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Everything posted by Livinginthepast

  1. Bills D has been utter horsesh*t this game. They look like they partied like the 90s Bills right before the Superbowl!
  2. Dorsey special on the 4th and 1 for the Browns. Just gifts the Steelers further momentum.
  3. Awful dirty hit and not the first time this guy has done this. Revenge seems to be more of a thing in hockey but I will be interested to see next year what happens when these teams face each other. Al Shaair should watch his back.
  4. "Now I aint saying she a goldigger but she aint messing with.........."
  5. People complain about Al Michaels being past it, but although he is shadow of his former self, he used to be really good. So now he is just ok. Collinsworth has been nothing but irritating since the get go. But now you can add dumb and annoying and loquacious. His non stop hyping of players as the greatest athlete/human being ever, is nauseating. He is in Dan Dierdorf territory on the one hand and getting closer to creepy Brent Musburger status on the other.
  6. Collinsworth is now in Dan Dierdorf territory. Irrelevant observations and boring anecdotes. Just plain horrible!
  7. Having been spoiled with Frank Reich as the super sub in the 90s, Trubisky is a tad disappointing.
  8. Will Mitch pass it ? will he get his first 1st down of the year?? Big play coming up!
  9. I know its snowing badly but the missed tackles tonight ? eeesh!!
  10. I think that was 4 missed tackles on one play! Cmon defense!
  11. Wow what a great call that was.
  12. Omg Plug the damn gaps. Its Henry all over again.
  13. Just like Cincy playoff game they look like they are skating.
  14. That was PI on Shakir. Good they got illegal contact on the next one.
  15. Bills missing tackles left and right.
  16. Brady opted to go with the sugar free vanilla on that last series.
  17. The odd thing about this trainwreck of a last play is that I dont think there was a false start and/or an illegal shift so no flag should have been thrown but the fact that the refs botched the call and threw a flag and possibly whistled the play early? threw off both teams with some players thinking no play and others reacting like there was no issue. I cant help but wonder if the Raiders players (not the sharpest bunch) just assumed no play and didnt go after the fumble and that's what led to the Chiefs recovering. In the end the Raiders just showed why they are a 2-9 team. Looking at the skill set of their players they should be at least a 5 or 6 win team but they find ways to lose and their coaches are boneheads.
  18. Whether he blew the whistle or didnt blow it doesnt matter in the end because I dont think they gurus in the replay booth ever review sound as evidence of a whistle or anything else. What the replay assist should have been looking at is whether a legit play ever happened. A false start or the line not being set or even not having a lineman on the line usually means no play. Which means the fumble and recovery never happened. All this being said it looked like on replay like the LV line was set and everybody in position and there was NO false start. So what was the original call on the flag? And why was it quickly overturned? I didnt see if the receivers moved early but the ref from the side calls a false start. At the end of the officials huddle and call an illegal shift (which also doesnt appear to have happened) but crucially a penalty that allows KC to decline and end the game because they recovered the ball. Of course the players on the field are all confused because some think there was a play and others thought it was blown dead! This guy has an interesting review of it all: https://fansided.com/did-refs-save-chiefs-with-sketchy-late-call-vs-raiders
  19. KC have become the Pats from 10 years ago. They are obviously good team but incredibly lucky. But their main strength, just like the Pats of old is just being patient for the teams they play to just implode with either moronic coaching decisions or shoot themselves in the foot with inexplicably terrible play. Today was an example of the latter.
  20. GB looked a lot tougher than Detroit yesterday. But I think either would be a formidable SB opponent if we get there. The Dolphins looked like they didnt want to be there. So soft in the cold weather games. McDaniel constantly looks like a guy awakened in the middle of the night by a rattlesnake in his sleeping bag and isnt sure how to react as he takes it all in.
  21. Remembering Pat Summerall for his understated delivery as we listen to Brady who never shuts up. I feel like watching this game on mute.
  22. On the bright side Detroit look beatable.
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