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Everything posted by ThurmasThoman

  1. This story is becoming repulsive to me. The Patriots broke the rules, again. They have been having a 200-day-long temper tantrum on a national stage--I feel as if I'm watching a 6 year old kick and scream on the kitchen floor after being sent to his room to take a timeout for being caught with his hand in an empty cookie jar; crumbs on his shirt; melted chocolate on his face; and a half eaten cookie in his other hand, while 10 of his friends from elementary school sit by and say even though you were given the longest timeout in family history last weekend for being busted video taping your mother's time in the kitchen, to know exactly when she takes a 5 minute break to take the trash out thus giving you the optimal window to steal cookies in; and even though every other member of your family knows you steal cookies and have been accusing you of doing so for years; and even though you petitioned your family to have full access to the cookie jar after mom bakes the cookies but before dessert time, and Mom dubiously said "ok"; and even though once you were given access to that cookie jar, the number of cookies in it decreased at a rate so much faster than every other cookie jar in the city; and even though other members of the family said "look out at this cookie jar at this specific time, he's going to steal a cookie"; and even though you got caught stealing that specific cookie; and even though you hired 2 people to stand next to the cookie jar, watch for mom, and then text you to say "oh mr cookie monster, it's time to eat :)"; and even though you destroyed the cellphone that said "oh mr cookie monster, it's time to eat :)"; and even though there's video evidence of one of your newly-hired friends taking the cookie jar down from the shelf, bringing it into a closet for 2 minutes, and then putting it back on the shelf; and even though you whined so much about being caught with your hand in a cookie jar that the family had to hire lawyers and get a third party to rule that "it was more probable than not that you were stealing cookies", to add some "impartial voice of justice" to a process that always should have (and always was going to) result in you getting a time out for a few minutes; even though ALL that is true-- his 10 friends from elementary school still sit by and high five each other... "more probable than not... totally an inside job... amiriteorwutguyz... *high five*" Long story short: it's the fans of the Patriots that are making this more frustrating than Tom Brady himself. We've always said they were bandwagon fans--but to be so unable to accept the bad part of sports...after being so ungracious as "champions" for the past decade and a half (I live in the New England region, theyre bad, beleive me)... it's just incredibly frustrating to watch an entire fan base fight tooth and nail against their comeuppance. Why follow sports if you're going to bury your head in the sand when things don't go your way? It's the bad spots that make the victories so much fun. Why defend the honor of a cheater? That's the heart of it, right there. Why defend the honor of a known cheater? It's as if the entire fan base is willing to turn their back on the moral system of the universe, but then demand that the rest of the country respects their accomplishments. Lol.
  2. Tim Tebow succeeds when he is given a chance to lead by example, not simply asked to throw a football. Of course he fizzled in NY: He wasn't the starter, and Rex Ryan was the leader. Of course he fizzled in NE: He wasn't the starter, and Bill Beliceck is the leader. The narrow mind views leadership from a quarterback position as: "how well does he throw the football". The "expanded" mind of science views leadership from a quarterback position as: "under what circumstances does he throw the football well" A different view point would be that leadership from a quarterback involves much more than what he does with a football, but what he does with a football team: is he the first one there, or the first one to leave? does he complain about work in the morning, or does he tell jokes and put people at ease? is he partying on saturday night, or having his team mates over for dinner and Halo? does he gossip about the coach, or openly support the leader of the organization and expect his teammates to as well? does he speak with love, or with jealousy and fear? is he a man worth believing in? is he a man of god? Men like that have the innate ability to lead other men. It's why Tim Tebow wins championships. It's why he had the exact same results as the greatest quarterback of all time when given the reigns.
