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Everything posted by ThurmasThoman

  1. this is the single gayest thing i've ever seen in my life. i feel like i should go get an aids test just from reading it.
  2. he's good, i guess. not anywhere close to as good as big ben (2 more super bowls than him) eli (2 more super bowls than him--both over him) flacco (one more super bowl than him, but a lee evans drop away from making him his b*tch 3 times in the playoffs, all at foxboro) peyton (one more super bowl than him) or brees (one more super bowl than him) if you are considering bradys career based on the success the patriots had a) during a time when they were cheating, and b) during an era when the bills were terrible and provided absolutely no competition to them then yes, brady must look all world, and be deserving of his own thread on a bi-weekly basis on this bills message board. but if you ever develop the power of critical thought, and realize the patriots are the only team in league history to be punished for cheating, you can stop listening to what espn and other media outlets say about brady (SPOILER--the nfl is a cash cow, they dont want to dwell on its extremely large, very public, black eye), and realize that he is dan marino without the stats. a great quarterback, who, unlike his contemporaries, was unable to get it done on the biggest of stages. let me throw this one at you before the people with iqs hovering around the mid to high 80s start chirping in about why spygate is overblown: if you were playing poker with your buddies, and you lost 500$ to a guy that showed up out of nowhere, sat down at the table, and won every hand for 3 hours, claimed to be "the best poker player of all time," but you then discovered that he had a mirror installed behind your head at your own home, and knew what your cards were every hand, would you calmly ask for your money back? or would you say "lol, damn, i wish i could cheat that good too! you really are the best poker player ever "
  3. When I was a teenager, I used to LOVE the power rankings. reading about every team and what not. But as I got older, I started to realize (and please know, this is not a knock on ANYONE that likes them), they are for one thing, and one thing only: generating conversation. getting hits on a webpage. getting clicks to get eyeballs on adverts. They are literally, 100%, completely and totally USELESS when it comes to ANYTHING having even the slightest bit to do with the Buffalo Bills, and their chances of winning football games. Here, I present to you, the only power rankings that matter: http://www.nfl.com/standings?category=conf
  4. sorry if im late to the party--but was he busted for weed? or hard drugs? and were there any additional felonious crimes? fighting, stealing, raping? because if this thread is going 15 deep questioning the moral integrity of a kid who smokes grass. smh. can't wait til we're out of the freaking federally-imposed-moralistic-ice-age that we're currently in. did he suck a guys d*ck too? CUT HIM IMMEDIATELY. BAN HIM FROM THE LEAGUE.
  5. but that's because the redskins won the division and made the playoffs, so no one is exactly calling for rg3's head. now if manuel goes 3-13, and follows it with a 5-11 campaign, i'd feel better knowing we had barkley to turn to, just in case.
  6. i will say this op: i admire you for making this thread--usually threads that try to attribute buffalo being awful to anything other than... well.. buffalo being AWFUL, are met with derision and mocking. my problem with your system would be that it puts TOO much power in the hands of rookies. you could have a guy like luck come out and say, "im not signing anywhere until i get x, y and z." the problem with that is, it seems highly unlikely that a team would be able to sign guys like that year after year, to build a nucleus. sure, as a bad team, you might get lucky/get away with it one year (like us with mario last year), but then where does that leave you the following season? no, surprisingly, i think the draft is perfect just the way it is in the nfl: it rewards the worst teams with the chances at the best players, and it is 75%/25% skill to luck in terms of hitting on your draft picks. let me throw this one at you: i think that the true problem with the nfl today, and for the last decade, has been its scheduling formula. it is absolutely, 100%, without question, inexcusably RIDICULOUS that, since 2002, teams within a division play a grand total of TWO games that are different from one another. every year, for the last 10 years, we've played the same schedule as the patriots, minus 2 games. the difference between first and last place in the afc east, since switching to 4 teams in the division, has been (on average,) 7 games. 7 games a year separating first and last place since realignment, and yet, our schedules differ by only 2 games. if this were one of the other 3 major sports, where seasons are 80-160 games, of course schedules would be similar. but in a league where 1 game is ALWAYS the difference between playoffs or no playoffs, to have teams that are so clearly discrepant in terms of talent levels playing (essentially) the same schedule, could lead to longer playoff droughts (us) and longer playoff runs of glory (new england) that make teams worse or better than they actually are. my proposal (for an afc team): home and away vs. everyone in your division (6) play the team that corresponds to your place in the standings, in every nfc division (4) if you finish first or second, play all first and second place teams in your conference/3rd and 4th v all 3rd and 4th teams (6) lets take a look at who our opponents would be this year-bills and pats: bills: pats (2)/dolphins (2)/jets (2)/steelers/browns/titans/jaguars/chiefs/raiders/cardinals/buccaneers/lions/eagles pats: bills (2)/dolphins (2)/jets (2)/ravens/bengals/colts/texans/broncos/chargers/redskins/packers/falcons/49ers now, for the bills, ive bolded the games that we might actually have a shot of winning...or at least, when i sat down in front of the tv, i wouldnt think "WERE GOING TO LOSE THIS GAME, IF WE WIN, IT WILL BE A MIRACLE." there are 13 of those games. wow. for the patriots, ive highlighted games that they could, theoretically lose: and there are 6 of them. how ANY fan of the national football league could read this post and not agree is beyond me. im waiting for the day when goodell stumbles across one of the MANY threads ive made on this subject across the internet, and implements it immediately.
