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Everything posted by ThurmasThoman

  1. This is an incredible insight.
  2. Honestly buddy, I'm in the polar opposite camp. He's arguably the greatest player to ever play the game. The job of a quarterback is the hardest in professional sports, and he makes it look like a dream. He walks to the line with the entire playbook in the forefront of his brain, and directs a cast of misfits and bums to the conference championship with ease. His strategic synergy with Belichick is on a level that has never been seen before in professional or amateur sports. This is a once in a lifetime spectacle that, unfortunately, is going to come to an end sooner rather than later. Read about what a QB has to do week to week to be competitive in the league, and what a coach has to do to prepare, and learn to appreciate what these guys have done. Yeah, it sucks to be in their division, but what we've seen is the stuff of legend. Us, the Jets, and the Dolphins are the only teams in the league that have to basically ink in 2 losses before the season even starts. A hypothetical team with the coaches, QB and talent to go 10-6 (which usually HOSTS playoff games) in our division would have an 8 win ceiling. If you go through the last 20 years and add 2 wins to Buf's seasons, their record and history starts to look a lot better. It's not a coincidence that our playoff drought, that defied all statistical models and practical logic, coincided with the Patriots dominance. We're giving up 13% of our games before we even play them! Don't get me wrong, it sucks as a Bills fan. But, as a sports fan? Incredible. How could you not root for them this weekend?
  3. I predict that about 3 hours from now, we're all going to be fairly certain that the Patriots dynasty is officially over. First time I've ever made this prediction, and I genuinely like watching Brady play, but this is the Chargers year, and the path back to the Super Bowl is going to seem really long to Tommy Boy when he sees his team beginning to separate from the pack in the wrong direction. Maybe I'll be wrong, let's see.
  4. Eh, tbh, josh allen shows up way more defenders than any other quarterback. I'm not saying he's in any way the best, but a typical quarterback's biggest moments are limited to deep balls and game winning td passes. Allen's biggest moments come from posterizing defenders, like hurdling over them, or stiff arming them, or dekeing them, or completely turning them around. I can see why some defenders wouldn't care for that and would say he's "terrible". Didn't he go close to .500 in the games he started? I honestly don't know offhand, but he won close to half his contests, meaning he beat half the teams he played. He didn't really have any terrible games. What defenders would say that about him? Because its not like teams that don't play him are watching film on him. So, miami players think he's the worst qb ever?
  5. https://www.pscp.tv/w/1jMJgOgMlkWJL?t=1s This, combined with the Tyrod benching/trade, and maybe even the Whaley firing--as well as the players that were cut or traded last year--is going to create a certain perception around the league that might be difficult to shake. It could very well impact free agency.
  6. What a meaningless discussion. Offense and defense are contingent upon one another--an offensive mind schemes against the defense, a defensive mind schemes to stop the assault. Both require a knowledge of how the other works. Neither one background nor the other guarantees success or failure--it simply informs the philosophy that person will likely bring to hiring coaches for both sides of the ball. A head coach has many, many, many other responsibilities that transcend mere Xs and Os, and some of these guys just don't have it, while others do. Beliceck does, because he has a military upbringing, is detail oriented, is a savant with understanding the strategy of the game, and does what any (smart) person does while playing a game--he studies the rules and looks for the gamebreaking options. Rex Ryan was the antithesis of that--he could motivate men in a ra-ra sense, but had no attention to detail, was sloppy, and has been out of work for a few years now. Give that man a defense to run? He's exceptional, because he can strategize in that specific capacity. Leading men is different than strategizing to overtake or defend a position, and a specialty in one of those latter areas does not preclude excellence in the former.
