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Everything posted by Livinginthepast

  1. There are few plays in sports that have ever come even close to Norwood's miss in the SB for me. Wide right was one of the worst feelings of despair that I have ever experienced. That INT last night actually was close and I could care less about Seattle. It also reminded me a little bit of the home run throwback play and my disbelief that followed that. My question is why in the hell would you throw a slant pass in that particular area when they are stacking the line expecting a run? There was no room whatsoever. If you are going to throw a slant, throw it with the receiver breaking outside towards the sidelines!! I think this type of stupidity actually trumps Norwood's miss. Must be devastating to be a Hawks fan today!
  2. Yeah, and how did that work out for him the following year? His "cutting edge" offense was RG3 ad lib and option run which ended up with RG3 damaged beyond repair. The most damning thing for me was Shanahan thinking he could actually do something in Washington with that idiot meddling owner.Not to mention Shanahan thought he was too good for Buffalo. Wasnt he even offered a small % of ownership if he came here? That would have been worth several million if that rumour was true and he turned it down.
  3. Shanahan is past it now. He made a hell of a mess in Washington and completely screwed up that situation. It was similar to Gibbs when he tried his comeback with disastrous results. Some of these guys, the game has left behind.
  4. The ref (Morelli) for this game always reminds me of Tessio (Abe Vigoda) from the Godfather. Who BTW is still alive!! I think Abe would have called a better game than Morelli!!
  5. I didn't see any obvious Cowboys bias earlier in the game either but that's what makes picking up the flag all the more bizarre. It was good call and should have stood. Then the Cowboys get two first downs on 2 Detroit defensive penalties that were arguably the same as the one Detroit had picked up. Did they mysteriously pick up the flags on the 2 Cowboys calls? Of course not.
  6. Just before that GIF begins there was a really obvious hold of the jersey by the Cowboys player on the Lions receiver which I would have thought was much more obvious than the PI. I thought it was PI but marginal. For sure it was defensive holding. In any case, once you call it how in the hell do you overturn it without any explanation?. If Detroit get that first down they keep marching and maybe add to their lead. Instead I just witnessed something I have never seen in 35 years of watching the NFL playoffs, a flag justifiably thrown, picked up for no good reason and then no explanation!!! What an utter embarrassment!!
  7. Quite honestly getting 4Million for opting OUT of a contract is flabbergasting and shows the breathtaking stupidity of the organization. I could see if they offered that kind of sweet deal to Cower or some other big name who was a winner before in the NFL but Marrone???!! Are you f'ing kidding?? Even Chip Kelly I could kind of see but Marrone?? WHY!!!???
  8. I thought wilcotts was a moron long ago, this season has cemented this view. Esp his comment about Odell Beckham...."we now know your name ladel Beckham jr"!!
  9. One of the worst OCs ever for the Bills! Good riddance and take your boring vanilla style with you!!
  10. I really have to wonder at the lack of scouting talent out there in the NFL. How many long shots like Tom Brady have been passed over for busts? I refuse to believe that there will be nobody better than EJ in the next draft, even in the 2nd round.
  11. Trestman would do way better than Hackett, He has succeeded with offenses all over the NFL and had one of the best offenses in CFL history in Montreal. Despite what the snobs say about the CFL I think that example is especially important. Trestman came into a league with a lot of different rules in which he was unfamiliar and learned really fast and created an offensive juggernaut. He could do it again here but please leave Cutler out of the equation!!
  12. So whats your point? they SHOULD have gone for it at least 10 more times in a ton of crucial situations.
  13. My question is whether Marrone has done even 1 thing, 1 bold move, gamble or anything that had resulted in the Bills winning the game? Has this happened in the last 2 years in any of the games. I know we justifiably criticize Marrone for his lack of courage on 4th downs but he has done really nothing with game management that indicates he has any courage or ingenuity to think on his feet. His conservative nature has cost us crucial wins.