  7. this is a terrible point man, and im about as anti-big government as they come. the fact of the matter is, there needs to be a system in place that punishes those who step outside of what we, as a society, view as acceptable behavior. you could argue that maybe the legal limit is too low, but to say that it's just a scam to bilk us out of our money is ridiculous. i don't see myself as "suffering" because there are laws in place to try and deter people from drinking and driving. in fact, you have to be pretty inebriated to arouse enough suspicion from an officer of the law to be pulled over, and even then, you have to be pretty inebriated to be issued a field sobriety test, AND EVEN THEN, you have to be pretty inebriated to fail it: especially if you're al freaking michaels living in america 2013. every red blooded, hetero sexual ameican male would have likely released him on the spot, had he been able to drive home safely. and honestly, who, over the age of like, 25, gets busted for an oui without being pretty f*cked up? (and stupid).
  8. hmmmmm, first impressions: i like this schedule more than any we've faced in a very long time following this team. as kelly the dog stated above: i actually LIKE opening against the patriots at home. pats have started slow the last couple of years, and theyll be adjusting to life without their #1 receiver, and possibly gronk. they are a hard team to beat--but if were ever going to do it (this year) its going to be when they a) are incorporating new pieces on their team, and b) have absolutely NO idea what we're going to do on offense. from there, the next week is a home game against the panthers, and then a short trip to nyc to play the jets, before back home for our toughest game of the season. very little travel, and some "easy" (as easy as an nfl game can be) games to get the team to gel. although we end with 3 of our last 4 on the road... 3 of those games are against the bucs, dolphins and jags. our boys get to spend maybe 2 weeks down in florida? wow... i like this schedule, a lot.
  9. only thing i care about is what (if any) games we'll be playing in prime time. likely just a thursday nighter v. either the jets or the dolphins, and it will likely be on the road. last 2 openers have been on the road for us, so im going to predict week 1 we open at home. other than that, i think our schedule is just going to be 1pm, 1pm, 1pm, 1pm, 1pm, 1pm, 1pm, bye, 1pm, 9pm (thr), 1pm, 1pm, 1pm, 1pm, etc.
  10. stunning comeback. sorry your brain cells are at such a premium that you need to mitigate their losses by justifying their usage. no wonder this slogan, and all it implies, appeals to you. furthermore, no wonder the stadium is such a sh*t show on sunday these days. 80,000 people at or around your general level of intelligence? damn, this post was too vicious. sorry to go in on you like this, but it's going to be a long year, and here i am arguing with half-wits in april.
  11. ha. pathetic. this whole exercise is pathetic. let's use the analogy of a restaurant: the players are the wait staff. the coaching staff is the kitchen. the head coach is the head chef. and the owners and management are... well, owners and management. what happened today, is essentially equivalent to the head chef hanging up a fake five star review in the kitchen, despite the fact that the health inspector has been trying to shut down the restaurant for damn near a decade, and its only been getting 2 star reviews in the paper. what, exactly, has changed about our organizational philosophy that makes you think that players on our team would "buy into this" or even care, for that matter? or 2 best free agents were a) franchised (punished) and b) let walk (cheap) so we can draft their replacement. so no matter what the chef of this restaurant is saying, the owners are still saying: if you make too much in tips, and become too good of a waiter, youre outta here. but a slogan painted on the wall is going to change all that, right?
