now there is not a spot downtown that can handle the auto traffic, both the roadway and signal systems but the parking availability. We're talking improving interchanges and the existing street network... hundreds of millions. Then there is the costs no one is talking about downtown.... property acquisition. Yes the Pegulas have money, but I've looked at the sites people have talked about and proposed, including those coming out of the stadium working group a few years back. We're talking many, many parcels needed. Each with different owners. So the Pegulas can try to buy them all up using shell LLCs to shield the fact the purchases are for a stadium, hoping to keep the prices down. But that won't last long, one person doing homework on LLCs can connect the dots and expose the intent, driving up costs. Then there's the potential for hold out owners, possibly requiring the use of eminent domain, which the Pegulas can't use they'd need city to do it. That's a tough sell for the city to likely be asked to absorb costs for the new stadium and take people's property for it. The potential legal fight over eminent domain could push the construction off years. So alone the non-stadium costs for a downtown stadium already put it 100s of millions above building across the street from the Ralph. With money hard to come buy, a cheaper solution rather than a geographic solution is likely. Unless a similar site elsewhere shows up where limited new infrastructure upgrades are needed, I can't see a new stadium anywhere but on Abbott. The water table isn't an issue. The foundations/piles for existing downtown buildings prove that the water table issue is non-existent. In fact, most major world cities are built on the water....NYC, London, Tokyo, Dubai... Engineering solves that problem and the seasonally high water table in Orchard Park is only a few feet below surface. Basically the subsurface design of the Ralph is a concrete bowl keeping water out and then supplemented with site graded draining and likely some collection and pump system.
  12. Never, it's not that important in my life to be worthy of tears. Jesus.
  13. I just don't for the life of me understand why the national anthem is part of sports? I've never heard one, that is zero, realistic reasons why we've tied sports to so-called "patriotism." When I go to work, I don't stand for the national anthem before my day starts. Why should NFL employees? This hopefully gets litigated and the NFLPA shoves it right up the backside of these white, greedy, out of touch, fracking and polluting billionaires. The reality is, the NFL can't win a Supreme Court case whereby the first amendment rights of employees are infringed upon as a condition of employment. If the Supreme Court was willing to rule that setting limits on campaign contributions by multinational corporations infringed on their right to "free speech," there is no way the NFL can win this case. This is the NFL trying to entice the NFLPA into litigation to try and make the players look bad. The NFL stupidly dragged something back into the public eye when it didn't need to. I continue to watch more and more futbol and NBA than NFL. It's deteriorated into a bad product overrun with commercials; players who get arrested at a higher rate than any pro sports league on the planet; and focused on profit first, product second. It's shite.
  14. It would be a plus but TBN spends an inordinate amount of its effort being the PR arm of Byron Brown and the City. TBN rarely covers anything in any depth in the suburbs, outside of Amherst. Since the suburbs are balkanized into very small geographies, the TBN has them thinly covered but when taken on the whole, when you write off a lot of small suburbs as a collective, that's hundreds of thousands of potential readers. I'll continue to say it. Our media here sucks. And the issue specifically with the TBN is that is full of loud mouth columnists who spend more time criticizing everything but lack the expertise to be taken serious and never offer a solution, whether it's the people cover govt or sports. And since TBN has no block their website when I use AdBlocker, I don't even see the front page anymore. So I wasn't paying for it before but they could count my visits as traffic for ad sales, not they've lost that. In the end, I was reading TBN less and less. As someone mentioned, it has become boosterism, PR, and supporting/promoting conspicuous consumption. It no longer actually resembles a news agency and I won't apologize for not shedding a tear when it suffers anymore than I did when fill in the blank company fails. Everyone seems to love competition and creative destruction. This is a front row seat to that process.
  15. Yep, I'll pay for something worth my money. As a former reporter myself, I appreciate good reporting, good columns, good writing. None of that exists with the news. It's the only goddamn paper in this town, and we're supposed to feel sorry that it f*@$ed up a monopoly? Think about for a second.... they have a monopoly and fubared it. It's the same with Tops. Both are owned by investors not committed to improving and investing in the product but cutting corners and maxing profit. Both have been institutions in this town and both are dying, deservedly so.
  16. Best! News! Ever! And I am sure they'll blame something not of their doing but in reality, people see it as a corporate profit center for a billionaire and one that only publishes fluff pieces kissing the collective azz of every politician and developer in WNY and basically tell everyone how awesome WNY is, when it's in fact dying a slow, 60+ year death. People wnt good reporting, want people in govt held accountable. Instead it's turned into Byron Brown's personal media empire. Sean McDermott has held more press conferences in his time here that Brown has in his what, 4 terms? They don't hold him to anything. Meanwhile the sports section is tougher on sports figures than the news is on any politician. Funny how that works. So today is an awesome day!!!! Love it, love it, love it. I hope that paper dies off and The Public fills the void and grows.
