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Posts posted by ThurmasThoman

  1. Let's just say this is by far the most talented group of players and coaches we've had since the 90's.







    and mccoy has yet to be mentioned!


    all these points--whos our best wideout, who will benefit the most, who does the defense cover...


    dont forget our all world running back sitting in the backfield either.


    this is why i don't see how the starter could be anyone BUT ej... throw in his ability to keep it himself and this offense is beyond dynamic.

  2. Man...One Direction is really leaving their mark on the 2015 NFL season. Wouldn't be surprised if Goodell didn't made that young whippersnapper quit the band.


    Or it's an early marketing push... to subconsciously prime you for their halftime show at Super Bowl 50... just like hearing that Katy Perry song in the background of the "Pepsi First Halftime" commercial for the entirety of the 2014 season...

  3. Not a very good piece: Oddsmakers are not predicting success, they are trying to entice gamblers.


    "Vegas" (or any book keeper) wants equal money on both sides of a bet. In this case, the house wants half of the people betting "yes" Buffalo will win a Super Bowl, and half of the people betting "no", Buffalo will not win a Super Bowl. Ideally, money falls equally on both sides for them, they take their cut off the top (how Vegas makes money) and it's all square. Now, if the favorite wins and most of the money went on the under dog, even better (for them). But let's say massive money starts going on Buffalo to win a Super Bowl at 33:1 odds--even if Buffalo does nothing over the next month, if 100,000,000 dollars goes into "yes" for Buffalo winning the Super Bowl, the odds will come down to 10:1. Conversely, if big money goes on Buffalo to not win the Super Bowl, because people think the payout is better than a savings account, the odds will stretch to 50:1.

    Vegas "oddsmakers" are more accountants than National Football League gurus. This jump in Buffalo's Super Bowl odds is more reflective of the betting public--specifically, the segment of the population making wagers on football right now. The odds are meant to be provocative, not a prediction of future success for either team.

  4. Dear League:


    Stop !@#$ing with the game. How's about leaving the rules and format alone for five years, so that we can actually enjoy it without having to learn new rules?


    Go learn the history of the league.


    The NFL is the most progressive sports league in the world, the game completely reinvents itself from decade to decade over time. 6 teams in the NFL playoffs is a relatively new concept, all other things considered. Asking the NFL to remain static is like grumbling about pop-culture changing--it's bound to happen, don't be the grumpy old guy in the corner.


    A conservative management style in a sports league is what Selig did to baseball. Every commissioner in NFL history has been progressive and forward thinking. Those two leagues are heading in two different directions, and have been for 30 years. The NFL isn't some "fad", and there's nothing "wrong" with baseball--the public just needs to accept a very basic fact: sports are pop entertainment.

    As the will, wants, and hopes of the American public changes, the leagues need to be responsive to those changes. It's selling a product, not grandstanding on the pressing moral issues of the 21st century. I can almost guarantee that within 25 years, there will be "limited" commercial interruptions to the games, with ads all over the field, the jerseys and the scoreboard.

    People sit here and bang on their computers all day and night:


    "wah wah wah too many commercials the bills dont make the playoffs, not fair, you need an all world qb to do anything"


    then, like a rat in a cage, you're given your food pellet of expanded playoffs. you might be a little disturbed at the sight of this pellet at first, but youll eat it, love it, and ask for more.


    theres people a lot smarter, richer, and invested than YOU figuring out how to separate you from your dollar at NFL head quarters.


    But please, return to your regularly scheduled goodell bashing.

  5. The last two games EJ played he was required to throw the ball over 35 times and we barely ran for anything significant.


    If we keep EJ under 25 attempts a game he has proven to be an effective game manager with the ability to win a game on the final drive here and there.


    The EJ critics repeat ad nauseam the Houston game. Hackett had him throw 44 times while we ran it less than 25 times. That will not happen this year. EJ has the best chance to win the starting job currently.




    And look at everything else Doug Whaley has done with the roster.

    How do we know he didnt "hit" on EJ?


    I will be more interested to see what EJ can do with an NFL roster that is constructed to (or near) the salary cap, a coaching staff that is legitimately NFL-caliber top to bottom (not just a head coach with his cronies as coordinators to save a buck) and an owner that can stand up for himself at league meetings and not get blackballed for opposing CBA agreements and sending his henchmen to vote in his place--resulting in more prime time games, and not getting the Patriots after their bye week every year.

