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Posts posted by ThurmasThoman

  1. Absolutely great news!


    Congrats to Jim and his family.


    This would be the 6 month exam? Unless I'm misremembering.... 9 months?


    Every cancer has a survival or recurrence rate that is shaped like a bell curve.

    1 month out

    2 months out

    3 months out

    1 year out

    etc. etc. etc.


    For some cancers (like the ones that docs give you a year to live), spike very sharply in the first month after treatment (in terms of deaths), and then gradually decline over the months and years that follow.


    Other, slower developing cancers, and even lymphatic ones like hodgkins, typically will show NED for 3,4,5 months after, then recur at 6 months.


    I would be curious to know if Jims doctors are now putting him on the downslope, or if the most fearful times are ahead of us.

    Either way, he is a hero to many, and a truly admirable man. He will beat whatever is put in front of him.


    Its funny to see the dichotomy between


    *Kelly, viewed as "unable to win the big one" in his playing days, but now one of the most respected football personalities in the league




    *Brady, one of the "best QBs ever", but here we are again, in one of his super bowl weeks, and all anyone is talking about is the culture of dishonesty and cheating that surrounds him, his team, and his accomplishment.


    Fans on here, and everywhere, say "I wish my team could/would cheat like New England, I'd love to cheat my way to a Super Bowl."


    Those people should be ashamed to call themselves Bills fans.

    Having a man as great as Jim Kelly represent this organization is better than any Super Bowl win.

  2. How much of this is a product of bringing in Jim Schwartz? When he was with Tennessee, the Titans' defensive players were notorious for a) getting into vicious fights in camp; and b) playing some of the dirtiest defense in the league. That continued with the Lions too. Haynesworth was a borderline psychopath during camps and preseason, if I recall correctly, and Suh's actions speak for themselves. Bear in mind that the dirtiest DB in the league, Cortland Finnegan, came through that system too. His first season was in 2006 with the Titans.


    yeah i remember before 2009, when we fired avp from his oc job, there were many who thought "that would solve everything", and it was a step in the right direction for the season.


    it's over man... it's over.


    it's not just like these guys got into a shoving match in an isolated incident.


    they've been fighting for weeks.

    marrone has been imploring them not to.

    they continue to fight.

    marrone runs them into the ground and blows up at them.

    hughes talks back at him.


    we have a lame duck coach, an offensive coordinator who can't get the ball to our best weapons, a qb who can't read the field, and a division with tom brady.


    let's start talking about 2015.


    we'll be playing the nfc east

    cowboys and giants at home, eagles and skins on the road


    and the afc south

    texans and colts at home, titans and jags on the road


    finishing last in our division should also net us games against the browns and the raiders


    assuming we have a new qb under center, and a good coach, that looks like a schedule that could legitimately yield a wild card.

  3. Meh what other power does Marrone have with the players besides forcing them to run... He had enough of the fighting and sent a message.


    Don't have a real issue with it... and "lost the team?" Please.. these guys are out there every day jacked up trying to make the roster, emotions run hot. Not a big deal.


    hughes is trying to make the roster?


    he's openly disrespecting marrone in front of the entire team. 2 days in a row.


    bury your head in the sand all you want boys--this team is lost.


    is is the out of control practices that spiral into fights and public shaming on a daily basis?

    or our lack of ability to score points with our first team offense, in a league that basically wants teams scoring 45+ points a game?


    which one has you most excited for the 2014 season?!?!

  4. Who cares? Good for Marrone, make them run!


    its not the 70s anymore buddy.


    these guys have been pampered since little lad.


    the fact that hughes was making cat calls on the sideline yesterday (because they've been in pads for 3 weeks), and then had the balls to call out marrone in front of the entire team (after marrone made them do sprints to really teach them a lesson), tells me all i need to know.


    no one on the team respects this coaching staff. from the wet behind the ears OC who has yet to call a drive resulting in a touchdown through 3 games of preseason action with the starters, to dougie himself, of the illustrious .500 lifetime record at syracuse university and terrible in game decisions.


    the entire team knows hes a lame duck coach who pegula will kick to the curb for schwartz, possibly before thanksgiving.


    what an absolute dissaster.


    this could be ugly saturday night, this team might have quit before week 1.


    this is going to be an awful season--i just hope it's spectacularly bad so it can be blown to high hell and a true rebuild can begin.


    im talking bye bye russ, litmann, overdorf, whaley. EVERYONE.


    i made a thread awhile back saying i hope we finish 0-16.


    i stand by it.


    anyone who thinks this team has the ability to finish any better than 4-12 should take a long, hard look at what's in front of them.


    what an absolute embarrassment of a team.