  17. None. Wearing another person's name on my back is never going to happen. It's acceptable for a kid, but not an adult. Plain jersey fine, still don't own one, but fine. But I'll be damned if I'm going to represent someone I don't know and where his name around town.
  18. They're not missed, let's move on. Hopefully they have some skills to fall back on and aren't pulling a Kramer waiting for the H&H Bagel strike to end.
  19. Never heard of this one in a million anointed draft experts. Looked him up, not much history, not much of a bio, not much experience in pro football. Just another guy with a computer, time on his hands, and the outlet that is social media. He's basically taking the "counter take" approach to get notice but that only works for so long, eventually you're hot garbage has to be turned into gold and right now, what makes this guy worthy of any credibility? Honest question. Where has he worked? Who was he trained by? How long has he been at it? His bio on NDT says he's "been writing for several years now" which in marketing speak means "Hey this jagoff doesn't have enough experience and credibility so let's not give the number of years' experience he has." That Cardale Jones assessment was hilarious. Guy was garbage.
  20. Fixed. Rule No. 1 of the Thread Police employee manual, "those who cannot grasp the English language and who make simple spelling errors while attempting to be self-righteous and over-officious shall have their position with the Thread Police terminated."
  21. The problem with draft analysis is draft analysis. The internet has turned every loser in his mom's basement into a self proclaimed draft analyst. The internet gives everyone regardless of skills and qualifications a voice, this forum being a prime example, yours truly included. But I honesty, and this is not hyperbole, thought "WTF is Joe Marino?" I have honestly never heard of the guy, which could be on me. Then I see the website and ask "WTF is fanrag?" And so for me, I won't even read it or give it any credibility and I am an Allen skeptic myself. But when you grade the guy as a 3rd, you're a moron. I'm no expert and I've watched tape on this kid, he's not the 90th rated player in this draft.
  22. I quit jobs because of bad mgmt, guess putting myself before the corporation is quitting. Or it's called self-respect, self-worth, and confidence in my abilities and value. And it worked out for Marrone, who I agree was a total a$$hat and the move was not a good look. But it worked for him I'd say. And he opted out of a contract that had that clause in it. He won, big time. I'll stick around the corporations more when they start putting employees before the corporation... guess not then. If you stick around a job because you have some sort of loyalty to the firm, you're a fool. You owe them zero. The agreement is simple, they owe you money for time worked, you owe them work. It ends anytime either party decides it ends. But this is football, a business pervaded by neanderthal thinking from the fans to Dave Gettleman, so I expect there to be this romanticized idea of being a company man on this board.
  23. As a quantitative researcher/analyst, it is no surprise that those who have brought this type of analytical approach out from the shadows and touted its value are going to slam Allen as a bad pick because of what their research, models, and data tells them. It's why the pick is questionable to me. However, their analysis does not account for, not can it predict, the impact of coaching, hard work, system, and other qualitative data they most certainly denounce since it's not as empirical as they prefer. Aside from the quantitative data, I tend to think about the Peter Principle, which basically states that in simple terms, everyone in business (the original theory) gets promoted to their level of incompetence. So the fear I have and others have is in line with this principle but with one major caveat.... promotion to a position is based on competence in the current position and assume competence in the new one. Allen was not exactly competent at Wyoming (current) position which allows analysts to write him off as likely unsuitable for a promotion to the NFL. Or put another way, he should have dominated at inferior Wyoming in an inferior division and he didn't. And therein lies the immense challenge, turning incompetent skills displayed against inferior talent into competent skills against far superior talent. It's like promoting the 22-year-old Horton's cashier to be a the regional manager for Starbucks.
  24. Holy ffff. One thread asks if we should form an opinion about Allen based on his tweets and now we're opining that grabbing one's nuts is worse than dropping racist/stereotypical/insensitive. If you think what Mayfield did is bad, I don't know what to say to you. I gave someone the finger the other day in the car, should I be fired? Making excuses for a 16 year old is pathetic. If a 16 year old said to you today one of the tweets he reportedly put out there, would you just smile and say "Aw, that's cute?" Because that's what you're saying. Charlton, NY - 98.46% white. Just sayin.
  25. WTH kind of question is this? In all seriousness? We're not supposed to develop an opinion about someone based on what he says? I guess in the Trumpian era, we're used to this idea that social media is a place where people are just joking or trying ideas on or we're not understanding them properly but if my 16 year dropped that I'd go nuclear because that's not how mine are raised. So yes, if he thinks that a) saying this crap is acceptable and b) is willing to make those statements publicly, then that's how is going to be judged. I am not saying he can't grow up and mature, I'm saying at the time of those tweets, he was surely confident enough to put that out there and that's worthy of some consternation because here's the bottom line IT IS NOT NORMAL NOR ACCEPTABLE SO LET"S NOT MINIMIZE IT.
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