  6. Or we could all not overreact to this story, not assume the NFL is on the way out, and follow up with Borland in a year if he unretires?


    Not to be cynical, but... he's been playing football his entire life, and retires after an all star rookie year? Sounds like he wants to cash out, knows he cant hold out on a rookie deal, and can afford to take a season off and sign a MONSTER deal next offseason after some "soul searching."


    THIS, my friends, is the 2015 athlete. Like Revis's one year stays around the league, todays young athletes were raised hearing about Lebron wanting to be the first billion dollar athlete, and being glorified for being a "business man." It makes more sense for Borland, financially, to "retire" for a year or 2, stay in shape, and come back later. Why play out this deal for peanuts and risk his health or underperform?


    And did I not tell you the NFL veteran combine would change the league forever? Well, here you go. Here's the first unintended consequence of making veteran tryouts a televised spectacle. Get your popcorn ready for March 2016--Borlands gonna beast at the combine lol.

  7. It's hist day, let him celebrate it how he wants. It's probably a good idea to keep him out of Chicago. Too much trouble to be had right before the draft.



    I would typically agree with you, or anyone who advocates for these guys to stand up for themselves and take control of their careers--but that's AFTER he gets a job.


    This is like being defiant in an interview.

    Get your first paycheck before you confirm to everyone just exactly how far your head is up your ass.

  8. #ClayWatch is certainly an exercise in patience -- a quality not generally prevalent among fans on a message board.




    really well done.


    and it's funny, because I was trying to remember who that wideout was that dined here at Tempo after Mario.

    Meecham? Quinn? I can't seem to remember his name. He was from New Orleans and ended up signing with San Diego? Or vice versa. Or from neither of those places but ended up signing in one of them? It's been 3 years and I barely remember any of the details. But we HAD to have him. And didn't get him.


    For some perspective:


    Clay will sign here, have a completely nondescript year or 2, and then we will draft a stud in round 1 in two years, and we won't even remember Clay's name.


    But it's 2015 America, so this needs to hurry up and get done immediately so we can all hypervigilantly fixate on something new for an hour, hurl insults back and forth across the internet, take all joy out of recreationally watching a sport, and fill ourselves up with enough rage and anxiety to keep pharmaceutical companies in business selling us pills to take the edge off--from sea to shining sea.

  9. Big time Fred Jackson fan, so this might be biased but...


    I used to be a big time New York Knicks fan. Obviously, that was easy when Starks, Ewing, Oakley and Mason were the heart and soul of the team, with Pat Riley at coach.


    The following years with LJ and Ward were good too, but man were the years tough when the roster was filled with the likes of:

    Marbury, Curry, Francis, Jerome James--and most importantly, Isiah Thomas running the show. But yet, I watched or listened to every game--just like with the Bills through this 15 year drought.

    Why do I bring this up?


    Because at one point, Donnie Walsh took over as GM, and COMPLETELY remade the roster over night. Everything that I had been hoping for for years happened all at once. And believe it or not, the team was more difficult for me to watch the following year. I didn't KNOW any of the new players, they weren't Knicks to me, they were basketball players wearing Knicks jerseys.

    I worry about that with the Bills this year. Fred Jackson, whether you like him or not, is the heart and soul of that team. His production could definitely be replaced, but as 1 of 53 players, it seems silly not to bring him back to act as the transition piece to this new era of Bills football. Call me crazy, but it's fun to have a guy like that to root for, on a team full of strange faces. As McCoy takes over the load, and Watkins becomes the allstar player he is destined to be, Fred can ride off into the sunset. But it's not being sentimental to keep a guy like that around--hell, we had 2 kickers last season!

  10. We gots the backs now. Get Freddy a rocker.


    You know what man?


    Players/coaches/GM's/media members and family members of all of the aforementioned read message boards.


    I get that it's a "win now", "next man up" league--but show some respect.


    Fred Jackson has been nothing but the ultimate professional in Buffalo since he arrived. He is (by all accounts) a great team mate, a great leader, a great family man, and a great person. And considering he's made it through how many regime changes and coaching changes as a Bill, I don't think I'm the only one that feels this way.