  5. run D, sammy, infusion of talent on o-line, EJ has a full off season under his belt, etc...


    elaborate on the etc...


    and to address your points:

    how do you feel the run defense has improved? we were 28th in total run defense last year--how did we improve that? by bringing in spikes? he anchored a run defense in new england that finished (wait for it) 30th! where is the improvement? a new coordinator? ok, maybe.


    infusion of talent on the oline? that may be the case, but was oline play REALLY the problem last year? we had the second most potent rushing offense in the league, leading me to believe that the problems on offense came down to our qb.


    ej has a full offseason under his belt... but my friend, that is a zero sum game. so does geno smith (jets were better than us last year.) tannehil has another year under his belt as well. brady is still brady.


    and all of those gains can be mitigated by the losses of:





    there is absolutely no reason to think this team should/can/will be improved from their 6-10 mark last season.


    i hope they are. more than anyone, i hope they are. but they wont be, i promise.


    any writer that picks the bills to finish any better than 4th is crazy.

  6. This team is out of control:




    completely dressed down Hughes in front of the team. Wow. wow wow wow wow wow.


    "Marrone lined players up on one sideline and ripped into them for fighting. At one point, defensive end Jerry Hughes talked back to Marrone, leading to more shouting from Marrone in Hughes' direction, questioning him about whether he wanted to stay on the team.

    Players then ran sprints across the field in an apparent act of discipline.

    Looking directly at Hughes, Marrone used several profanities in telling the player to stop complaining.

    "Why can't you handle it as players?" Marrone yelled. He then motioned toward the locker room and said: "Do you want to play on this team?"

    Once again looking at Hughes, Marrone said: "If you've got a problem with me, you need to come and tell me.""


    Season appears to be spiraling out of control and it's not even week 3... OF THE PRESEASON!!!


    truly unbelievable. Can't remember things being this much of a train wreck since we fired our OC (can't even remember his name now, AVP?) before week 1 of the 09 season, then promptly had our hearts ripped out by new england week 1 on mnf.


    coincidently that season, we lost the hall of fame game, won our second preseason game, and then spiraled out of control for the final 3 preseason contests, with the offense looking terrible--blanked in the second to last preseason game, which led to the dismissal of the oc.


    things are looking eerily similar--but come all ye faithful, tell me why we're going to go 11-5 this year.


    actually, I'm going to adjust my win prediction from 4-12 to 2-14 right now.


    offense: can't score any points

    defense: lost it's 2 best players and only coordinator to have us playing good on that side of the ball since fewel

    special teams: worst in the year last year, retained the coach, thinking about keeping a kick off specialist?

    overall team: hates the coaching staff now, and must be wondering when the hell they can get out of buffalo, know marrone is a lame duck coach soon to be replaced by new owner, and their spot on the team is not a given.


    train wreck city boys--train wreck city.

  7. I guess there is a reason why you aren't managing a team in the nfl ? So you would trade say a Mario Williams and Kyle Williams straight up for a backup Qb named mark sanchez.



    You do realize that during the two seasons that the Jets made the AFC championship, they had a top 3 defense and one of the better running games in the NFL? The subsequent seasons when they couldn't rely on those , and had to rely on Sanchez''s arm instead , they didn't do so hot.


    we have a top 10 defense, and the second best running attack in the nfl, and finished 6-10.


    Sooooooo, by your own FREAKING logic, Sanchez would be a massive upgrade over EJ.


    You literally can not talk your way out of this corner you just painted yourself in. I'm going to enjoy watching you try though. Have at it.

  8. Can't believe we didn't draft or sign any QB's this offseason. And why? Because baddeus and tool are going to blossom? I'd hope we could pick up someone over the next couple weeks. I understand that there are not a lot, if any "good" options available. I also know that our QBs are bad. Bottom 5 worst QBs in the league. One could argue that we are easily the worst.



    Can I just say:

    By playing in consecutive AFC championship games, Mark Sanchez has accomplished more in the last 5 years as a professional quarterback, than the entire Bills organization has accomplished (in all but 4 years) of it's entire existence.


    I think you missed that. Again:


    By playing in consecutive AFC championship games, Mark Sanchez has accomplished more in the last 5 years as a professional quarterback, than the entire Bills organization has accomplished (in all but 4 years) of it's entire existence.