  7. I've been beating this drum for 10 years now, and I'll keep doing it: the only way to fix the game is to eliminate instant replay. It has trashed the viewing experience. The thing that made the league so magical before was the impossible: did he REALLY just catch that while falling out of bounds and being hit by 2 defenders?!?! well, 99% of the time now, the answer is "no". I don't care if it costs the Bills or not, tbh--I'd rather see the Bills lose on a last second touchdown to the Pats, with the Patriots receiver having one foot ob that can only be seen in super slow mo HD... then put up with another season of "all scoring plays are automatically reviewed". Touchdowns used to mean "f*ck yeah, we're kicking their ass." Now touchdowns mean "I hope that counts".
  8. Stranger things have happened. I saw an entire Red Sox fanbase give up on their team when they were down 0-3 to the Yankees in the ALCS in 04. They ended up experiencing the best season of their baseball-viewing lives, watching their team win 8 games in a row en route to a championship and ending the greatest curse in pro sports, starting a run of relevance/greatness that continues a decade and a half later. Im not saying the Bills will do this, or even could do this, but looking at those scenarios, it's not impossible.
  9. There were a lot of rumors last year that the Raiders line was letting defenders get clean shots on Carr because the QB was outspoken in the locker room in both his support of Trump, and opposition to the kneeling. It would make sense if his team mates no longer want to play with him--the situation may be beyond salvageable. If that's the case, it would make sense to trade him, even if he is a "great" quarterback. It may be easier to fix that position, than 10-20 other positions on the team that don't want to play with the guy anymore. The question would be if Carr is able to win the respect of new teammates. If the answer is yes, you have your solution at QB for the foreseeable future.
  10. I can respect that. In fact, I think my time on this board has finally, mercifully run it's course. There are teachers out there who will be able to help you on your journey, but I am not one of them. I hope you all can find what you're looking for. God bless, God speed, Good bye.
  11. In the span of 3 posts, you've "insulted" me by saying that I am a higher intelligence than you, and too passive to get into a name calling contest with you. You are doing a great deal to both bolster my feelings and notions about myself, and reinforce the stance I took regarding the typical stature of the "Buffalo sports fan" that reflects negatively on the city and its populace. I thank you for "winning" this argument for me, in a more succinct manner than I ever could. Enjoy your evening sir, thank you for doing my work for me, and truly, God bless! I'll let you have the last word if you want it
  12. At what point would I have indicated that those treatments aren't phenomenal, 100% necessary, and welcomed by all who receive them. You continuously refer to cleft palates... this really seems to be a spot of trouble for you. I'm sorry if at some point in your life you had to deal with that, and that is not something that any herbal supplement could ever cure. You seem to be willfully ignorant of the greater discussion at hand. Physical ailments that can be cured with surgical procedures have nothing to do with psychotropic medicine, SSRIs, and the massive medical/industrial complex that will suck you in with no questions ask, fill your RX, and send you on your way. IN FACT: it is the wonderful advancement of western medicine that has gone a long way towards eradicating some of the most crippling of diseases that have plagued our species. No one here is saying that there is not a place for Western medicine. But it is a tool, not an answer. There are other ways to solve problems that don't require western "medicine". And living a life of balance can prevent many of these diseases from arising in the first place. As for the mental piece, the act of spiritual healing for supersedes that of pharmacological intervention--but that can be discussed some other time. Perhaps western medicine can "cure" diseases like cancer "better"--but let's discuss the flip side of that coin: why are cancer rates 50% lower in Eastern countries? That is where holistic medicine can provide the answer: living a healthy life means your odds of dealing with these diseases in the first place are significantly lower. But, remember: spoiler alert--we all die! We are just flesh and blood. Ashes to ashes, dust to dust. You can live a natural life of comfort and balance here that REDUCES the number of times you need to go to the doctor--but when those instances come up, OF COURSE western medicine has it's place. But even then, I would encourage you to explore your options. Off the top of my head, because I dealt with it this summer: tea tree oil cures athletes foot/jock itch/fungal infections in about a day or 2. It's all natural, from the earth, and effective. Tinactin and Lotrimin are filled with synthesized chemicals from god knows where, and require about a month of treatment. Different ways are out there, and are less intrusive, have less side effects, are more effective, and are CHEAPER. I don't want to argue with you brother, because I can feel the rage building up inside of me, and I don't want to insult you. I'm sorry if you took offense to my original point--I did not mean to attack you specifically. Carry on.