    I assure you I am in no way connected to the man or the organization, and I'm well past the days of idolizing professional athletes. And don't get me wrong--we've all said things about these guys on a Sunday afternoon we wouldn't say to their face.


    But considering these douchy mods give you warning points and PM's when you call out the little bottom boys running around on this site who passive aggressively disagree with you by criticizing your spelling mistakes, everyone who posted in this thread who agrees with you, (and the mods that have let it linger on the front page without deleting it) should get a f*cking clue.

    And stop asking why athletes "want out" of Buffalo.



  11. How come when dudes post images of their one night stands, they are congratulated, and seen as heroes? But when women do it, they are insulted and called sluts?


    For the same reason men can't be raped by women.


    I can't undo years of liberal, women's rights brain washing that modern-day America has indoctrinated you with without getting banned from this board though, so I will leave you with vague platitudes and funny pictures of Boston sluts.

  12. If you put Manning on the Patriots, and Brady in Indianapolis, Manning would have 8-10 rings, and Brady wouldn't have made the Colts roster his rookie year.


    It's not that Brady is a "system" QB, or anything else. It's just serendipity--that's why sports are so awesome. The conflux of scenarios that had to happen for Brady to be the GOAT happened... and now we have to live with the results: he's the GOAT. You have to judge athletes based on results, not hypotheticals.


    If you want to talk about who you feel could be the best if everything else was created equal... might as well throw Jeff George and Ryan Leaf up there.





    If Norwood's kick is 3 feet to the left, does Kelly win 5?

  13. I know we live in 2015 America, where the story needs to be written and the book must be closed before the event has played itself out, but let's see what happens this season, shall we?


    If (and I don't think it will happen) the Bills finish worse than 9-7 this year, Doug will be the only coach to come in here and post a winning record in the last decade. That will get him a job by lunch time on Black Monday 2016.


    And if the Jags tank, but the oline is a strength? Again, it's easy to see Doug getting a promotion to HC.


    Greg Williams

    Mike Mularky

    Dick Jauron


    Chan Gailey


    were all able to get work after leaving Buffalo--albeit with worse records than Marrone.


    He came in, said he was going to build a tough team (he did) and turn us into winners (he did).


    I do think Rex is an upgrade, but we won't know until the games are played.


    The Jets thought they were fine when middling coach Beliceck left too, so...

  14. The opening game of the 2015 season (like always) will feature the Super Bowl champion, at home. The game is played on Thursday night, and is in prime time.


    Take a look at the 8 home opponents for the Patriots next season:











    Now, factor in the fact that the Bills got Rex Ryan... and who's to say what's to come at the QB position.

    We are a young team, on the rise, with stars on defense.

    We (generally) play the Pats tough, and have more of a natural rivalry with the Pats than any of the teams on that list.


    The only other game that could possibly make sense would be the Steelers at the Pats, but believe it or not, the Bills might be a bigger draw next season for an opening game. And if a guy like Kap is our QB? It would be a virtual guarantee!

  15. Well…he must be a "hater"


    There…that explains it….that seems to be the go-to ad-hominem attack for anyone to dare say they cheated. :blink:


    Haters band together and have membership cards, meet regularly and figure out new ways they can try and undermine all of the Pats deserved successes.


    anything but the truth for the most nauseating fans in football


    Its... RIDICULOUS.


    Point blank: Patriots "fans" didn't exist until 2001. They have no perspective on the history of the game--the players that came before, the dynasties that existed, and the level of respect names like Joe Montana, Jerry Rice, Don Shula, Troy Aikman, and any other football player that won 2 or 3 Super Bowls carries. And I'm not bringing those specific players up because they have been critical of the Patriots--I'm bringing them up because they are respected by fans of teams across the league. There's not a poster on this board who doesn't respect Jerry Rice. When I meet 49ers fans, I don't hate their team--nor do I particularly hate the Steelers, the Cowboys, or even the Dolphins for that matter. I want the Bills to beat them, sure, but I can appreciate what Dan Marino meant to the league, and the legacy he left.


    Patriots fans are missing the point.


    They have "gamed" the system. They've now been caught cheating. Twice.