    One more time:

    By playing in consecutive AFC championship games, Mark Sanchez has accomplished more in the last 5 years as a professional quarterback, than the entire Bills organization has accomplished (in all but 4 years) of it's entire existence.


    we have EASILY the worst qb situation in the league in buffalo, and there's not even a team that's a close second.


    we wanted Buddy out the door because he "hadn't addressed" the qb situation, but good god almighty, Fitz would be the day 1 starter on this team and he wouldn't even have to fight for the job.


    i said this in the thread at the time (below) and i stand by it. I wouldn't just trade any 1 player for him, I would trade any 2 players not named sammy watkins for Mark Sanchez:


    "In Buffalo: we have a top 10 defense, and couldn't make the playoffs and the story line is

    "when will we have a quarterback??? how can this team win without a superstar quarterback???? we're doomed!!!!"


    In New York: they had a top 10 quarterback, and made the conference title game in consecutive seasons, and the story line is:

    "that defense was SICK. that defense carried the team. Sanchez didn't matter"


    Can't have it both ways boys.


    Sanchez's story is everything that's wrong with sports these days. 20 years ago he'd still be the starter in New York, and they'd surround him with wideouts and a running back. But because he's in NYC, that piece is overlooked, and 2.5 bad seasons later he's garbage.


    People on this board still like FITZ for Gods sakes. How many times did Sanchez make Fitz look like a JV reject. Opening week 2012, for starters.


    Would cut EJ right now and sign Sanchez if I was Whaley. My god, Sanchez never had the talent we have at wideout, much less running back. That arm?


    Wait, I forgot "Butt fumble LOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE SUCKS!!!!!!!!!!!"


    He has eviscerated us. On numerous occasions. IN OUR HOUSE. "

  9. I don't know why I feel the need to preface this post with a disclaimer, but--I think the Bills will go 7-9 this year. I am a pessimist, or a "realist", if you will. With that being said...


    To those of you who want a new coaching staff, a new qb, or any other drastic changes after last night's game:


    If we are going to put that much stock into a preseason contest (which, by the way, was the 3rd time we have scrimmaged the same team in the last 3 days), then you have to look at the game as a whole--including, you know, the result of the actual game.


    In that case, the Bills drove the length of the field in the final 3 minutes, tied the game with a field goal, forced a turnover on D inside a minute left, and had a chance to win on the road against the Pittsburgh Steelers. This after a first half in which we were one blown coverage away from being tied at the half. Now, since we are all obviously putting so much stock into this contest, we must compare these results to the last time we played a meaningful game against the Steelers: Which in this case means last season, when we lost 23-10, in Pittsburgh, in the absolute worst performance of the season.


    So, by using these two games (which are both equally meaningful to one another, as we would all agree by looking at the posts on the front page) to judge the Bills against each other, we can see that:


    a) Our defense has improved by leaps and bounds--With Schwartz leading this D, that could be good enough for 3 or 4 more wins.

    b) We've improved to the point where we may be able to win 1 or 2 additional road games

    c) Manuel did not look in over his head, flustered, or unable to read defenses like he did last season in Pittsburgh


    d) Our LG, top WR were both out, and will likely be ready to go week 1


    So, it's your choice:


    either last night mattered--in which case the Bills have made significant progress from last season, and with the amount of close games they were in last year, an ounce of progress could be worth a pound of wild card tickets


    last night didn't matter--in which case, please refrain from posting about the Bills being doomed until at least week 3


    Now, because it's twobillsdrive.com, feel free to dodge the issue and passive-aggressively criticize my use of italics.

  10. Complete overreaction by everyone on this board.


    We just scrimmaged against this team for an entire week. Games like this play out like this. See last weeks Redskins-Patriots game (which Brady sat out because Beli said "he got enough work against the Skins first team D during the week that playing against them again in the game would be redundant.") Also, Tomlin specifically told EJ: "Tell me what looks you want to see during the game and we'll give them to you." Per the Bills ap. This game is nothing more than a third practice against Steelers players for EJ. Big Ben hit one crossing pattern that happened to go for 70 yards and a score, other than that this is a 7-6 ball game against two teams that have seen more than enough of each other this week.


    I mean, honestly, calm the f*ck down.


    If anything could be more meaningless than a preseason game, it's a preseason game against a team that you essentially just played 2 preseason games against in the preceding 3 days.


    Don't get me wrong, we'll finish sub .500 like we always do, but this game is not a barometer of what this team will look like this season at all. Good or bad.