  13. If you can't see the bigger picture yet, I can't help you brother. You will get there eventually. Don't become defensive: lose your notion of "American healthcare" vs. some obscure, vague notion of "other" medicine that you can't deign to fathom, as if it's somehow beneath you. Remember: we're on the same side. Is your pineal gland so calcified by the flouridated water supply that you lash out in anger to the light bringers? Apparently it is. Any time you are being sold something, ask who profits. When you deduce who profits, ask what the business model is: more than likely, it centers upon continuation of payments, as opposed to a 1 time fee. If a product is based on continuous consumption, ask yourself why other models would be allowed to exist. "Western" medicine is based on "curing" the patient, so they can live as long as possible "Everyone else" uses medicine that is based on living a day to day existence of optimal body and mind health, to bring us closer to the divine and realize our souls purpose on this planet. Life becomes a journey not measured in terms of length, but instead, of depth. "Western" medicine has eradicated God, and is based on "fear". FEAR of death--because there is no consolation for the patient that this material existence is part of a larger spiritual journey. "Everyone else" takes a holistic view of "medicine"--accupuncture, meditation and feng shui are all components of "Eastern" medicine designed to let energy (spirituality) flow unimpeded through your life, as a river flows freely down the mountain side. You bring such ANGER to this discussion. Are you truly open to discuss the ways of light, or does the fear that your existence has thus far been meaningless suppress your capacity to put one foot in front of the other on this life journey? You bring up dying children in Africa to validate your point. The ones that you picture in your mind have no clean water. They have not even been given the basic necessities for life--due to drought, famine, war, and countless other roadblocks imposed by a "western" world that holds the value of the dollar above the value of the mind. Come back from the edge man. Drink some ayahuasca tea. Smoke some cannabis. Eat some mushrooms. Let go of the fear, and the control that you insist upon having in this "world". This is not reality. Read the true teachings of Jesus Christ to his disciples, contained in the Gnostic texts. Look into why you're here. The answers are out there. I can't give them to you, I can't hold your hand, I can't force you to see them. Sometimes I do get mad, and I shouldn't, but it is imperative that humanity learns this lesson before it is too late (again). We have already forgotten the lessons of the ancients, and think the sacred texts are fairy tales. Now we have the hubris to think that the religion of "science" is all we need. It is not.
  14. You think that's air you're breathing? You're playing defense for the system, and attacking the view points that challenge your perspective on the world. It's natural. I remember going through the same process, long ago. Please remember, and remember this above and beyond everything else: me and you are on the same side. It is that knowledge which they put Jesus on the cross for; it's why Martin Luther King was shot, and John Lennon. It's why the flower children were rounded up and shipped off to fight a "war" in Vietnam, and the plants they used to commune with GOD were made illegal and their users criminalized. Again: we are on the same side. You sit behind your computer and argue with those who tell you that a life of harmony, balance, peace, and HEALTH can be achieved for free, by getting fresh air, eating that which grows naturally from the soil, drinking that which flows naturally from the mountains, and by taking time to turn inwards to talk to the powers that be, rather than striving to achieve happiness by BUYING that which is NOT on this plane of existence. Brother, you don't have to live this way. I promise. It's much better on the other side. Open your eyes. All 3 of them.