  12. he sucks, but dont know why you guys think that 100 million for being the starting quarterback of the dallas cowboys is overpaid. if you think athletes shouldnt be getting that kind of money, go post somewhere else.
  13. hmmm, am i the only one that likes it? sports logos should be clean and simple, as they are confined to such a small space, and are viewed from so far away. in a lot of ways, no matter how "classic" it was, the dolphins logo was possibly the worst logo in the NFL. with the old logo--sitting at your computer monitor and viewing it? sure, it looks cool, because you can notice all of the details. sitting on your couch and watching a game, or sitting in the stands--not so much. in terms of creating a perception, which in this case is "DOLPHIN," when viewed quickly, this logo does just that. combined with the fact that they have a very unique color scheme, and now an awesome throwback option, the dolphins went from having one of the worst uniforms in the league, to one of the best. (and by "awesome throwback option," i mean something that, when worn, looks completely out of place in today's NFL, yet classic. like the red patriots jersey, or neon orange bucs jerseys.) for a quick eye-test, go to nfl.com, and check out the teams logos running across the top of the page. click on the dolphins logo, and youll be brought to miamidolphins.com, where you can see the new logo prominently displayed in several places, both large and small. all division rivalry jokes aside, its a very definitive upgrade.
  14. GOOD IDEA! ill notify all relevant parties, you wait here!
  15. OR, it could be affiliated with the league, and... cant believe im about to type this... be a flag football league?
  16. I've boiled down my feelings about the Buffalo Bills to these 2 options, one of which will happen, both of which are mutually exclusive (I live out of market, btw): 1) If we draft a qb in the first 2 rounds, I will be excited about the coming season, I will talk myself into being optimistic, I will purchase NFL sunday ticket once again, and I will spend every sunday of the season, until we are mathematically eliminated (read: the first 10 weeks) watching the Bills. In this scenario, we draft a talent like Geno Smith, and I remind myself that we still have spiller, we still have stevie, and with a new D coordinator, maybe we catch lightening in a bottle and win 10 games. Hell, Brady was a 6th round pick, Ryan Leaf was a 1st round pick. I know nothing about how good these quarterbacks are coming out of college, because I dont watch college football. Likely, that statement applies to you as well. Maybe we strike gold on a rookie qb like the Bengals or the Seahawks. A middle of the road guy who can manage games with our defense to get us into the playoffs--thats all we wanted out of Fitz last year. 2) If we DONT draft a quarterback, I will not be buying Sunday ticket this year. I will find things to do with my family on sundays, and will just get updates from espn.com while out and about, or fixing up my house. This strategy would tell me the Bills are, once again, in full-on rebuild mode, and will be going another season without the playoffs. At that point, I will have no interest in this season. I'm done with the mindset of "if i stick with this team through the bad times, it will make the good times that much better." f*ck that--show me some good times again, and ill tolerate the bad times the NEXT time we rebuild. i dont need to show my fan card to anyone. leave buffalo, and tell someone you like the bills. no one is going to question if youre a "real" fan, i promise you. theyll just question why the hell you like the bills.
  17. ??? surely you jest? this is the epitome of a poster that holds new england in high esteem based only on what they've seen them do against the bills. i think the patriots decade long dominance of us is directly correlated with 90% of posters on this board thinking they are "unbeatable," and running "the best offense i have ever seen." the best offense I have ever seen was the rams from 2000-2002. tom brady is 36 years old, just lost his favorite target, has no running back, and GRONK is injury prone--counting on him to stay on the field with hernandez? unlikely. also, they have no defense. also, they havent won a super bowl in almost a decade. also, the ravens own them.
  18. believe it or not, sometimes teams with 36 year old qbs that have no running backs, no wideouts to throw to, and no defense to speak of, have trouble winning games, much less championships (especially teams that have never won championships without cheating.) this season for the pats is shaping up to look like the 1997 bills season. the end is near for them, sadly. wish we could have been good enough during their run to stick it to them more than just the 1 time where we caught a million lucky breaks and got over on them 2 years ago.