  11. I was also glad that EJ played the entire first quarter, and a series in the second. I would have really liked him to play the entire first half, but I wonder if that sack where he got dragged down from behind had anything to do with Marrone pulling him? I cant remember exactly when that sack happened, but it just seemed odd to pull Manuel after 1 series in the second? Why not either the entire first quarter, or the entire first half?


    Either way, here's hoping EJ plays 5 or 6 quarters of football over the next 2 games. I know that might seem excessive, but I really like watching him play. Knowing how much he means to this organization, it's crazy to watch him take the field. I'm really trying to change my mindset/perspective when watching him, and try to stop being so pessimistic and negative, and just really support the kid and hope he flourishes. It was genuinely exciting to watch him march down the field so effortlessly on that first drive. I just want to see more of him, and I have a feeling that may be why he's such a polarizing figure to Bills fans. He's so unknown! He comes in and gives us such a small sample size, and then it's off to the bench.17 months after drafting the kid, and I feel like I know about as much about EJ Manuel as I did the morning of the first round of the 2013 NFL draft.

  12. He looked like EJ. Timid, indecisive, no 'It', no belief by his actions or persona that he can win and it permeates to his teammates. Did ANYONE really think we would score with 3 downs inside the 5 yrd line?


    Watching the RedZone chl, this years 1st Rd QB's displayed 'IT' in Jax & Minny. Hell, even Butt-Fumble Sanchez showed pocket poise. I blame those radio hacks who hoodwinked Buddy. His comments forced Fitz to steel his resolve and not renegotiate, forcing us into desperation with the draft where no QB picked will likely make it past 5 years in the League.


    We have a Dog QB.



    im not the biggest EJ fan but I have to disagree with you. He looked really sharp last night, and them not scoring in the redzone had nothing to do with EJ, it was 4 runs and no score.


    If EJ plays like he played last night this season, the Bills are a 10 win team. Found open guys, got the offense down the field to within scoring range efficiently and accurately, with no risky balls being thrown. I'm confident that with him playing like that, and the weapons we have on offense... that's more than enough for our defense to win us some games.

  13. I think it's disrespectful to put dixon in at QB now...


    thought that as well. he came in to take 2 knees.


    did anyone see rivera apologizing to marrone at the end? marrone looks like he said something like "that doesnt matter!" i bet rivera said he was sorry for trying the onside kick.


    ej looked pretty good tonight.


    for those of you who watched on nfl.com through their preseason package--did you get the carolina feed like i did? and if so, do you think they spent WAAAAAAAY too much time talking about how nice of a guy cam is, and how he's all smiles on the sideline, and how he cheers on his team mates so well? talk about being a mouthpiece for the team! i can remember 2 years ago, the knock on cam was he was "sullen" and would "sulk about" on the sidelines. it's as if the panthers management had a meeting and said "this is our qb for the next 10 years, this is the face of our franchise. every game, once a quarter, talk about how happy he looks."

  14. To me, there are 3 ramifications of Spygate that no one brings up, but completely altered the landscape of the NFL forever. More than even the Patriots having 3 Lombardi trophies and owning our division for a decade and a half these things really bother me as a fan of the game.


    1) The St. Louis Rams and Kurt Warner should be the "dynasty team" that people remember from that time period. That offense was positively scintillating. To watch those guys play, on that race track of a field, with Kurt Warner, the ultimate underdog, throwing perfect spirals with the flick of his wrist and their scoreboard looking like some carnival game, lol, it was truly amazing. Best offense I've ever seen. No, they didn't score the most points, or have the most talent, but it was just fun to watch them play. Almost like the K-gun Bills, every time Warner took a snap there was a distinct possibility 6 points were going on the board. Amazing. They absolutely, positively 100% should have won at least 2 Super Bowls, and had they rightfully beaten the Pats that year, who knows how different the following few years would have been for that organization. I mean, damn, Kurt Warner took the Cardinals to a Super Bowl just 6 years later. What a great QB, great story, great human being, and sure-fire hall of famer, possible first ballot.