  3. Tim Tebow is a leader of men, it's as simple as that. He is a man of God, and he speaks from his soul. He took a team of absolutely spiritually broken boys at Florida to a championship. People say "look what Peyton Manning did with those same Broncos". I see what Peyton Manning did with those same Broncos--exactly the same thing that Tim Tebow did with the Broncos: win a playoff game or two, and then lose to a better team the next round. Peyton Manning, arguably the best QB, did exactly the same thing, with pretty much the same (if not a slightly better) Broncos team. Does that not make Tim Tebow, by default, equivalent to Peyton? Statistics are the pursuit of science, which by default, stand in opposition to that which can't be quantified. People will say, "Yes, but look at the scores! The Broncos won games with Tebow at QB scoring only 10 points a game!". It is similar to another quarterback who also was seen as a "game manager" for a dominant defense: Trent Dilfer. Dilfer is also similar to Tebow, sharing his open love for God. People like to criticize these two men for being "bad" quarterbacks, yet they are phenomenal quarterbacks. They are able to rally a diverse group of men, and lead them to a greater cause, through their belief in God. Rather than criticize Tim Tebow for his throwing mechanics or lack of "football skill", One should appreciate a man who invites no glory upon himself, and uses his platform to praise God, and uses that faith to take an otherwise "NFL-irrelevant skill set," and achieve pretty much the exact same result as "the greatest quarterback of all time", when given his only opportunity ever at the NFL level to lead a group of men. I want you to read that sentence again and ask yourself what it is that keeps you from wanting him on your team?
  4. wow. this is one of the most logical, well thought out posts ive ever read--not just on this forum, but the internet in general. well done.
  5. man. the patriots really hold the league in low regard, dont they? they don't play by the rules, they cheat (a lot) they don't agree with the league's decisions, they badmouth the shield, they basically say "nice try, but no thanks, ill play" etc. etc. etc. its REALLY starting to ruin my opinion of the NFL. can someone put this petulant, childish organization in its place once and for all?
  6. Great thread OP--I agree 100%. The league will rue the day it didn't suspend Tom Brady and Bill Beliceck for life because of Deflategate.
  7. And let me just add.... I don't know jack diddly about football. The game on the field. I mean, I do, from 30 years of watching it, but it's not like I can watch a stud collegiate linebacker and tell you how his skillset will translate to the pros. I've never played fantasy football, I don't know if the Eagles 3rd string running back is worth sitting or starting week 3. I can't really criticize coaches, because quite frankly, I don't know the plays they are running. It is a hobby to me, a fun hobby, yes, but a hobby none the less. I do, however, have knowledge of other things in life, one of which being the behavioral patterns of consumers, specifically as it relates to "consumer confidence". The NFL is willingly punishing the fanbases of 31 teams, to the bennefit of one owner, and his domineering relationship with the commissioner. The American viewing consumer has waaaaaaay too many options to be beholden to a league that can't inspire legitimacy. It may not seem like much, but public opinion is like nuclear fusion--it reaches critical mass and then it's explosive. I'm not necessarily propping up the NBA, or trying to advance that agenda, but do know that that sport is positioned VERY well right now, and its marketing push seems diametrically opposed to the NFL--hell, the pregame routine for the NBA finals took about 3 minutes. The NFL blocks out an hour--or maybe 2 weeks, if you watch all the pregame shows. The NFL has attempted to create an aura of infallibility, and moral superiority, but refuses to apply that standard to their very good looking, very successful, very white posterboy. Considering white America is not letting their kids play football anymore, Roger is going to need that minority sector to staff his league in 10 years. He should be careful how he sells it today. Suspending black players for a year based on allegations/not letting due process play out, and then letting Tommy Golden Boy walk because he threatens a law suit? Ehhhhh, whatever man, don't say I didn't warn you. Somebody should warn Terry though, because I'm sure that asset is going to depreciate over the next 15-20.