  15. I'd call the people that post on this board sheep, but that would be so degrading to a species that lives in harmony with its environment that it would be unfair to the sheep. In all honesty brother, I tell you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my soul: you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to bring any sort of enlightenment to this board. These people don't just do what they're told, and think what they're told to have in their head for thoughts, they angrily parrot it back to you with the intellectual depth of a teaspoon to back their argument. They spend more time trying to come up with witticisms to criticize those with a different viewpoint than to actually question their own line of thinking. Challenging one's viewpoints is the cornerstone of intellectual growth: this place is about as stagnant as a puddle on the side of the road at a 4 way intersection. No surprise to see WEO chime in on this discussion: he is the stubbed cigarette butt that floats at the top of that puddle of filth. He wears his moderator badge like some sort of Orwelian overlord, using his stoic stance of intellectual stubbornness to reign over discussions and ban, lock, or delete opposing viewpoints. Messageboard? Who's message. I'm surprised there isn't a link to buy a teeshirt from NFL.com at the bottom of everyone's sig here. We're 3 pages in to you being criticized for saying a healthy lifestyle should involve exercising and eating right. How that viewpoint can be criticized is beyond my understanding. Posters on this board act like it's some sort of "politicizing" issue. Did I see someone up there say his "doctor" told his wife to EAT MCDONALDS? These are the people you are having a discussion with. These are the people that live in Buffalo. This is why there are so many great expats around the country that cheer for the Bills, but why none of us live in Buffalo. It's a dying city, in a tail spin, patting themselves on the back because some guy that made a billion in FRACKING bought both sports franchises and is going to milk the cashcow on the waterfront with the slogan "One Buffalo" so these poor souls can think their life has meaning again. Wait until the fracking industry reaches it's crisis point in 2025. Pegula's liquid wealth is going to plummet, and the LA/Toronto talks will be right back on the table. Good for you for living healthy, opening your third eye, and seeing behind the curtain of the modern world. Get yourself a netti pot if you don't already have one, just make sure you use distilled water. I irrigate my sinus cavity every morning: year 6 without a cold or a flu. "But those are necessary, it's more unhealthy not to have them". False: they were brought into the human population when we domesticated animals. And NO "new age quack" would say modern medicine doesn't have a place. It's an option. Some guy on here said something about Brady's knee? Could you moron's miss the point any harder if you tried? Living in harmony with the environment and living a balanced lifestyle is about preventing illness, so your days can be filled with energy, light, laughter and love. Not taking a pill with god knows what in it so you can pump out autistic babies and numb yourself to the divine, and your souls journey on earth. Mind over matter is what every culture on the face of this Earth has always accepted, except for this currently "enlightened" society. Which, if we live in a world where they offer pills to make you feel happy, how "enlightened" are we, really? Here's a curve ball for anyone wanting to argue this guys viewpoint, or any other medical-intervention free lifestyle: The Placebo effect. Thanks, I'll hang up and listen.
  16. Sunday Night Football ratings took a massive nose dive this week. Predictable. Parse out whatever silver lining you want from the article, but the message is starting to resonate loud and clear: the product is absolute f*cking garbage; has been rocked by one too many cheating scandals; has an illegitimate champion for the fourth time this millennium; is over officiated to the point that every play is followed by fans expecting a flag; and driven by a "concussion" narrative that roger refused to take by the horns the second it cropped up, which has resulted in the essence of the game being whistled away 15 yards at a time. Maybe they'll get a bump next week, but the league has a problem when the contending Giants can't even get the NYC metro region eyes on the screen, and people are watching zombie sitcoms instead. This wasn't Tampa v. St. Louis in primetime: this was 9ers Giants. I wonder if fans are starting to feel like the league is rigged, and the product is overmarketed, with a message so tightly controlled that people might think they are watching a 4 hour beer commercial, instead of a rough, rugged, full contact blood sport? Hmmmm.