    They don't have, and never will have, the level of respect (from real football fans, analysts, and former players) that every other sports dynasty has ever been given. Sure sure, theres the resident Pats defenders on this board that can post a quote from some modern-day, sissified QB that will defend the Pats: but that's only because they don't want to generate bad PR and hurt their endorsements. Not everyone wants to be Richard Sherman.


    And THAT, to me, is the point. What's the reason to even watch sports if you can't enjoy it and talk about it with your friends/casual acquaintances, people you meet in the air port, business connections, etc. etc. etc. Don't get me wrong, the Pats fans that say something along the lines of "I've been a pats fan since 76 and this is embarrassing as hell," I do respect, because they get it.


    But this "internet era" fan? The one that thinks every person in America who is disgusted with the Patriots gaming the system is just a "hater"? It's maddening. No sh*t we're haters--and proud of it.


    Yes, I do hate that the team cheats, and makes it so what I'm watching on tv becomes questionable.

    Yes, I do hate knowing that Buffalo has been in the same division as these crooks during this run, and so their tainted accomplishments have affected our organization. Crazy? What if we swept the Pats one of the Jauron years--that would be 9 wins. This playoff streak might have been over long ago.

    Yes, I do hate that once the Brady/Beli ship sails, these "fans" are going to dig their bruins hats out of the closet and be non-existent for the next 15-20 years.

    No, I am not jealous of what the Patriots have done.

  16. Whatever it takes. But bring back Hughes.


    I don't consider this something to fret about anymore--either way it works out, we're going to come out smelling like roses.




    a) Hughes walks because Rex takes a look at our D and determines that his sacks were a function of being surrounded by all stars, so the 4th DE essentially becomes a "plug and play" piece.




    b) Hughes gets a big deal because Rex takes a look at our D and determines that Hughes is an elite talent that anchored the D line, and he can eat up enough of the Oline that the LBs will be able to wreak havoc.


    Either way, we have a defensive mastermind making the decision. And at the end of the day? No matter what happens, there will be posters here that disagree with it--either we "over paid" or "we let him walk." I'm just happy it's up to Rex now--not the Dougs, or even worse: the majority opinion of posters on here lol.

  17. Not an expert on the substitution thing, but a typical Pats ploy. The refs have to be prepared and enforce the rules. The Pats will try to sneak around any restriction that might hold them back from having an advantage. Billy is smarter than most coaches, but the rules only allow for so much.



    In my opinion, this line of thinking needs to stop now.


    Hes been busted for cheating 2 times now, and allegations about bending the rules (like this post) come up every year.


    His team uses an undefeated stretch at home every year to get to the playoffs, but for the last decade, as soon as they get away from the sanctity of Gillete, they get their asses handed to them.


    What are they, 0 for 7 in their last 7 playoff games away from Gillette? That's almost as alarming as beating 43 straight AFC opponents at home!


    Everyone accuses them of cheating.

    They frequently get busted for cheating.

    They can't win on the road, ever, but win at statistically impossible rates at home.


    If it walks like a duck and talks like a duck....


    But stop fawning over them like they would win without cheating. How can anyone ever know?

  18. I don't understand this implication that the NFL needs to prove that a specific person is responsible for this.


    In baseball, if a player breaks a bat that is corked, and an opposing player picks it up, hands it to the ump, and the ump confirms its corked, the MLB officials don't need to prove that anyone person in particular corked the bat--it is assumed that the player using it corked it to gain their advantage.


    Relevant because:


    1) NFL refs confirm all game balls are within regs

    2) Game starts

    3) Brady throws a pick

    4) colts player that intercepts it complains its underinflated

    5) refs check balls

    6) 11 of 12 patriots balls are "significantly below psi thresh hold".


    Why do we need somone on the grasssy knoll holding a smoking sniper rifle with a sworn statement saying they shot kennedy?


    I think it's pretty clear Brady cheated. Why wouldnt he? He's old, last year was a bad year for him, he looked awful the first month of this season, there was talk he could get benched, and then BOOM, the magic is back. And then you got players here and there all season talking about underinflated balls. Interesting.


    Suspend him the same amount of games as a first time PED user.



    However--Seattle's defense is way better than the defenses Brady faced at the beginning of the season. I expect a very bad performance for him if he doesnt get suspended, as hell be forced to play with regulation balls in a neutral arena. Remember: 0-7 on the road in the playoffs. He can't hack it without his doctored balls and private radio frequencies.

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