    2) Eli Manning and Ben Rothlisberger: Both qbs have won multiple Super Bowls without cheating, and yet the question is always asked: are they elite? It's like Brady is held in this rarefied air, this upper echelon of athletic talent, because of his 3 Super Bowls in 4 years... BUT THEY WERE A FARCE! I feel like I'm taking crazy pills! OF COURSE Eli and Big Ben are elite. Theyre Super Bowl winning quarterbacks! That's amazing. They have literally won the Super Bowl on multiple occassions!!! If either one of those guys becomes a free agent, or trade bait, we should give up the farm. Literally. Give them Ralph Wilson Stadium if that's what the Giants want. Give them our entire defense. Those quarterbacks have proven their ability to win on the biggest of stages, in the biggest of moments. Oh, and Eli beat Brady to win both of his. :wallbash:


    3) Fans of teams (like the Bills :oops: ) who are always looking to draft the next great QB: Brady's "success" has completely skewed the way the modern NFL fan defines a "great" quarterback. Marino, Kelly, Elway--considered some of the best QBs to ever play the game. There is an entire generation of fans (I'm one of them) who knows how great those guys were. But until Elway won his last 2 Super Bowls, those guys had gone, what, 0-9? in the big game? But now there's a new generation of NFL fans who thinks that unless you're winning the Super Bowl, you're worthless. Unless you're winning MULTIPLE super bowls, like Brady, you should be cut, traded, or benched.

  15. http://fivethirtyeight.com/datalab/the-patriots-opponents-wont-let-spygate-die-but-did-it-really-matter/


    Not to beat this into the ground, but people still asking these questions all these years later means that it mattered.


    Opponents considering them "cheaters" almost a decade later means that it mattered.


    No Super Bowls since Spygate means it mattered.


    I know people on here think it didnt matter though...

  16. go back and look at the results from 2012.


    we finished 6-10.


    in 4 of those losses we scored:

    28/28/34/31 points.


    fitz with this d might have been enough. not to mention watkins.




    With that being said though, I think the season needs to hurry up and get here. I'm a weirdo: during the offseason, I hate EJ Manuel. It's ridiculous. I'm a loser, straight up. When I was a kid, I used to scour the planet for Buffalo Bills news. i would subscribe to SHOUT! (the official news paper of the Buffalo Bills!) I used to read it cover to cover every month of the offseason, over and over again, until the new issue came in the mail. That was my only insight into the Bills. There was no "Kelly went 6 for 12 in practice today, and overthrew Reed on a deep route." I had no idea. There were interviews with the guys, about who their favorite musician was (Kenny G, for Kelly).


    So now, here I am. A jaded adult with the world at my finger tips every work day, and polarizing opinion after polarizing opinion flying at me from every angle--adapted for easy to consume sound bites.


    "Lebron lost 20 pounds"

    "Lebron doesnt eat carbs"

    "Lebron has AIDS"


    That all happened before I had finished my first cup of coffee at work.


    I'm a bitter, jaded sports fan, who feels the need to form dramatic opinions with no sample size to speak of, and parade that around as if the imbeciles around me (who have formed the opposite opinion) are stupid mouth breathers who were lucky enough to not fall down the stairs this morning, and somehow made it to their computers to support EJ Manuel. Idiots.


    The reality of the situation though, is so much more complicated. Maybe EJ will be good, maybe he won't. He looked great in some games last year (Jets), good in others (Carolina), bad in others (Jax), and terrible in others (Pit). Just like you would expect from a rookie.


    The problem is, we're a rabid fan base. We always have been, and we always will be. Our best player ever has cancer. Our second best player ever is OJ Simpson. Go ask 100 random people on the street of a city that isn't Buffalo to play a word association with OJ Simpson, and get back to me on how many say "Hall of fame RB for the Bills."


    We don't just watch football, we sit in constant terror that we will lose our team. Think about that. Damn, sorry Broncos fans, tough super bowl loss. At least Denver will always have a football team though.


    Even when we were good, we weren't good enough. We were always second best, always a joke. Everything about this damn organization is a joke to everyone that isn't a Bills fan.


    I mean... in what other world but the world of the Buffalo Bills could the fear of relocation be realized in the human form... of a freaking 80s glam rocker??? You think cowboys fans are worried that Rod Stewart is going to move the team to Mexico City any time soon and rebrand them the Rio Grande Cowboys? We are so unique in our misery, combined with our passion.


    So when you combine alllllll those factors, we just want to be able to control something. anything. We want to know right now that EJ will be the one that takes us to the super bowl, wins the super bowl, gives us that moment that we have been waiting for forever. And at the end of the day... no one knows. No one thought Russel Wilson would be that guy when he started... or Brady... or Flacco...


    So, right now, in this moment, I am just optimistic for the season. But ill be calling you EJ supporters retards soon enough... likely at halftime week 1, when we're down 17-10 to the bears.