  19. Right. And the thing that is really irking me the most about this entire process-- this whole board, from those who have said they agree with me, to those who say they are cautiously optimistic, agree that we are in "rebuilding" mode. we've been in rebuilding mode for 3 years now under nix, and now we're starting over? He should be fired. today. and i don't think promoting his protege is the answer. the only way i could even remotely be excited about rebuilding again is if brandon had literally fired every single person (besides himself) within the organization, and hired a new gm. and that gm could be anyone from the manager of a pacsun in the mall, to polian, to brain cashman, WHO CARES. the team just needs a new "culture." because right now, there are 2 scenarios at play: either 1) nix is charged with gutting the team nix created or 2) marrone (with 0 nfl experience) is charged with gutting the team nix created while nix sits upstairs in his office playing mahjong. both of those scenarios are, quite frankly, embarassing. and, if were going to give marrone full autonomy in building the roster, why not hire chip kelly? not trying to convince anyone to leave jonestown with me, but im starting to see how the older posters on here say things like "show me some wins before i buy nfl sunday ticket," because eventually you reach a point where shelling our 300$ for sunday ticket to see this product all over again seems like a real bad idea, not a badge of honor. and the spin coming from our marketing director errrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr team president, sounds the same as it does every year. makes me think of how excited i was when we signed TO, like that was going to put us over the hump, or mario. SMH.
  20. hey now. im not un-relaxed. its not like i close the blinds and listen to coldplay when the bills lose a game on sunday. i didnt post this on teensuicide.net, i posted it on a buffalo bills message board. im not looking for a life affirmation here--im just sharing with fellow (hopefully) fans, the fact that the joy/optimism/hope FOR FOOTBALL that i have felt looking forward to each and every season for the last 20 years (football, not life. football) has been completely sucked out of me. i look at our roster, and i see a team that would get absolutely smoked by alabama. like, the nfl schedule will be out in a few weeks. an event i look forward to every spring. but this year, im just kinda about the whole affair. ok, so we're going to play the patriots 2x? (and lose both) play the stacked afc north (and go 1-3). i mean, maybe something breaks our way here or there and we go, what, 7-9? its just ive done this so many times. gailey was going to fix it, or jauron, or mularky, or williams. and fitz was the future, then edwards was the future, or losman, or bledsoe. its always hope for the best, be crushed by the dissapointment. this year, its expect the worst is coming, and maybe dvr the game and go do something better with my sunday. if we win, watch, if not, move on. if we start 2-5, stop talking myself into the playoffs with a strong 8-1 finish, but just move on with my fall and get things done around the house.
  21. Don't get me wrong--I'm not going to not care the Bills this year. Or not follow the NFL. Or try to convince people not to watch. I'm just genuinely curious: does anyone have any hope whatsoever for the coming season? It's just (to me) mind boggling how inept this organization is. In so many threads on here, for so long, I've defended the decisions the team has made. And when (usually) older posters would say something like "rearranging the deck chairs on the titanic," I would shake my head, thumb out something along the lines of "you gotta BILLieve," and smile coyly to myself knowing that when we won the super bowl NEXT season, i would have the last laugh. I no longer feel that way. THREE years ago, when the bills took baltimore to overtime, pittsburgh to overtime, and then won 4 in a row, it felt like a corner was turned. That was THREE years ago. We were "rebuilding" that entire time. Yet, here we are: 4 wins/6 wins/6 wins later. Rebuilding again. No qb, no wideouts, no tight end, soon to be a weak interior line, no line backers, and a franchised safety who will probably walk next year. It's been done to death, but I'll just say it again: Our coach--couldnt succeed on the college level, in a bad conference. Now he's going to outsmart belliceck? Our O coordinator has next to no NFL experience. Our QB is unknown. Our GM did so bad over the last 3 years, that we're rebuilding again. AND WE DIDNT FIRE HIM. were about to promote his protege! we have no receivers. we're going to let an olineman walk--to draft his replacement?? why? our running backs were dominant, and surprisingly, our qb didnt get sacked much--now we need to rebuild the oline?? If next season is a wash, then we are rebuilding again. Ok, why keep nix? If we are close for next season, then why are we getting rid of these players (jones, nelson, etc.) It's because were not close, we're clearly going to rebuild! so fire nix! start over! And next season, who's coming down the pike? new england twice pittsburgh baltimore cincy new orleans atlanta theres 7 losses right there. 6 months til the season starts, but if this season is a wash, whats the point? ANOTHER rebuild? i dont have the patience to prep myself for another 4 win season. i cant believe im going to say this, but i am seriously considering not buying sunday ticket, and not spending my money on this team anymore. its just not worth it. 300+ dollars to watch a 3-5 win team "rebuild" for the 14th year in a row. its so depressing.
