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Everything posted by Jobu

  1. There is a reason he is named after the organ poo travels through.
  2. If you take time to read and comprehend, you will understand that the stadium policy stated that no sign could be hung. Hand held signs are allowed. Then you read further and understand that the sign holder asked for permission first, and that the sign was being held. It was not hung. Even the picture supports this. Therefore, I would say Cam was in the wrong and is indeed a douchebag. I would expect the team to make this right. Not to the tune of 5 bills though, which is a ridiculous price to pay for something so simple.
  3. Excellent work TRBJ
  4. Yes on both counts, so I would obviously wrap it. Can you add option C. She was a whore?
  5. Oh hell might as well sign Henry Jones or Kurt Schulz too.
  6. I would not trade you for Jay Cutler, and I would trade you for wet pocket lint.
  7. Nice to see Buffalo representing on that list. Ringo now there was a coach for the ages.
  8. Your Kool-Aid looks and smells good, but has an odd mouth feel.
  9. For all of the optimistic fans out there: Beatles - Here Comes The Sun https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Y6GNEEi7x4c For all of the pessimistic fans out there: Jeff Beck - Going Down
  10. He needs a Jimmy Dean double cheese. Looks just like a double cheeseburger, use two large patties of Jimmy Dean original breakfast sausage in place of the burgers. Serve on Texas Toast, slice of medium cheddar and a slice of jack. Can add a fried egg if you are really adventurous. My wife says I am disgusting, I think I am a genius. Probably make him puke with the band, or it might break the band... Coin flip.
  11. Anything is better than Duke "Can't catch Herpes in a whorehouse" Williams.
  12. Molly Hatchet Flirtin' with disaster
  13. I would start a collection to buy said truck and have it bronzed. Park it right next to Ralph.
  14. It is a young soybean. I would assume it comes down to labeling regulations. Soy is a declarable allergen. Since the name of the product does not contain soy, and soy is not listed on the label, it is considered adulterated.
  15. A dash of Polonium 210 in his water bottle would do the trick.
  16. Not a meme but still damn funny. Word cloud representing the most frequently used online by Bills fans.
  17. Blowing leaves, putting struts on my daughters car, napping.
  18. I am well versed in the character limits of each platform. His post goes way beyond punctuation omitted for for space concerns. Just because my neighbor pisses in his front yard, that does not mean I am going to do it.
  19. Don't overlook EditPlus. Open it up and save it into several files. Editplus has line numbers so you can open the file goto the end see how many lies you have and then move to the middle of the file. Select the lower half and delete, then save the file as file 1. Reopen the original do the same thing only deleting the top half of the file. Save as File2. EditPlus is not free, but you get to use it unlimited for 30 days. https://www.editplus.com/ Alternatively, there is a freeware text editor called Gun that is written in assembly. No size limit either. I have not used this but have heard good things about it. http://www.movsd.com/thegun.htm Good luck Pooj.
  20. I am not sure what you are getting at with the all metal chute being the cause of the clogs, but I have never owned an Ariens either. My Honda has an all metal chute. Never clogs. Even with the wettest, heaviest snow. I don't lube the chute either. I lube the deflector and rotator joints, but not the chute.
  21. That large of a CSV is just not a good way to move data would be my guess. CSV has several drawbacks. Performance being at the forefront. It's an old school format and I doubt you will ever see any new functionality associated with it in the office platform. You do have a couple of Microsoft ways of doing it. If you can hack VBA you could easily write it into a table row by row in access. Apparently there also is an add in for Excel called Power Pivot that can do it it too. Never have used that though. I have not had good luck with add-ins. https://social.technet.microsoft.com/Forums/office/en-US/54ca6d3a-4b1c-4318-aa8c-7ac803d3af69/what-is-the-maximum-file-size-for-csv-that-excel-can-open-excel-2013-64bit?forum=excel
  22. Yeah you are right there is a size limit, I have definitely done more rows than that so my file must not have been as large. Your SQL guy should be able to do a bulk insert into a sql table for you you can then attach that table in access.
  23. Sure. EditPlus will open a file that big. Have a hard time believing Access won't consume it. Sure you don't have a formatting problem within the CSV? I have done larger than that. What version are you using? Alternatively you can just do it from the command line using a batch file. Here is a link to stackoverflow, there is a batch file in the first response that works pretty well: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/25249516/split-text-file-into-smaller-multiple-text-file-using-command-line
  24. He needs a PR guy for sure. This is not his first PR misstep and I doubt it will be his last. I don't have a problem with what he did, maybe his spelling and grammar--especially for someone with a college education. It all boils down to perceptions.
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