  8. Laugh now man. The NFL is an absolute train wreck--players can't hit the off switch when they leave the field, and beat the hell out of women and children. This has always happened, but now with social media, it's in our face every week. They are concussed to the point that the league is about to disallow defense. The commissioner is viewed as a joke, and he's about to vacate a suspension for the league's golden boy, (who plays for an organization that just won ANOTHER championship by cheating) because he's either in bed with Kraft, or scared of Patriots fans reactions. The NBA just had its highest rated finals since Jordan was playing, and have a commissioner that isn't a bottom boy like you posters on here, and literally forced the sale of one of his teams because the owner left a "racist voice mail". Imagine that scenario happening in the NFL. Lol. The league is f*cked man, it's absolutely going to be an afterthought in the American sporting landscape within 15 years. I am genuinely surprised that the NFL owners don't have someone with more business savy running their multi billion dollar organization... Goodell isn't just in over his head, he has drowned--theyre just letting his bloated, floating corpse continue to make decisions--and he's acting accordingly lol.
  9. This right here is wrong. I've heard it a bunch this offseason, and I'm telling you right now: it's wrong. The NFL is walking an extremely fine line right now, between imploding like the post-Jordan NBA, or the post-1994-strike-MLB, or the post-second-NHL-lockout, or the first Masters sans Tiger since 97, or any other example or sporting league that begins to decline when it goes from being infallible to looking really stupid in the court of public opinion. I repeat: this is the NFL's tipping point. You have an organization that has been punished for cheating after its other championships that just won a fourth title, and their marquee player was immediately deemed a cheater and suspended by the league for a quarter of the season. I'm sorry, but you can't backpeddle from that and say "its no big deal." I've said this before, I'll say it now, I'll say it 100 times--the NFL should strip the Patriots of their title, and ban Brady and Beliceck for life. Fight the lawsuit in court for the next 15 years if you want, and maybe eventually let them both into the hall, but as radical as that may seem, the alternative is far, FAR worse. And that alternative? Living in a world where the NFL has lost its legitimacy. Because they are one reduced suspension away from that happening. And BELIEVE ME--the NBA is sitting very very very pretty right now. Steph Curry is about to be the biggest, most marketable athlete in North America, the NBA has a progressive commissioner, and they have about 8 teams that are GOOD and fun to watch. This isn't even coming from "a Bills fan". This is me speaking as a life long football fan. Goodell is absolutely about to make the biggest ruling of his life. I'll tell you right now, if he caves and eliminates this suspension, theyre going to have a very hard time continuing to sell their sport as "the ultimate battle of gladiators on a field of combat, playing in a holy game that is as important as any sporting event that has ever been held", when they let their f*cking champions CHEAT their way to the top, and then are too scared to dole out punishment because they might get taken to court. Point blank: Roger--if you can't control your league, why should I PAY to watch it? And if the owners are too dumb to remove him from his post, why should I be invested in their decisions in hiring coaches and GMS? it's just one big game of turning a profit. Well, I don't watch sports to help owners turn a profit, I watch sports because theyre fun. The NFL is becoming not-fun through this process. Deflategate will absolutely change the future of the NFL. For the worse, if handled wrong. I'd stake my life on it.
  10. yes. and you too, for looking at it, should surely go downtown and turn yourself in to the constable. luckily, i shielded my eyes and should avoid a hanging in the public square.