  17. Before I offer my views on this matter, I would appreciate it if you could take 7 minutes of your time and watch this video. Because this is 2015, and I realize the attention span of most people is not quite developed to the point that they are able to spend upwards of 7 minutes digesting others viewpoints, I will do my best to summarize it for you. Essentially, the video is a debate/conversation between Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban, and ESPN personality Skip Bayless. In it, Skip is trotting out some tired viewpoint that "Lebron is not clutch", to which Mark Cuban responds by calling into question Skip's knowledge of basketball, and alleging that Skip Bayless, and others like him, are everything that is wrong with sports "media". Why? Because they speak in generalities and platitudes. "Not clutch" is about as relevant to a discussion of professional football as is the notion of saying that the Buffalo Bills are "not contenders". A) It's a complete fallacy--the Bills are currently in place to be a playoff team, and their schedule gets easier from this point forward, while many of the teams contending for the final wild card positions must play increasingly difficult games. but more importantly, B) The Bills have been in "contention" in every game (hence, they are contenders), and your perceptions of their weaknesses is one of subjective perception, not objective truth. Stated differently, the coaches are tasked with developing different strategies for different games. So, unless you have the foresight to know what your opponent is going to do, akin to knowing the cards your opponent has at the poker table, (or playing for the New England Patriots), the appropriate strategy to win a professional, collegiate, high school or pop warner game of football is not the strategy that makes Buffalo Barbarian want to renew his Sunday Ticket subscription (although that is what Roger wants), but the one that wins football games. In each game this season, Buffalo has employed the correct strategy, with some qualifiers as to why they lost the 2 contests that they did. Against the Patriots, they scored enough points to win a typical NFL contest, but as is seemingly the case when anyone plays the Patriots, Buffalo faced an opponent who was able to carve up their defense at will, and score 40 some odd points within minutes of receiving the ball. This has been happening for years. They have won 4 Super Bowls because of it. (And please note, the league has punished them for cheating on multiple occasions, and opponents are so supremely aware of their nefarious actions that they refuse to have football-related strategy conversations in the visiting locker room of Gillette stadium, despite what Mr. WEO alleges as "fair play" on here--though Mr WEO himself is nothing more than a league shill: his breath reeks of curry, his flip flops are dusty from the vespa ride to his New Dehli call center, and the raging diphtheria that his family suffers from due to inadequately sterilized Indian drinking water leaves him bitter and despondent, but such is the life of an Indian tech support employee hired to do the leagues bidding on an NFL message board.) Against the New York Giants, Buffaloscored more points than their opponents, but had many erased from the board, due to what was an obvious case of point shaving/referee manipulation. Again, I would encourage you to ignore the objections of those who claim that this simply can't be true. A massive insider trading scandal broke on Fanduel/Draftkings a few days later. The events are (probably) not connected, but if you willingly choose to remain naive to the very real influence of Las Vegas casinos/organized crime/big money gambling in the NFL, I would caution you that your enjoyment of the sport will be lessened. Ignorance is not bliss--in this scenario, or any other. And that leaves us with 3 other games this season. Games which appeared to be officiated "on the up and up", although I must admit, Buffalo got some great calls (Graham's 15 yarder not withstanding) yesterday. A convincing win over the Colts; a convincing win over the Dolphins; and a strong showing while offensively shorthanded against the Titans. The gameplan yesterday clearly involved keeping the ball on the ground with RBs, and when that approach stalled, they let Taylor keep it on the ground. Offensively, it worked: the Bills scored just enough, and the defense was stout. Had our playmakers been healthy, perhaps the approach would have been different. When Tennessee had a long field to play with, Buffalo appeared more than happy to let Mariota throw, but they tightened up that approach after midfield, and it seemed Tennessee's rushing attack was not up to par. Buffalo got the win, on the road, under-staffed, in a tough environment, on grass, against a good defense. So, now the focus shifts to Cincinnati. Who will win? Who knows! Buffalo should have beaten New England AND New York, and probably should have lost to Tennessee. This is a 4-1 club, with the offensive weapons to compete (when healthy). With Williams and Watkins back, I would assume that Buffalo will put points on the board. The defense has kept every contest close (save New England*), so whichever way the wind blows, it will likely be less than a touchdown difference in either direction. It is insulting to me that a conversation about the league fixing the Buffalo/New York game was locked within an hour of