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Everything posted by Jobu

  1. How could a legitimate Cardinals fan forget Denkinger's call in game 6? Hardly the Royals fault. For the record, I was rooting for the Cardinals. I can't help but follow the Royals, I know way too many people who follow them. Kind of like the Queefs in football. I will always root for the Royals if they are not playing the Cardinals. I am also a fan of small market teams and I reside in Wisconsin now, so I keep track of the Brewers too. I will however never, ever, root for the Queefs. I do root for and follow the Packers, unless they happen to be playing the Bills.
  2. This is a really stupid hypothetical. It has zero chance of happening, why waste the brain cells?
  3. Being from Missouri, and a Cardinals fan. I can remember when the Mets were in the NL East with the Cardinals. Going to the old Busch stadium and watching a plane circling during the game pulling a banner which read "The Mets are pond scum" Seriously. Happened anytime the Mets came to town for like a two year period. I think this was around the time the Mets had signed Keith Hernandez, cocaine junkie extraordinaire. A previous Cardinal. Any who, go Royals.
  4. I did not specify whether you did or did not care, you asked "how do you know what I know?", I offered my hypothesis.
  5. Grammar and spelling provide a couple of clues.
  6. Easley reminds me a lot of Tasker, as it got late in Taskers career we started to see him at WR more, I hope the same is true of Easley.
  7. Boy I don't think so. Chan the man and Fitzmagic will likely bring their A game. We might get 1, but there is no way in hell we get them both.
  8. I would like to see us make trades before the deadline where we can and where there is significant cap savings. Possibly accumulate a few picks in the process. Embrace the tank.
  9. I bet we could get him back with a decent game check and a bottle of Jack per game.
  10. Honda. No doubt about it. I think its an HS80 and is almost 20 years old. Still starts on the first pull even in -30 below. I store it outside during the season with a metal tub laying over the engine. All I have done to the machine is oil, sparkplug, gear fluid, scraper, and every couple of years I wire brush the augers and paint them. The frigging thing is unbelievable and man does it throw the snow. You will not find a new Honda for that price, but if you keep yours eyes open a good used one will pop up.
  11. How can the season be over? Schedule says there are 9 games left. Logic would seem to dictate that the season will be over no sooner than after that 9th game.
  12. See the last quote in my signature. BTW Crack kills.
  13. Crack kills.
  14. The dark side is no good for us. Who the hell did we think we were just pissing away the Schwartz like that?
  15. I think you are vastly underestimating Jesus power.
  16. Coupled with the fact that EJ does not have Jesus power, it means only one thing. Tebow time.
  17. Get it right man, those are not pictures. It's art. ASCII art. Kids these days. Tsk. Tsk.
  18. Maybe the Doughboy would consider lacing them up again.
  19. A little Jesus never hurt anyone. Maybe he could scribble some inspirational verses with eye black for us.
  20. Just because your Daddy is good at something does not mean that you are as well. In fact in football it is usually the exact opposite. Reggie McKenzie arguably had more to do with building the current Packers than Eliot.
  21. Dear Diary, I bet they miss me in Buffalo now. Thank god EJ came through and gave us the game. Cuckolding my wife with that line judge could not have hurt either. If it was not for my foresight and coaching ability the Jaguars never would have had the moxie to pull off an upset of this proportion. I wonder what is next after Sainthood? Since this is my third miracle, am I now in line for Pope? Pope Doug, I like the sound of that. I think I will celebrate by going to to Victoria's Secret and getting some new Pink thongs. I really like the way they feel. Obviously yours, Pope Doug
  22. I live in Wisconsin. Packers are looking mighty attractive. Could never do it though, I am a masochist.
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