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Everything posted by Jobu

  1. Orchard Park is a long way for the Bulls to drive for a Football game.
  2. Of course you do, when all likelihood many people were a part of the decision to make that trade. I would still take him over what is left of Kiko.
  3. Seeing as I find you odd, maybe even childish. I will take that as a compliment! Don't let Sully's jockstrap weigh you down!
  4. No, I am saying if you want to screw with the metric that gauges their success, block the cookie.
  5. So I stumbled across something interesting the other day. The Buffalo News sets a specific cookie in your browser when you visit a Bucky or Sully article. At first, I thought it was just because they have the Bucky and Sully section and it got set there. Not so. Any time you view an article that has been authored by either that cookie gets set or modified. Interesting to say the least. If you hate them both as much as I do, I strongly encourage you to block this cookie. I have already tested it and it does not affect the function of the Buffalo News site. It is basically screwing with their analytics. I am sure they do something Javascript based as well, but that is another story. If you use Chrome: Goto chrome://settings/contentExceptions#cookies then under hostname pattern add 'buckyandsully.buffalonews.com' then select 'block' under behavior, then click done.
  6. It would be nice if they would just add an asterisk after "Buffalo News reports" to let us know a hack authored it.
  7. I would not resign Harvin to my kids Pop Warner team, let alone the Bills. Bad tude, no durability, a Nancy.
  8. Rex and/or Rob Ryan will undergo a gender transition.
  9. After 20 years of ineptitude, the Buffalo Bills call it quits and relocate the team to London.
  10. No, I don't think you read the article. If you did you have comprehension issues. Anyone thinking the Packers only spent 150 million dollars to get a state of the art stadium is deluded. They have spent well over 600 million since the 2000 Brown county referendum. http://www.ibmadison.com/In-Business-Madison/August-2013/A-brief-history-of-Lambeau-Field-renovations/
  11. I don't think anyone is advocating for that. In fact what I am advocating for is what the Packers did. If you had taken the time to read the article I linked, perhaps you would be a bit more enlightened to a different perspective. When I first went to Lambeau, it was a dump, with waffle tin exterior and cattle trough urinals. It is now nothing short of state of the art. They started with the worst stadium league and now have one of the best. They kept the history of the place in the process.
  12. I would like to see them do something with the Ralph like was done with Lambeau. http://www.ibmadison.com/In-Business-Madison/August-2013/A-brief-history-of-Lambeau-Field-renovations/
  13. Everytime someone types his name, 1,000 babies die.
  14. This is why post counts never tell the whole story in internet forums. C.Biscuit97 is not a top 10 poster.
  15. After their live tweeting of the Music City miracle this year, the bastards deserve everything they get. Seriously how TF do you live tweet a historical game? Morons.
  16. I am not sure how you get three pages into a thread like this without having heard from Vince Lombardi: It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up. The measure of who we are is what we do with what we have. The only place success comes before work is in the dictionary. Confidence is contagious. So is lack of confidence.
  17. Open air with an open bar please.
  18. No excrement, really? Golly did not think of that. {Insert eye roll}
  19. I think it is high time for a banned word list. If your thread starter contains any of the banned words, the thread does not get started. I'll start: "Pettine" "Pepper" "Schwartz" "Marrone"
  20. Your schtick gets old and you come off as a buffoon.
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