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Everything posted by ThurmasThoman

  1. why would his wife fly in at lunch time and fly out at dinner? god, imagine if shes on her period too? my wife would kill me if that was our itinerary, 100 million on the table or not. we'd be eating at a g*ddamn applebees and staying at a holiday inn expres, not flying out, contract or no
  2. please. nix is a hero. he's doing everything in his power to sign the premier free agent. vilified? id build the man a statue myself. not his fault if mario doesnt sign.
  3. lets discuss this further so i dont kill myself
  4. im gonna do the dishes. i want a transcript when i return!
  5. Jason Lashouldsignupfortwobillsdrivedotcomifheeverwantstobreakabillsrelatedstoryaccuratelyonanationalstage
  6. if we sign mario manningham too, will the lead story on espn be "super mario brothers" ???
  7. i was emotionally devastated at 2:00. i got a text (internet blocked at my job) saying he was going to visit other teams. i texted my wife and told her to google mario williams buffalo, look for that story, and see who wrote it and what the time stamp was. she sent me "john clayton, 4 hours ago" thats when i knew i had to leave the office early to come home and check twobillsdrive.
  8. i work in a room with 4 women and a guy who could care less about sports. i was reading texts outloud as they came in and pacing around the room. my boss left early for a dentist apointment. people don't understand what it means to be a bills fan - this is new england.
  9. lmao. what a day. i have been the most unproductive worker ever. i left my job an hour early to come home and refresh this website. i will buy a jersey the second they announce it at a presser. my life is tied up in this story.
  10. keep the faith brother. drew bledsoe TO takeo spikes bryce paup we've made a splash before. i couldn't believe it for the life of me when we signed both TO and traded for bledsoe. the difference? i wasnt looking for second-by-second updates on the situation. right now, as we speak, mario williams is either a) taking a **** on a buffalo toilet b) resting his head on a buffalo pillow c) eating a buffalo breakfast or d) having relations in the shower with a buffalo hotel worker in 6 hours, he's going to finalize this process and be a buffalo bill. don't worry.
  11. a SHRED of hope? meachem signed last night because jackson left for tampa and san diego had to move fast. it does not impact the mario situation at all. today, he wakes up, he gets taken to the ralph, we check him out, we ask him what it takes to get it done, he says something outlandish, we counter with an additional 5-10 million in upfront dollars from our original deal, presser at noon. people worried about "he doesnt want to play in buffalo." its money. we will spend whatever it takes to get him, we will not be outbid. if chicago offers more, if seattle offers more, if new england offers more, we will counter with more. if, after that, he elects to play elsewhere for less, so be it. nix did not counter the meachem offer, because he's a smart gm. you don't break the banks for meachems.
  12. we have a new winner for funniest post
  13. I want you guys to watch this video, if you've never seen it before: Specifically, starting at the 6:30 mark. Now, I want you to think about the wind tunnel that is Ralph Wilson Stadium. NOW, i want you to imagine the side arming, dead duck throwing, no accuracy having tim tebow playing all his home games in Buffalo New York. Or, for an even better mental exercise, just think back to week 16, when he played a game here. Tim Tebow got denver to where they made it using one very important skill: the broncos defense. If you think, for one second, that tim tebow could come into OUR stadium, with OUR defense, in OUR division and win any more than 0 football games, honest to god, if i was moderator of this forum, i would ban you for a month and just tell you to take some time to go for walks outside after dinner, and really rethink some fundamental beliefs that you have built up over the course of your life. the guy, can NOT, play quarterback. it's why the TEAM THAT HE CURRENTLY PLAYS FOR AND MADE IT TO THE DIVISIONAL ROUND WITH is doing everything in their power to NOT have him be their starting quarterback next season.
  14. exactly. from ray lewis's wikipedia page: "Following a Super Bowl XXXIV party in Atlanta on January 31, 2000, a fight broke out between Lewis and his companions and another group of people, resulting in the stabbing deaths of Jacinth Baker and Richard Lollar. Lewis and two companions, Reginald Oakley and Joseph Sweeting, were questioned by Atlanta police, and eleven days later the three men were indicted on murder and aggravated assault charges. The white suit Lewis was wearing the night of the killings has never been found." they should walk ray lewis into a gym, and "surprise" him with the families of the 2 men who died, and have him field impromptu questions. but, lord knows, stevie has some growing up to do! so lets focus on that instead.
  15. why does he have the side of his face pierced?