being opened, despite every participant in it agreeing, and discussing the matter in a civil, cordial manner. Furthermore, it is extremely frustrating that it was locked for "not contributing positively to the board". Ha. If that is the case, how is such drivel as this "thread" allowed to exist on the board for days. It is an uneducated, worthless post that adds nothing of value to the discussion of professional football in general, or the Buffalo Bills specifically. The original poster took no stance other than to hurl platitudes and generalities into the water like chum to sharks, and his lack of critical thinking, objective analysis and defense of his position contributes nothing positive to the board. Mods, please lock and delete this thread, and follow your own rules for once when it is a thread critical of the Bills. Or are we only allowed to be critical of the team that this board purports to be in support of--and any negative comments about our division rivals and/or the commissioner who has absolutely ruined the game that so many of us have grown up loving are to be locked up and deleted. It seems on here the only enemies of twobillsdrive are the fans who grew up loving this sport, and the team that represents a community filled with fans, friends, family and former players who chose to keep this team and this city near and dear to their heart. But I know, I know: I'm just a bitter conspiracy theorist, and no one can stop the Pats because their Cleveland Browns reject head coach and 6th round, 40 year old QB who has to let air out of the ball to throw it are the greatest combo in NFL history, and their multiple cheating violations (AND PUNISHMENTS!) are because the Bills are "jealous", and the Bills need to "try harder" and "stop complaining".
  18. And so, preemptively I say to Mr. WEO, close and lock this, as I'm sure you will. But much like Roger has lost control of the people who have their hands up the ass of the billion dollar cash cow, You too, Mr. WEO have lost control of this board, and the message is out. Your roll as riot cop is tired, and the message is spreading. Ban my IP now, we all know it's coming. Don't worry, I'm prepared for that inevitability. I'm not going anywhere, but it will be fun to watch you try!
  19. Because the NFL has removed itself from the venue of "sport" and has determined that the most robust profit stream is one of "entertainment product". Unfortunately, this has left the sport open to influences of those who care little about the outcome of the game, and would rather get a slice of the ever increasing revenue pie. The person who loses out on this capitalist game of musical chairs will always be the uneducated consumer at the bottom, who spends their meagerly take home pay on season tickets and zumba pants, and clutches to the hope that the gods of capitalism they pray to in their stadium churches are real, and will reward them with a lombardi trophy that will, somehow, validate their years of fandom (purchases). This is not how sports is supposed to work. It's supposed to be a game of skill, played between two teams, (somewhat) free from outside influences. As the average fan begins to feel more and more disconnected from that reality, they will attempt to corroborate and validate those feelings with those who are sharing the experience. In this case, fellow fans, who also post on a message board. Because the number of those people are growing, exponentially, week over week (ask Detroit fans after last night), the product is spinning out of control. And to the fan who finally sees behind the veil, and realizes how corrupt and out of control the product has become, and how little influence ANYONE aside from a third party, has to to stop it, the feeble attempts from the league marketing arm to "control the message" become increasingly asinine and humorous.
  20. And away we go. Soon, the defense will be "you are using a logical construct that does not enable me to argue with you, because you preemptively assert that any conflicting view points are those held by people with an anti-Buffalo agenda". Essentially, their next line of attack would be: If you say everyone is out to get you, then ANYONE who disagrees with you will fit that profile. And while there is some merit to that view point, please know that this is a field I specialize in, and the rather rudimentary methods employed by league affiliates on sites like these are meant to shape views, not flood the board with a unified message from 30 separate accounts. However, their wall of defense has its cracks, and there are too many holes in the dike to put a finger in each one. Which is why, after 4 pages of thoughtful, positive discussion in a thread following the Giants game re: the nature of a corrupt, fixed NFL, the negative attacks stopped, and the thread was simply locked. Again, I reiterate: a day after we all saw a very blatant decision by the league to award a certain amount of points to the new york giants, and withhold a certain amount of points from the Buffalo Bills, the two sites that are the fastest growing sports-related industry in the country were busted for defrauding customers. This can not be denied, and its implications are enormous. Also, it must be noted, that this scandal broke AFTER a thread in which I told people to log off this site and stop complaining about the game, because league officials were here to "shape the message" that it was a fair contest.