  11. everything you just typed is great, but neglects to take into account that the nfl is an entertainment product that relies on fans consuming their product. the nfl has complete control over the american sporting landscape--there is nowhere for them to go but down. is this situation, in your opinion, good or bad for the nfl? and don't give me the tired cliche: "any pub is good pub", because it's not. the patriots are cheaters, they have been busted before, and they were busted again. they have compromised the integrity of the game. that might not mean much, but it has the same effect as catching your spouse texting an ex lover. the same ex lover they got busted having an affair with 8 years ago. sure, sure, sure--it's all circumstantial, and nothing can be proven. but that relationship then falls apart. and that's whats going to happen with the nfl. mark my f*cking words. this is the jumping the shark moment. if goodell comes out and lessens this suspension, he is saying "even though the patriots have been busted for cheating before. and even though a team accused them of deflating balls, and we set up a sting operation and busted them for deflating balls. and even though the employees of the patriots text each other about deflating footballs. and even though theres video of an employee bringing balls into the bathroom for 1:30 seconds. and even though that guy is called "mr. deflator." AND EVEN THOUGH I ALREADY SUSPENDED BRADY FOR A QUARTER OF THE SEASON FOR ALL THIS. ive decided that's too harsh, and cheating is ok." brady should kicked out of the league. not because what he did was egregious enough to warrant it, but because this is the beginning of the downfall for the nfl if they don't do that. the nba is coming off a GREAT playoffs, and posted its highest tv ratings for a final since MJ. steph curry looks like the next mj, in all the ways the league wanted lebron to be the next mj. he is raking in endorsements from pottery barn at this point, its insane. he is a superstar that is DAMN good at what he does--he might be the best pure shooter ever. the warriors are a dream team, and will be winning championships for awhile. lebrons cavs are good, and the league is about to sign a massive tv contract. im telling you--this is the beginning of the end for the nfl. call it hyperbole, call it offseason drama, call it a jealous bills fans over reaction--but honestly, how bad are the bills, really? we finished 3 games back from the patriots: 9-7 to 12-4. lets say the pats won 2 extra games by cheating--what if we had beaten them? that gets us to 10-6 and puts them at 11-5, with us having the tie breaker. sh*t, what if they had to play by the rules ALL season... maybe they would have lost to the jets in that rainy november game? thats the point, no one knows. theyre just allowed to cheat, and win, and no one can question it. why? thats sh*tty. thats not fun. thats the point of all this. you can make all the logical arguments you want about why bradys suspension should be reduced, or overturned, or it doesnt matter... but in the end, it absolutely does matter. the patriots cheat. the game is rigged. i have too much to do with my life to watch this product (that goes to EXTREME levels to hype itself as a matter of life and death) when what im seeing isnt even real. remember when watching sports was fun? not an argument? like, you could legitimately ask "whos better, marino or kelly?" the nfl is supposed to be fun. they have allowed a "dynasty" to be created, and simultaneously punished them for cheating in EVERY SINGLE ONE of their championships. this isnt fun. im not having fun consuming this "entertainment" product. this is like playing a badly designed video game, eating undercooked chicken, or watching a boring movie--all products designed to be enjoyable, but all products that can be ruined by a bad experience.
  12. This one right here literally used the word HONOR when referring to his f*cking. satelite. bill. Go watch fight club. Or go apologize to your father for the "man" you've become. One or the other. Or both. "but that's just my opinion".
  13. exactly. bills gotta score points--same old story. dareus is nice, and a great guy to have, but our top 3 defense with him couldnt make the playoffs last year. him being out might make our d marginally worse, but it would/will still be a top 10 d. bills just gotta score on offense, especially to beat indy.
  14. I thought I would hate it, but it looks great without white. Will look nice for their thursday night home game vs. seattle. im sure nike will have some crazy color picked out for seattle in that game--lime green or something. will look excellent in hd on a cold fall night, a few beers on the couch after a hard day at the office. some of you guys would hate a bowl of ice cream.
