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Posts posted by Livinginthepast

  1. 5 minutes ago, Brianmoorman4jesus said:

    This really sucks. I’m not trying to get bailed out but I really didn’t want us to have to win that Dolphin game. Way too many things can go wrong in a 1 game setting. There’s going to be a ton of pressure now.

    Like most of the Bills games this season it will probably be sickening. I just hope they have a great game plan and can get up on them early. 

  2. It always seemed weird to me that the game didn't sell out.  The Bills, despite two SB losses were a solid team in the 1992 season. The NFL blackout rules were ridiculous back then but even so, the game should have sold out. I'm also surprised that Ralph did not buy up the remaining tickets and donate them to charity (like he did on other occasions).  In any case I was forced to find a sports bar in St.Catharines where I was at university to watch the game. The worst thing about being a Bills fan in Southern Ontario back then was that for many local fans who loved the team, there were so many people who outright hated them. I knew many people who delighted in cheering against the Bills and didn't seem to have any fan affiliation with any other team.  My friend and I watched the game at Ricki Jo's sports bar in St.Catharines and it was filled with many of these aforementioned people. The bar was packed and as Houston ran up the score, these aholes were going nuts with glee. I remember at half time some half sauced old geezer screamed at one of the tvs, "bye, bye Marv"! mocking Levy.  When Reich threw the pick 6 in the 2nd half, the mob got louder.  Then the Bills started coming back. Every possible calamity happened to Houston after that and just as suddenly the idiots got quiet. By the time Christie kicked the FG to win it the same blowhards were in shock. Seeing the haters leave in the bar in disgust was awesome. I really thought that the fairytale comeback had lifted any curse and the Bills were destined to win the SB. Dallas soon crushed those dreams! In an odd footnote, My friend and I sat at Ricki Jo's for 3 and half hours that day and were never once approached by a waitress for any drink order. As we were both hung over from the previous night we ate and drank nothing and didn't spend a dime in that place! and I've never been back! Bizarre experience!

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  3. Brady got a bounce after Dorsey was fired. I think the players felt liberated. But the same problems keep reoccurring. The offense is way to vanilla overall and Brady cannot adjust that mid season. It was nice to see an actual sweep yesterday but thats all too rare. Their blocking schemes on run plays yesterday were too predictable and their lack of screens to burn the Pats constant blitzes and pressure were infuriating. That stupid lateral "hitch screen" like play should never be run again. it rarely goes anywhere and has been flat out dropped probably 10 times this season. I keep saying that they should attempt more gadget plays but when they have done them, they look so poorly executed it's as if they have been practiced once or twice. 


    Overall, I think the Bills are not good enough on offense to be one of those old school teams that just tells the opposition, this is what we are going to do and we dont care if you know it, you cant stop it. They have to have some misdirection, trickery or cunning to their offense. It cannot win with just vanilla.

  4. How much of today's offensive dysfunction was the work of the dark lord Belichick? Was it one last spell cast by Belichick to once again mess with a Bills QB? I mean he's been doing it for 33 years since the Giants SB. Even with a beat up cast of scrubs, Belichick gets the best out of his players when it comes to the Bills. I can only hope that was the last time that we ever see him as a coach!

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  5. Moving the team from San Diego with all the history of that franchise and that city was one of the most despicable moves ever. Only 2nd to the Raiders move to Vegas. Spanos screwed over the city and the fan base. As dysfunctional as things got with Ralph and the drought and the Bills in Toronto garbage, at least he didnt up and move like that dbag did!

    • Awesome! (+1) 1
  6. 26 minutes ago, mrags said:

    Murray was terrible today. It should be Lenny the rest of the way. We’ll see. Normally I’d say there’s. I way McD makes that call but he did bench Non Miller today. 

    Murray is most forgettable Bill RB ever. He looks like a guy who would be hard to bring down but gets blown up pretty easily. His blocking is decent and his tush push on Josh  today was good but the inconsistency on the catches is maddening. Some great catches followed by some embarrassing drops. Today's 3rd and one play was piss poor.

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