  16. 4.3 40 time!!! give up the farm. HES SO FAST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  17. lol, you kidding me? im sorry, but no way no how does this look like the quarterback thats going to lead the bills to the promise land a handful of times for the next decade. bu bu bu but hes the next cam newton! (career 6-10 record, 0 playoff wins) bu bu bu but hes the next micheal vick! (2 career playoff wins, 1 year in prison) bu but but, hes the next vince young! (0-1 in the playoffs, 0-1 in suicide attempts) but but... YOURE RACIST! look, enough of these "non-prototypical-are-they-going-to-run-or-pass?" quarterbacks. IT. DOESN'T. WORK. lets go back in time and confirm that? Superbowls 2012: Eli Manning (Pocket Passer) v. Tom Brady (Pocket Passer) 2011: Ben Rothlisberger (Pocket Passer) v. Aaron Rodgers (Pocket Passer) 2010: Drew Brees (Pocket Passer) v. Peyton Manning (Pocket Passer) 2009: Ben Rothlisberger (Pocket Passer) v. Kurt Warner (Pocket Passer) 2008: Eli Manning (Pocket Passer) v. Tom Brady (Pocket Passer) 2007: Peyton Manning (Pocket Passer) v. Rex Grosman (Pocket Passer) 2006: Ben Rotlisberger (Pocket Passer) v. Matt Hasselbeck (Pocket Passer) 2005: Tom Brady (Pocket Passer) v. Donovan Mcnabb (Maybe... MAYBE.. a mobile qb? Rushed for 0 yards in the Super bowl) 2004: Tom Brady (Pocket Passer) v. Jake Delhomme (Pocket Passer) 2003: Brad Johnson (Pocket Passer) v. Rich Gannon (Pocket Passer) Additionally - it is RIDICULOUS that im reading on this board, of all boards, that cam newton has good numbers. cam newton?? CAM NEWTON??? they finished 6-10! fitz is a terrible quarterback because we finished 6-10. cam is a great quarterback, even though he finished 6-10. we should change the name of this board to thegrassisalwaysgreener.com people in here saying things like "now THATS how you run a franchise" in speaking about the redskins??????? i feel like i woke up in bizarro world.
  18. its because ted thompson doesn't WANT to sign free agents. you gotta realize. if a player is worth keeping, if you have him under contract, you can perpetually resign him and lock him up before he hits free agency. why do you think peyton is a free agent for the first time in a 14 year career? because he chose to be, or because the colts want him to be? lets say in 3 years, stevie is the best wide out in the league. we have a 2 year head start on every other team in terms of resigning him! how many teams have had a chance to sign brady? big ben? aaron rodgers? it has absolutely NOTHING to do with a city being cool. ask yourself this - would you truly want a player to sign with your team because he values the women and nightlife in your city above all else? a team full of pacmans? come on. this thread is stupid. draft well. sign those players to long term deals. use veteran free agents as stop gap measures (ala barnett) when necessary. we're doing that right now. be patient.
  19. Ha. Look man. When people laugh at the buffalo bills... 99.9% of them (over the age of 25) are laughing because they lost 4 straight super bowls. They are very unique across all 4 major sports in that they made it to THE premier sporting event in all of the land... FOUR TIMES IN A ROW... and lost... FOUR TIMES IN A ROW. This is something that has been forgotten over the course of our decade and a half of missing the playoffs. We, as Bills fans, think "people are picking on the bills because of buffalo... because we lose so much... because ralph wilson is a bad owner... because ralph is cheap... because we might not resign stevie... " no. ice cube - 1992 "cause im the one with the mad fat skills and i wont choke like the buffalo bills" EVERYONE over the age of 25 has this ingrained in their psyche - like it or not. its like word association: george bush - not a good public speaker 9/11 - national tragedy buffalo bills - cant win the big one so no. buffalo isn't UNCOOL. and when we make the playoffs this year, we'll be everyones darlings.. just like we were for the first 8 weeks of the season. everyone loves an underdog. the bills in the super bowl will be like the year the sox won the series. toughen up pansy. no one hates buffalo.
  20. in HD, those jerseys are some of the cleanest, brightest, nicest jerseys in sports: http://www.google.com/imgres?q=tampa+bay+creamsicle&um=1&hl=en&sa=N&biw=1280&bih=685&tbm=isch&tbnid=kgYivevGBulclM:&imgrefurl=http://theorangewhip.blogspot.com/2010/12/cool-uniform-props-tampa-bay.html&docid=gj6-290O96UXTM&imgurl=http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_MGUd4W3-w_Q/TQffFZqpkPI/AAAAAAAABUc/n-oC1EMOfF4/s1600/CUP_Tampa%25252BBay_1.jpg&w=660&h=454&ei=1XhaT_fcEIHo0gHi-oHPDw&zoom=1&iact=hc&vpx=880&vpy=322&dur=648&hovh=186&hovw=271&tx=84&ty=114&sig=104722426332801932717&page=1&tbnh=154&tbnw=202&start=0&ndsp=18&ved=1t:429,r:10,s:0 they might have looked out of place 15 years ago, but in today's NFL, that would be amazing.
  21. "cool" to play here? what does that even mean.
  22. i dont understand the obsession around signing vincent jackson. for the first half of last season, before our team completely fell apart due to injuries, our offense was top 5 in the league. we lost our slot receiver, our #2 wideout, starting running back, a good chunk of our oline, and fitz got injured. put another way: our entire offense was injured. stevie may not be a "true" number 1 to some people, but if i recall, he was playing much of last season with an injured groin - taking away much of his explosiveness and ability to get separation at the line and go deep. so why break the bank for another wideout? our defense was bottom of the league last year. THATS where we should be spending. take the money that would go to jackson and sign 1 marquee free agent or 2 players who could come in and make a difference immediately, and THEN we can talk wild card. but another wideout? what are we going to do, score 45 instead of 35 points a game? that greatest show on turf stuff falls apart in the playoffs, ESPECIALLY in cold, windy weather. and considering we play all of our home games outside in BUFFALO, and the best teams in our conference (new england, new york, pittsburgh, baltimore, cincy, denver, kansas city,) all play outside in bad weather, it would behoove us to try and build up our defense, not the area of our team that relies on perfectly thrown 40 yard passes.
  23. well, we fired the defensive coordinator responsible for the last 2 seasons. what draft picks do you not like on that side of the ball?
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