  15. The problem is: there are no good analogous relationships because the crime is so heinous--yet it is at the same time misunderstood, and falls outside of our concept of what "cheating" is. We as modern-day sports fans can't grasp that Tom Brady should be banned for life and the Patriots should have their title stripped. Before you call that ridiculous, consider if the following took place on the PGA tour. The PGA tour has a stipulation that their golf balls can be no less than 43 milimeters wide. Let's assume, for a second, that before every tournament, players had to submit the balls they were using for the round. WHAT IF, after the balls had been submitted to the tour officials, and their width was verified, Tiger Wood's caddie took his golfballs to his truck, and shaved off 4mm from each ball (the equivalent of 1/12th of the golf ball, which roughly equals dropping a football from 12psi to 11psi.) Would he be kicked off the tour for that? Probably not, if it was his first offense. But if he had done something equally as egregious in the past? I can promise you he would be banned for life. It's not JUST the advantages gained (which may be minimal); its the fact that he took the balls back AFTER the refs had checked them. I mean, that's REALLY going out of your way to cheat. It's annoying. If it was grade school and it was kickball, hed be called a f*ggot and given a bloody nose. The difference between using PEDs and cheating in the actual f*cking game is exceedingly large. Cheating in the game itself is so far beyond the pale of what is acceptable and what isn't. If you were at a poker game, who would you be mad at? The guy who smoked a little meth beforehand so he could stay up all night and be focused; Or the guy that brings his own deck to the game and slips an extra ace in when he's dealing, because it's just 2% of the deck, and everyone probably does it anyways, so stop being jealous of all the pots hes won, and stop concocting these sting operations against him with your cabal of conspirators, and hey, while youre at it, stop asking about his friend chris smith, who he OCCASIONALLY refers to as Mr. slipanextraaceinmydeckbecauseithelpsmewin.
  16. Of course I would... If... if if if if if... the majority of the fanbase was mature enough to handle the ribbing we would get for cheating--unlike Patriots fans. And at the end of the day, thats really whats so f*cking infuriating about the Patriots cheating. It's not them saying that the championships should still count (they should) or that they arent tainted (theyre not) or that brady should be in the hall of fame (he should). And it IS true that other teams video tape practices, and other quarterbacks altered the gameballs. Just like other drivers speed, or run red lights. We get it. It happens. Stop denying it. As if its not enough for tom brady to be the best quarterback ever, he also must be infallible. THATS what drives me f*cking crazy. Sports are inherently meaningless. Its a bunch of grown men with absolutely 0 connection to the city of the team they play for, throwing around an inflated ball, playing by a set of rules that evolve annually, for a championship awarded to a city with a team that may or may not leave them depending on changing tax rules. There is literally NOTHING about the games themselves that is objectively meaningful. Not to open an existential can of worms, but if youre some f*g that watches the combine and compares the arm sizes of these dudes, well, youre more annoying than pats fans so I can't help you there. But for the majority of heterosexual men that watch sports to hang out with their friends/family, and have common things to talk about--the Patriots are annoying to no end. Do their fans not want to talk about sports with the rest of America? Are they really so obtuse as to think there is a league-wide conspiracy against them. Theyre just sh*tty people to WATCH and CONSUME football with, because they cant see the forest from the trees. I would think (hope) that the majority of Bills fans are different, but what do i know?
  17. right. and this line of thinking is asinine anyways. to "appeal" the suspension, you would need either *contradictory evidence: which in this case, literally the ONLY thing that could contradict the wells report that the pats/brady could have would be bradys texts, which he didnt turn over in the first place, so if they could exhonerate him, why wouldnt he have turned them over anyways? and/or * precedent that had been set but not recognized, which, in this case, the precedent seems to be season long suspensions (hargrove, payton), so if he got 8, there is no precedent he could really appeal on... definitely not 4 or 2 game suspension. SO, with that taken into account. If the league hit him with 8 he would have nothing to appeal. if it hit him with 16, MAYBE he could appeal to 8. but the thought that he can just magically "appeal" a 4 game suspension down to 2 is ridiculous. any appeal WOULD still involve a representative from both sides (league and pats) AS WELL AS a likely representative from the wells firm AND MOST IMPORTANTLY an independent arbitrator like tagliabue ala bountygate. this is not to mention representatives from the competition committee (which may include the colts and/or jets--both teams that have ratted out the pats). AND in both statements from bradys agent and kraft, neither has denied guilt OR said they were going to fight the punishment. people keep saying brady is going to appeal from 4 to 2, or 8 to 4. i just dont see it. the initial ruling will likely stick, and i expect it to be heavy since the league is in a tight spot. 16 games would put the league in a tighter spot, as they would be suspending the league championship game mvp for the entire next season for cheating, but 4 would be seen as weak by fanbases of other teams. 8 games, no appeal, brady comes back in week 9.
