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Everything posted by Livinginthepast

  1. Thats might be a convenient explanation by the NFL but is also guaranteed total BS. The camera angles are provided by the broadcaster not some double secret officials spy camera! The NFL (as usual) is covering for its incompetent refs and its nonsensical rule book.
  2. Yes that's the rule but what a stupid rule it is. If the ball is in bounds and then an out of bounds player POSSESSES it then it should be deemed out of bounds. Not simply if they touch it. The Steelers player who fumbled it had no idea he even touched the ball (if it actually hit him) let alone possessed it.. In addition the play was not called a fumble in the first place. The officials seemed to not see the obvious fumble. So that should have been the call and Bill's recovery and Pittsburgh should have had to challenge it to say that an out of bounds player touched it, not the Bills. Instead the refs just made up some BS on the spot, No fumble, Yes Fumble oh yeah fumble that was touched by fumbling teams player so no change of possession. Absolutely ridiculous amateur hour officiating. and here's another question. if the player that first touches the ball on a fumble has just gone out of bounds then shouldn't it be illegally touching? (Like players who go out of bounds and then come back in on punt coverage?)
  3. Its actually quite sad to see this because he was so go at this move and now looks so tentative. Is Miller snake bitten about trusting the knee? or did the surgery just not work the way it was supposed to?
  4. Yes and he was sometimes iffy on grass for some reason if memory serves but with all that he still was expected to make that kick in the SB. Maybe as fans we were a little oblivious to the statistical realities back then as there was no internet to check and worry about stats on a daily basis but we certainly had the perception that he was one of the better kickers in the league.
  5. TB has had 4 bad drops already. Mayfield getting no help..
  6. Bills got lucky. Holding on the 4th down!
  7. Cam Lewis on the soft coverage for the TD
  8. Can these guys knock the damn ball out!!
  9. Bills D need to change something, they are getting no pass rush.
  10. I know I'm angry at a cloud here, but these injuries!! WTF can we get a break?? freakish bad luck!
  11. What a strange half. The Bills should be up at least 24-0 if not 28-0. But we are doing really well and Brady has been good. The Martin injury could be bad though and no I dont think its a crazy idea to get Araiza in immediately. Also the non fumble might be one of the worst and most inexplicable calls in playoff history. Up there with the tuck rule play for Brady!
  12. So how much snow ended up falling on the stadium? and for anyone helping to shovel, where were you supposed to shovel the snow to? the row below? to the stairs? or did they provide some sort of bins to collect it from each section. This seems like a nightmare to organize and physically extremely difficult. I almost think that using some sort of industrial vacuums like the kind they suck away old insulation from your attic might be good for snow. I'm assuming they know how to do all this based on many previous experiences over the years.
  13. That 1992 NFC Championship where Dallas knocked out SF was a clash of the Titans. I can remember actually wanting Dallas rather than SF in the SB. I naively thought they would be a much easier matchup for the Bills. Then they destroyed us in the game.
  14. He's won one already so I guess the fire has been satiated?
  15. Punting was cowardly and TBH, just plain stupid. Very odd from a smart coach who has won a SB.
  16. Terrible use of TO's by McVey will sink LA along with the terrible officiating.
  17. Holding on Nacua and then he gets hammered (defenseless receiver non call yet again).
  18. Yes and the ball wasnt near him. But NFL refs are incapable of any coherence in officiating.
  19. OMG how is that guy walking off??
  20. Nacua is a 5th round pick and is amazing.
  21. The Rams offense and the way they get people open is fun to watch. It kind of makes ours look really amateurish.
  22. These officials are such a joke. The first hit on Stafford is legal but if that was Mahomes it was late but the 2nd hit that slams him down to the ground is way late and dirty. Stafford looked concussed when he hit the ground.
  23. Is any hit to the helmet illegal? I've seen so many not called.
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