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Everything posted by Jobu

  1. As if anyone will look at your password. Idiot. If an admin wants to login as you, they just reset your password.
  2. Your opinion is that I am an idiot. As if your opinion means jack. You can try and distort what I am saying til the cows come home. We get it, Tom is always right. If you don't agree with Tom, you are an idiot. Are you sure you don't work at CBS?
  3. You are a tool Tom, double down on your righteousness, that always works.
  4. I always enjoy it when toothless old bastards strut around like a rooster espousing their righteousness.
  5. And you are NOT important enough here to be calling people idiots. You idiot.
  6. It is approximately 1 page back you old bastard. Seeing as you have almost 37000 posts you surely know how this works. Andyes, I covered everyone running in my list.
  7. Rhino, I am a Bills fan too. That does not stop me from thinking they can win it all. And Chef, here are my rankings (by preference) of our candidates along with everyday items for reference: 1. Dog **** 2. Trump 3. Satan 4. HRC Read my first post in this thread.
  8. We will see. I still have a sliver of faith left in the American people.
  9. I consider myself a mix between a libertarian and a conservative. I would vote for Ron Paul every time if I could. I was hoping Rand Paul would emerge this year. I do find Donald Trump unsavory for a number of reasons, and I have tried to maintain an open mind. I seriously considered Weld & Johnson (BTW that ticket should be flipped IMO) but ultimately I will be voting for Trump. I am not sure how you could possibly sleep at night voting any other way. If Clinton does get elected, I will consider this nation to be a nation of lemmings.
  10. The proper way to apply the ignore function is to make sure your computer is plugged in and powered on. Then with a pair of old school scissors (all metal) cut through the power cord at a point closest to the wall.
  11. Puff, puff, give mofo. That must be some good ****.
  12. This is probably a good plan. Although I am not feeling the football game so I will tune into the debate and listen to my wife crap talk Trump and I will counter by crap talking Hillary. We should have very balanced children in the end.
  13. It could be. I don't question these things. All I know is Doug is staying put until we choke up another one.
  14. My oldest son found a 1999 Upper deck hologram card of Doug Flutie at the flea market. He of course gave it to me as I have been unable to inflict this curse upon my children that my father gave me. I promptly propped the card up in front of Billy, my Buffalo Bills gnome who watches every game. Billy obviously obtained power from this somehow.
  15. Thompson has already announced his retirement in GB after the 18 season. Lot's of speculation about who will replace him. Smart money is on Elliott Wolf. I would be all for rolling the dice on young potential.
  16. F. No. We would be better off begging Schwartz.
  17. I have a dollar that says they are going to **** can him at the bye, Roman will be interim.
  18. Marrone walks, then Ryan is hired over Schwartz... Whoever is sailing this ship is not seaworthy.
  19. Personally I could care less if they use him. If I see him slide into a tackle-one yard short of the first down marker-one more time-my tv ain't gonna make it.
  20. That guy is an ass hat.
  21. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._P._Losman
  22. From ice for Eskimos to running shoes for paraplegics, we sell the unsellable.
  23. One Choke. One shiny turd. One crappy team One coach that swallows One win 2016-17 Buffalo Bills, the NFL's Special team.
  24. They could use Tag Heuer's or Sony's quite easily. Tag Heuer – Success. It’s a Mind Game. Sony – Make Believe.
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