  18. this is a great point, but (being a conspiracy theorist) it makes me wonder: has the league, since then, paid hargrove an excessive amount of money to keep silent? because if I was hargrove, and brady got anything less than a year, i would sue the league into oblivion for all maters of lost wages, lost endorsements, defamation of character, racism(?), etc. etc. etc. it doesnt matter if theyre part of a players union... there is not a court in the world that would throw that case out. hargrove WOULD win, so the only reason hes not pursuing litigation in this case would have to be because of a payoff... right?
  19. http://www.amazon.com/Where-Do-Babies-Come-From/dp/0789405792 why dont you give this a once over and then in a few years we can discuss this issue again.
  20. Dude. This is the SECOND time in their dynasty that they are facing harsh fines for f*cking cheating! What is Buffalo's obsession with "beating them straight up." What does beating the Patriots straight up even mean? They need all their players and no one can be suspended, but we can't have dareus because he smoked spice? They're allowed to communicate with the QB up until the ball is snapped on a separate radio channel than Buffalo? They can film our practice session for the week? They can film our defensive coaches, get their signals, and know what plays were going to run for the duration of the game? They can start the play clock before the ref signals to (ala the AFC championship game v. Baltimore in 11) to rush our kicker if it's under 2 minutes? They can inflate the footballs to their liking but we have to play with ones set to league standards? I will never understand the contingent of Buffalo fans that beats this drum that wants to beat them fair and square. They're serieal cheaters. The only "fair" thing would be a life time ban for Brady and Beliceck, which would bring that team right back down to Earth, and "beating them fair and square" would become as routine as every other NFL team beating any other NFL team--something which happens every sunday, in every stadium across america. The only reason why no one has been able to beat these crooks for a decade and a half is because their entire house of cards is built on gaming the system by any means necessary. now its coming out. now theyll face punishments. im ok with winning the division now.
  21. I think he gets the season OR gets a small fine and retires (and has already worked this out with goodell). I honestly don't think we'll see tom brady play a down of football for the new england patriots this season, if ever again. it helps fill in the blanks of their offseason to me. i couldnt figure out why the super bowl champions were getting spurned by every big name, offensive free agent: andre johnson; stevie johnson; cj spiller; reggie bush; percy harvin. all skill players the patriots made offers (or wanted to make offers) to, all guys who turned down the pats and signed elsewhere. it struck me as fishy then, and it makes sense only now. agents and guys in the know must have heard rumors that new england was going into rebuild mode. hell, beli might even have said as much when guys visited. maybe players didnt hear it directly, but word might have gotten out from someone that brady is going to take a big suspension this season. i think the closest parallel to this is when michael jordan "retired" after 93 and played baseball. everyone thinks he was suspended for gambling for 2 years. same situation for brady. goodell might want to make an example of him, but will be willing to let him do it on his own terms because hes freaking TOM BRADY. he's a football god. it would be so much easier for everyone involved if he just took a small fine in the media (100,000$), publicly apologized. and then retired in a month or 2 when the story has blown over.
  22. This is absolutely ridiculous and is a great example of why the nfl needs an independent arbitrator for any rule violation proceedings. Both the texting and crowd noise incidents happened before deflate-gate, and yet their punishment wasn't issued until after deflate-gate, yet before the NFL could rule on deflate-gate. Essentially, Goodell knew he was "setting precedent" when he handed down those rulings AND knew that he would have to punish the Patriots next. Now he's given himself new precedent (within the last 30 days) to hand out a light fine instead of the bountygate precedents he set half a decade ago at the beginning of the concussion saga.
