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Posts posted by gumby

  1. Here is a wiki article about growth of black middle class which basically started with civil rights movement



    You are so ignorant. Is Obama leading that same party?? God, it's amazing how stupid someone can be. Are you like Tom or GG with another handle?


    I must have hit a nerve. I never mentioned Obama you just did. You mentioned slavery, Jim Crow, racism, that's much of the proud history of the Democrats

  2. So getting rid of welfare will be like enacting another 13th Amendment? :rolleyes:


    I always thought that blacks were really, really poor prior to the welfare state coming along, yet this person is saying the welfare state ruined them? I say the black community is still suffering from the legacy of slavery, racism and Jim Crow



    You forgot the KKK. You know those guys, the terrorist wing of the Democratic Party.

  3. I wouldn't put it past them The police forces across the country are militarizing.


    Anyone remember this Obama quote from the 2008 campaign in Colorado Springs? (July 2, 2008)


    “We cannot continue to rely on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.”

  4. It's interesting. Very few libs have been able to argue against the basic premise of this thread. I'll say it another way---liberal policies and the incestuous relationship between government, schools and unions are decimating our cities.



    And you won't see it refuted.


    Progressives have no intention of fixing the inner city. They need a permanent underclass to maintain power.

  5. Yes. Those on the left aren't always wrong. Infact, on social issues they are on the proper side of the issue far more often than conservatives. Their major failing is that they don't understand that economic freedom, which is stacked upon the right of an individual to truely own property, is essential to all other freedoms.


    Actually my post was supposed to be flippant but rereading it maybe not so much.


    I don't agree with all of this particular post of yours, but my point is who on the political left actually argues their point honestly? I have a hard time thinking of anyone who does. It's all lies and spin put out by the political class and parroted by the mainstream media. Which in turn filters down to places like this.


    I contend the left can't be honest because if they were they'd have a hard time winning elections. The few times the left is actually honest about what they believe. (e.g. Obama's "bitter clingers" comment) look how fast they go into damage control, aided by the media, to deflect, misdirect and let's be honest openly lie about what was meant. So good luck waiting for the day when the left is honest. I fear you'll be waiting a long time.


    Republicans (with a few exceptions) aren't any better by the way. They like to talk about their conservative credentials but their actions speak louder than words.

  6. I hold out hope that some day this board will produce a contingent of left leaning posters who are both introspective and argue honestly.


    Perhaps gatorman is the manure from which they will take sustenance and grow. Then again, perhaps he's just manure.



    If they were introspective and honest could they still be on the left?

  7. Thats according to you. Your opinion is not fact. That's why we debate things in this country. I consider the positions of many on this board wrong, too. So be it. Many of you seem to me to be victims of group think, almost a mob mentality of government bad, Obama bad, whatever. And when I point out the insanity of some of your positions some of you go nuts like Tom just jumping in and screaming like a two year old "You are dumb" and then his minions start their zero calorie posts of insults but they don't even know what they are criticizing. Not sayin you do that, or chef, or even tasker and a few others, even 3rding tries--you guys actually back up you positions--but it seems to me a politics board should be about discussion, even if it gets nasty--hey, that's fun too--and not just a Conservative circle jerk.



    Government, even in its best state, is but a necessary evil; in its worst state, an intolerable one.

    -Thomas Paine


    To question government, to be suspicious of government, is fundamentally what makes us Americans. The constitution was set up in such a way to limit government. Government stands in opposition to freedom. Because politicians main interest is in the accumulation of power and the more they accrue the less liberty there is for society.


    On a personal note I don't care what party a politician is in I don't trust any of them.

  8. Because it's his fifth amendment right. Got a problem with the Constitution?


    She waived her right to the fifth amendment when she made her opening statement. You can't say, like she did, I'm innocent and did nothing wrong then refuse to testify but taking the fifth. It doesn't work that way.


    Before you start using the Constitution as an argument learn a little about it first.

  9. Pretty foolish thing to say for a Governor of a state that's bleeding population by the millions and the billions of dollars they are taking with them. But not surprising when that Governor is from the nanny state of NY. Listening to his tone of voice it sounded like he was talking to children. Because he went to the "right" schools and reads the "correct" newspapers he and others of his mindset are better then the plebs they govern with their benign benevolence.


    Thank god I finally got out of NY. Left a little more than a year ago and if it wasn't for visiting some family members who have yet to leave I would never set foot back in that hole again.

  10. I'd like to see the Bills win out too. But please stop with the Herm Edwards quote. He was one of the worst coaches ever and he even managed to have a lower winning percentage than Rich Kotite who was one of the most inept coaches in the last 20 years.


    Herm Edwards was a bad coach and is an even worse football analyst. He should never be quoted.

  11. "Christmas Shoes" by NewSong. Mom's dying can I please have a new pair of shoes to put on her corpse so she's presentable to Jesus? Yeah....that puts a person in the Holiday spirit.


    "Wonderful Christmastime" by Paul McCartney. WTF!!! You were a freaking Beatle....A BEATLE!


    "Last Christmas" by Wham. George Michael is just a very creepy dude.

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