  21. Excellent post brother, welcome to the light. Please be aware that many league employees frequent this site and will do whatever they can to discredit you, and your views. This site is essentially akin to calling a customer service line, while simultaneously having the ability to talk to other frustrated customers who are also on hold. Rather than muzak, however, we are treated to the artful wit of the service representatives who will call you a conspiracy theorist, a woman, an idiot, or the time honored "don't let the door hit you on the way out." However, please know, these are the same people (KRAFT) who buy sites like draftkings, and then use insider trading strategies to steal our money. And the customer service representatives here will say to you "OK, so maybe THAT deal is a little shady... and deflategate was a little shady... and spygate was a little shady... but enough with the conspiracy theories about the league not being on the up and up... THERES NO CHEATING THERE! Now quick, give me your check for season tickets/direct tv." On the same weekend that it was announced that the two major "legal gambling" sites are as corrupt as wallstreet, the Bills had 14 points forcibly removed from the scoreboard, and "lost" a game they should have won. My thread discussing this issue was locked within 30 minutes of being opened. And yet there remain some unfortunate, unenlightened bills fans who would rather listen to the NFL sales reps on here than to believe what their eyes have seen, or what the growing number of fans are posting on here. Point blank: THE NFL IS AS CORRUPT AS IT GETS, AND ITS AN ABSOLUTE WASTE OF YOUR TIME. Here is where a sales representative tries to denigrate my post: they will slander me and tell me to walk away. But I will do something far, far worse--I will stay, and continue to cut their product to death with a thousand papercuts. Because your post is evidence that people are seeing the light. And my goal isn't to get justice. It's better than that. It's to get people to stop spending their money on the product. Oh, I'll keep watching. And you should too. It's a great sport. But let's absolutely destroy the product. Let's reduce it to rubble. Let's make their year over year profits international news. http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/181150-the-nfl-has-changed-so-much-fire-roger-goodell/ My original thread, which contains a link to a thread I made Sunday night, which was locked after an hour, as this one surely will be too. Soon, our IPs will be banned. Fear not. The word is out.
  22. My true thread of "conspiratorial theories" alleging that Buffalo's game against the Giants was not on the up and up, and that members of the NFL's social media team were at work on this board to spin the message was 4 pages of productive, positive conversation with people questioning the integrity of the game, much like they did after spygate, deflategate, the replacement refs, the bills/giants game, and now, after last nights detroit/seattle finish. That thread was, of course, closed and locked within an hour for not contributing positively to the discussion at hand. Watch the highlights of last nights finish. I apologize for the anger i showed in this thread at the top: the league is much more of a comedy to me that a point of rage now. Personally, I am not spending another dollar of MY money on the NFL until Goodell is gone. Easy for me as a non-season-ticket owning fan, living out of market. But I certainly won't be buying WWE Sunday Ticket next season.
  23. He's a league employee I'm sure. I'm sure some moderator privileges are given to NFL social media employees. 3 people could take 10 teams a piece and control the message on fanboards while they have their coffee in the morning and have their local news open in an 11th tab--they would be done before lunch time. But I guess that's just way too far fetched, and way too much work for a multi multi multi billion dollar organization that has plans to expand globally to do. Why would they go to such BACKBREAKING lengths to try to control the image of their product. It's not like this is an image conscious league that parades their players around in pink for 25% of the season because "cancer".
  24. that was good. f*ck the NFL. Remember when the mods locked my thread yesterday: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/181599-attn-bills-fans-log-off-for-the-night/ Because I wasnt contributing positively to the board. Do any of you still think this sport is on the up and up? Or are you ready to join me in the class action lawsuit of the century. Just wait til they expose the "moderators" of this board. Sorry beerball,better get the ban hammer out, I didn't mean to offend you oh great ruler, unbiased lord of football knowledge, and impartial judge of what conversations are appropriate for the information super highway
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