  23. the way that youre using "circumstantial" and the way that it applies here are two different things. if you hold a piece of paper behind your back, everyone hears a tear, and you hold up two pieces of paper with a ripped edge, youre not going to be acquitted of ripping a piece of paper because the evidence is only circumstantial. circumstantial applies when you have to make more than 1 leap of logic to present an argument, and there is a compelling counter argument to be found in your prosecution. for instance, if those 2 attendants kept calling him "giselle", and all those phone records showed them contacting bradys wifes phone. now, in that case, the prosecutor could use circumstantial evidence and ask the jury to make the assumption that brady was smart enough not to use his own phone, and was speaking in code from his wifes phone, telling them to deflate balls in exchange for autographed sneakers. but the defense could say that tom is just really intimidating, and giselle knows this, so shell text patriot employees about memorabilia that they want, and get it from tom to give to them, and anything about deflated balls was just a sick joke to refer to brady having no balls because hes married. not to go on a rant--its a small distinction, but an important one. although no one saw him deflate the balls, there is absolutely no competing argument that a defense could make in this case, because every avenue to defend the pats actions ends with a text, a call, or suspicious behavior regarding deflating balls. AND brady and the pats acted like it could NEVER have happened, after they have been punished for cheating in the past.
  24. yeah. its called making the playoffs. the bills suck, have sucked for a decade and a half, AND play in a small market. sure, they won nine games, but teams (if theyre not the bills) win nine games all the time. should we be on prime time every week because we won NINE football games last year? it's not even an exciting 9 win team--we are the antithesis of modern day football. strong defense and ground and pound offense. who would want to watch that in prime time? don't get me wrong--i think we go 12-4 this year and contend for the super bowl. and next season, when our slate is: ne/mia/nyj/pit/bal/cincy/cle/sf/sea/stl/ari/ind/den you can expect the ne/pit/sea/den/ind games to all be prime time, with buf likely hosting 2 or 3 of them. our offseason was a step in the right direction, but face it: the Bills are in the process of rebuilding their brand. that happens with making the playoffs and winning meaningful football games. we have been so bad for so long that fans look at the schedule set up as the make-or-break factor in the Bills being relevant again. but it's not. the schedule rewards the previous season, it is not a predictive measure of the coming season. good teams win football teams against other good football teams. the bills are there. it doesnt matter what order we play teams in, or where we play them, or how much rest we have to play them. this team is loaded with talent for the first time in 20 years, and will make the playoffs and likely get a bye. dont worry about scheduling inadequacies, worry about booking hotel rooms. this will all be a moot point when we smoke indy 35-6 week 1, and ne is 0-1 after losing to pit.
  25. LOL. that's good. in all seriousness, (I don't know if the original comment was in jest too), the Detroit game is because of Ralph, and I wouldn't be surprised to see it carry on for quite some time now... on an unrelated note, on NFL am they just cut to commercial with "wondering when youll get to see Rex on the sideline as a Bill for the first time. NFL preseason schedule reveal coming up at the top of the hour." The Bills are back. There is no denying this. I dont know if we'll make the playoffs but out of the marquee games on our schedule, I could see any of the following being "prime time eligible"... @ new england/new england @ miami/miami @ nyj/nyj (mostly because of Rex, but also because of Chan and Fitz) Dallas NYG @ Philly So let's figure a Pats game will be primetime, a Jets game will be primetime, and one of dallas/nyg/philly will be primetime. Theres 3 night games out of 9 "high profile games"-- but I wouldnt be surprised if more than half of the remaining 6 are 4pm starts. The Dallas game is almost guaranteed to be, as well as the NYG game. Throw in the game against Jax (London) and you have the potential for almost HALF of the Bills games to be big national draws. Which means... better officials, more cameras (better viewing experience at home), better announcers, more post game interviews with the players, etc. It all adds up to a football watching experience that is going to be more fun than anything that has happened to/for the Bills in 20 years. And since sports is, you know, entertainment, and we're going to be, you know, entertained for the first time in 2 decades, I feel as if we should all be sending thank you cards to terry doug and rex!
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