  17. I'll say one thing. He's twice the QB than some people around here are Bills fans. Sorry.


    point blank: anyone that watches this team 14 years into this trainwreck is a fan, by anyones definition.


    sitting through 2 or 3 seasons of this would be bad enough, but a decade and a half?


    sorry, but it's not up to you to hand out fan licenses--people (fans) are allowed to not like personnel decisions this far into us being this bad. fans are allowed to not like the quarterback who led us to nothing last year and has looked shaky this season. fans are allowed to question the hiring of a coach who never did much in the big east and hasnt done much in the pros. fans are allowed to question why we don't resign big name free agents. fans are allowed to predict that the bills will go 4-12 this year and a new owner will clean house. fans are allowed to ask for tuel to start. fans are allowed to buy billboards to fire marrone.


    when you watch those old bills games, or hear stories from people who were at those games (51-3, the comeback, etc.) you know how wild the rich was. those same fans are equally as passionate about why this team is bad now, as they were happy they were so good back then. those same fans that drive to canton to cheer the great jim kelly throwing a pass to the great andre reed while the rest of the bills greats look on are allowed to say that the not-so-great ej should be benched along with the rest of his not-so-great team mates.


    no one, not a single person, would pretend to be a fan of this garbage. the ones that are the most fed up are the ones who know how good it can be. the true fans want the bills to be great again, not 9-7/wildcard good, but 13-3, hosting the conference championship great. we know how bad ej is. we know he's not jim kelly.

  18. I'm not going to read through 13 pages of this board to see if this has been brought up, but Ill say it right here:


    Tuel deserves a shot with the starting unit.


    He passes the "eye test" for me... he looks good, commands the huddle, throws a crisp pass, and takes some risks. I'd love to see him throwing to sammy and williams, handing to spiller, and getting reps behind our o line.


    at some point this training camp, marrone has to make that move, he would not be doing his diligence if he did not. bills fans can continue to bury their head in the sand all the like, but this team is a train wreck at qb, and tuel may be our only hope.


    ej 4-6 as a starter last year, and has looked inaccurate all summer. i know i need to be patient, but i fail to see why qb is the only position on the roster that isn't open to competition.

  19. Quite simply, they don't spend the money on resigning the talent they have, and have built a model whereby rookies "replace" veterans that the front office deems expendable.


    Go position by position, and you can find great former Bills all around the league.


    At running back, Lynch would look pretty good as the one or 2 back, no?

    At qb--even Fitzpatrick would be better than Thad and Tuel.

    O line? I'd like to have Peters and Levitre back.

    Wideouts? We just traded away Stevie Johnson, our best wideout of the last half decade... for peanuts.


    Go through the D:

    Linebacker: Poz

    Secondary: Winfield, Greer, Byrd

    D Line: No one yet, but we've started warming the hot plate on Dareus already


    And the one common theme about all of these guys, is that the front office has duped the fans (by way of leaks to the media) to think that all of those players are replaceable, or not worth the money theyre asking for. It's the same story every time one of them leaves: Byrd didn't want to be here, Lynch didn't want to be here, etc. etc. etc. But as an organization, the Bills have created a place where good players feel that they won't get paid, and they're not welcome.


    Players talk...and the word around the league is the Bills are a farm team. Cultivate your talents there on your rookie deal then leave for a big pay day elsewhere.


    And we're perpetually under the cap.

  20. Awesome awesome post. 35 here, going on 36, moved away from Buffalo in the late '90s, family was season ticket holders from '86 through '96, and every single word of your post resonated with me. It was a special feeling tonight. First time in a while I felt 100% unbridled pride in my Bills fanhood. Definitely felt like we were witnessing the end of the line tonight, the official end of an era. And as you said, one of the last two true dynasties in NFL history. Thanks for sharing.


    Who knows.


    Maybe in 15-20 years, we look back on tonight and say "that was the last night of that era, and the start of a new Bills era."


    Maybe the Bills come out tonight and look like a team that can WIN for the next 10 years.


    Maybe we should take this optimism, and these good feelings, and bring it towards the current Bills.


    Back then, it felt like no matter what, there was magic in the air and the Bills would win. The fans created that energy at Rich stadium, never waiting for the inevitable mistake, but getting excited for the comeback, the scoring, the huge play, the division win.


    Maybe two eras came to an end last night... the glory years, and the dark years.

  21. Doesn't this basically eliminate the fake extra point play?


    What if a team wants to go for two, but they line up to make it look like they are going for one?


    That's an exciting play that the NFL would be doing away with.


    No coach will risk going for two from the 15.


    No thanks, leave it the way it is.


    i guess thinking like that would make it just as successful of a fake!

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