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Everything posted by Jobu

  1. Duke Williams could not catch herpes in a whore house.
  2. Bills lose to Jags, Cassel and the Boys beat New York. Whaley and Ryan don't have jobs in 2016.
  3. They do another 10 minute drive here and we are done.
  4. Perspective. They ate up 2/3 of the 3rd quarter on the drive. They have another one of those and the game is over.
  5. The Guns and Roses song 14 years should be the Bills fan anthem. A few choice word replacements, substitute in 15 years. Next year we could substitute in 16 years. One of you wordsmiths should get on this.
  6. If Matt Cassel wins tonight, this board is going to implode.
  7. Sweet mother of god. I have asked my youngest child to go fetch dad a fork so I can pry my f'ing eyeballs out of their socket.
  8. Nancy Harvin is as useful as a one-legged cat trying to bury a turd on a frozen lake.
  9. Ooh. The trifecta.
  10. No thanks on Stafford. I would rather have EJ than him -- and I don't want EJ starting so there you have it.
  11. I don't know. EJ gets rid of the INT, and gets better timing with his receivers I think we will be alright. I would like to see a larger dose of McCoy if he is capable.
  12. Billy the Buffalo for me, that bastard is dead weight.
  13. Oh boy. If you can get all of that out of a few sentences about mental and physical toughness, you must fancy yourself Miss Cleo. Allow me to clear something up for you. You don't know me, you don't know what I am about, and you have never walked in my shoes. So do me a favor and stick to your 900 number psychic readings. Let's start from the top, Can you please point me to where I mentioned any of this? If you were not such an {insert colorful adjective here} right out of the gate, perhaps you could have asked me to clarify. At which point I would have brought up things like the California govermernment banning all computer devices labelled master and slave (a common occurence in the SCSI world) to the tune of millions of dollars in tax payer money. Kids not being able to wear a shirt with a flag on it to school. A police officer being fired for calling Trayvon Martin a thug. Those types of things. The things you bring up I would not consider being PC to a fault. Nor did I mention them being that. You chose to put words into my mouth, and I resent you attaching me to your warped little view on things. I don't even know where to start with this one. Macho tough? Where did you get that Cleo? Respect and Dignity? Again please point me to where I mentioned any of this. Just because you are physically and mentally tough how does that translate into being macho or disrepecting anyone? It doesn't. Again, you are putting words into my mouth. This is laughable, you do not respect me, and you definitely do not respect my grandfather or the sacrifices he and his generation made. Again you know nothing about me, who I respect, or what entertains me. Save your sermon for someone who gives two craps about the drivel coming out of your mouth.
  14. That's basically what I do Promo. I am in Wisconsin. Generally listen to Murph's show from the previous day in the morning commute, then I cherry pick the rest for my evening commute I never thought about Crapchester. They have Podcasts too, thanks baga.
  15. I am with you. It's really the times we live in, soft and PC to a fault. When I was a kid, if it was not broken you were playing. My grandpa made all of my games, and I would fight through anything to not disappoint him. 30 year Navy vet, fought in WWII and Korea. Toughest SOB I have ever known.
  16. Oh hell yes. She has cuff's too.
  17. If the Packers can have it, there is no doubt we can too. That being said it is a lot more expensive. There is no 12 year warranty on a natural field. The Pack will occasionally re-sod portions of the field late in the season $$$ They don't let anything happen on the field during the season. No concerts, nothing. They have had a lot of problems with their in-ground heating systems. Lambeau does get rough late in the year, but hell that is how football was meant to be played.
  18. I like to call him Nancy Harvin. No offense to Nancy.
  19. Public library computer access.
  20. I am with the Count. I have my drive time to give. I don't have time for TBD generally (i.e. see post count and join date) and don't read twitter while driving. Between work, 3 kids, and a highly demanding wife, I use my hour of driving a day to listen to Bills news. Your way works for you, great. It does not work for me.
  21. No but he does need a passport. If he is a felon or on probation, that could be a problem.
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