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Everything posted by Jobu

  1. Holy conspiracy theories batman! Don't smoke that second joint.
  2. As crazy as it sounds I bet that little f'er can still play.
  3. I recommend you follow the steps in this article. I have been signing them up for sweepstakes all day. http://www.ehow.com/how_7823375_telemarketers-call.html
  4. They probably have analytics indicating what habits each ref has.
  5. Not almost Kelly, it is senseless. I would love nothing more than to see him rise to the occasion. He has shown he is capable, he just needs to put it all together with some help from Roman on the play calling.
  6. McLovin is a good defensive ball player, he needs to stop returning punts.
  7. He is staying in the pocket for one thing. Earlier in the season he was bailing almost immediately. He is getting deeper into his reads. Essentially he is learning how to be a pocket passer. Which is what he needs to be able to do to overcome defensive gameplans like the one he saw last night. My one knock against him is that he has not made any progress looking off his reads. The safeties still read him like a book. Alot of people say he can not pass over the middle. I disagree, much like Flutie he needs a bootleg to read the middle of the field. I would like to see Roman incorporate some more of that. Rome was not built in a day.
  8. You strike me as the type of opposing fan I like to run into at games. Thanks for keeping it classy.
  9. Holy mother of god. Just stop people. We are still alive. If by some horrible luck Tyrod cannot play on Sunday -- we pretty much have no chance. We are alive because of him. He has progressively gotten better. I have not given up on him. But then I have not given up on Ryan, Roman, or any one else yet. Christ if this team was ran according to some of the thought patterns on this board we would have new coaches, qb's, etc. every three games. Get a f'ing grip.
  10. Yeah but you are dead. Explain that.
  11. I forgot all about this forum. Thanks Tom. I am here for my proper idiot branding. I am for whoever scares the hell out of everyone else in Washington. Trump definitely fits the bill, but ultimately it's going to be Rubio or Cruz. I would prefer Paul, I voted for his old man every chance I got.
  12. Tom Brady shaves his mangina with an off brand razor 9 out of 10 times.
  13. I am 99.9% sure that was Graham running the wrong route. F'ing idiot.
  14. You know that you are supposed to be dead right? You kicked it like 7 years ago.
  15. Someone needs to write that number on the bathroom wall at a Petro truckstop.
  16. Let me know where I can send your Christmas gift.
  17. First, you need to call them by their proper name. It's the Queefs. Second, Arrowhead is always a tough place to get a W. That being said, we match up well with them and they have been beating bad teams. No worries here.
  18. Can I get a Cliffs notes version of that post please?
  19. If you are a Patriots fan, you would obviously prefer this.
  20. I am looking for something more along the lines of this...
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