  22. for the first time in over 20 years following this team, i am completely devoid of optimism heading into next season. if the new head coach can look at the team and say "we have no qb, no wide reciever, no defensive backfield, no linebackers, and may need to rebuild our offensive line," then that tells me we're in rebuilding mode. the problem is, the guy who built this team that needs to be rebuilt is still our gm. and the succession plan in place is to hand this over to his protege. the new head coach we hired was a .500 coach in the big east. this isnt harbaugh coming in, this isn't carrol coming in, this is someone who was completely average at coaching in a completely average conference. the league is built on offense, and our offensive coordinator has next to no experience as an offensive coordinator on the pro level, he is young, he is wet behind the ears, and he doesn't inspire confidence in me. i know coordinators don't usually come with a sterling pedigree, but generally they at least come from a solid coaching tree--ours does not. in addressing the quarterback situation, we're still inviting fitz back to "an open competition." he is terrible, and anyone who watched last year and thought differently is a fool, plain and simply. if last season happened before the era of FANTASY FOOTBALL, ryan fitzpatrick would be out of the league today. however, because buffalo is a small market without a lot of nationally televised games, and because fitz put up middle of the road (respectable) numbers, he is viewed as "an adequate backup." he is not even that. we resigned tavaris jackson, who was an unrestricted free agent. meaning, we TARGETED tavaris jackson as a qb for next year. 30 year old tavaris jackson who had middling success in minnesota is going to be the bills qb of the future? or, the alternative, we draft a qb. the problem with that scenario is, however, if we draft a qb and he is middle of the road (dalton,) than we will be like the bengals, with a 9-7 ceiling and a potential divisional round game every few years to get excited about, for the next decade. if we draft a qb and he's terrible, we will have to stick with him for 3 years before rebuilding again. unfortunately, we're in the worst possible position. just enough talent to not necessitate cutting everyone on the roster, not enough core talent to build a team that can win a super bowl. we may be staring down the barrel of a "rebuilding" project that sees us hover at 6 wins for this year and next, and maybe peak with a 9 win wild card season, until our defensive line retires, cj hits 30, and it's time to rebuild again. with that being said, however, having 0 optimism may be a good thing. if we win 4 games, ill have been expecting it and won't be dissapointed. if we win 9 and steal a wild card, it will be an amazing ride.
  23. exactly. YOU cant let your kid play football. its not that YOUR kid can't play football. YOU cant let your kid play football. that's the thing -- parents live vicariously through their children. the human brain is the most complex organ on the planet--the forebrain itself doesn't even finish forming until your late teens. i dont think theres a right answer here, but i wouldnt storm the bastille if states made football a flag-only or two hand touch only sport unless you made the varsity team in high school. people always come back to the soda thing, or this that and the third. which is great, but you can't bury your head in the sand when it comes to the public health cost that all this stuff ends up being on the other end. pay me now or pay me later if you will. you think that someone on welfare (paid for with your tax dollars,) and who uses medicare (paid for by your tax dollars,) should be allowed to buy soda, which has 0% redeeming nutritional value, and literally ONLY contributes to health problems? should they be able to buy ciggarettes too? if the public is paying for the upkeep of a park that 6 year olds are playing football on, than the public should have the right to decide how that park is used.
  24. ehhhh... im about as anti-government as you can get without being taken away in the night, but this seems like an adequete use of governmental resources. pee wee kids cant make an informed decision. should be flag or 2 hand touch until let's say, freshman year of high school? or maybe the varsity team could be tackle? i guess i just dont see whats wrong with outlawing something among 6 year olds?
  25. makes no sense to have it on sunday as it is. they play wildcard and divisional games on satuday every year. they play football on thursday all year now. make it on saturday, watch another 25 million people tune in. if goodell does that one thing, his legacy would be iron clad forever.
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