  14. Love to be there with you on this post and have some sober thoughts on the season but after 15 years I am just too disgusted to look at the bright side. We have been close to the playoffs too many times since 99 only to choke, blow it or have an act of God crush our hopes. Its just too much to think positive at this stage. You would think that with this fan base and some of the personnel we have had over that time, the law of averages, luck or whatever would have at least made it in once. But as I realized with the 4 straight SB losses there is no such thing as luck or the law of averages with this team.
  15. He never would have been a success if he had stayed here. I even remember not caring that much that he had been traded because of the character issues, his legal troubles etc. He also wasnt the player he is now back then. I remember him having trouble getting a first down on many short yardage plays (Now he seems unstoppable!!) Yes there were flashes of brilliance but he seemed like another Travis Henry with his problems. It just never would have happened here!
  16. I watched the home run throwback in an American sports bar in Antigua, Guatemala, surrounded by hostile fans of other teams. When the Bills took the lead and the game was in the bag I felt elated. A couple of minutes later I was embarrassed beyond belief. I thought for sure, that team would be back the next year. 15 years ago!! The next year it all went to hell!!
  17. I think they have run one QB sneak with Orton all season and it was successful. Is he so fragile that he would get hurt? Then why not EJ in for Orton on a sneak. Why is Marrone such a pu$$y?
  18. Make no mistake. Trestman is an excellent HC and would be a huge upgrade over Marrone. Cutler is what is killing him in Chicago. His support for Cutler and his attempts to work with him to improve have now cost him the respect of the team who hate Cutler. Yes Trestman was a CFL coach and a Grey Cup Championship winner twice, how does that diminish him exactly? Have some of you forgotten Marv? They both coached the Montreal Alouettes no less, to championships and they are both great coaches no matter the league Cutler is the problem in Chicago, not Trestman.
  19. Ultimately Orton is not a viable QB going forward (next year), but for now he is the best we got. He is better than EJ and better than Fitz. He is however who we thought he was. A journeyman QB who can win some games by himself but is mediocre overall. I was curious if the Bills could do a Trent Dilfer with him and win with him managing the game and rely on their defense. The Ravens team that won the SB with Dilfer had a better defense though.
  20. The only way RG3 is effective as a QB is if he puts his body on the line every play and gunslings it or scrambles. This type of playing gets wins but resulted in so many injuries for him in year 1 that he is now a shawdow of himself. He is slower than he was and is only going to get worse.
  21. Heres a simple question. When was the last time that the Bills got a really bad call in their favor that resulted directly in their winning the game unfairly? I know there probably have been a couple through the years but I cannot recall one remotely recently.
  22. Orton cannot run at all. He would have made it 2ft from where he was before he got creamed! He is that slow!! Why not a sneak? Why is there never a sneak in that situation? They finally do an Orton sneak at the end of the game and it works. But they avoid that play like the plague!!
  23. Orton's lack of speed on scrambles is embarrassing. He looks like an 80 year old man out there. Not to mention Orton cannot throw on a rollout to save his life. He has to stay in the pocket and throw otherwise disaster strikes. Yesterday though he was way to slow in his reads (or the coverage was good) and he took too many sacks. He is not as bad RJ was for not sensing pressure but he has some of the same tendencies.
  24. The phantom and incompetent calls are bad enough but the fact that CBS and FOX regularly DON'T show replays of these calls which have a major impact on the game's outcome. This happens time and again. Both the Bills INT plays had huge returns called back by phantom calls. I tried to replay both to see if I could see where the foul occurred but I couldn't see anything obvious at all. You have to wonder, has the NFL directed the networks not to focus on the penalties or is this just bad decision making by the guys in the production truck? Why do the commentators not insist on seeing replays for calls that they know change the game??
  25. The standard of the refs in this league has reached a new low. They are completely incompetent and feel the need to constantly make phantom calls as if to validate themselves. The PI calls on the first broncos TD drive and those completely bogus calls on both Bills INT returns even the call on Chandler for pushing off at the end, all ridiculous.
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