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Posts posted by gumby

  1. What a depressing Super Bowl this is going to be.


    On the one side you have Tom Brady going for his 4th title. If he wins the game he beats the same team that throttled Manning just a year ago. Any lingering discussions as to who is the greatest QB of this generation is over.


    On the other hand there's Pete Carroll going for his 2nd straight SB win. If he wins his second, especially 2 in a row, he just punched his ticket to the Hall of Fame. He will go down as one of the better coaches in NFL history.


    Maybe Katy Perry will be good at halftime...oh wait, scratch that it's Katy Perry.


    Hopefully a black hole will open up and swallow University of Phoenix Stadium.

  2. Forgive me, this has been on mind awhile...


    There is an interesting Freakonomics article from 2012 that dissects the "defenses win championships" idea pretty solidly. A snippet:



    Another interesting bit:



    On the flip side, the list of "game manager" (i.e. sub-par) QBs to win championships is very small - Rex Grossman in 2007, Trent Dilfer in 2000. Lose a championship? Stan Humphries. Neil O'Donnell. Kerry Collins.


    Consider the rule changes in recent years - are they there to help defenses or offenses?


    Now look at this upcoming weekend:

    Brady vs. Luck

    Rodgers vs. Wilson


    Two of the best veteran QBs, both who have rings, vs. two the best young QBs, one who already has a ring.


    The QBs who lost last weekend - Manning, Flacco, Newton, Romo.


    I'm pretty sure if you look at the final 4, the final 8, of the last 15 years, the majority of those teams are lead by franchise QBs, not journeyman, not projects, not retreads.


    The point?


    Just like our Great Lakes brethren in Cleveland, it doesn't matter if the Bills have a top 5 defense, a young star wide receiver, good RBs, a good line, until their is a legitimate franchise quarterback under center, this team will be on the outside looking in.


    It does not matter if the Bills defense is #1 under Ryan. It matters that this team find a legitimate, young, franchise QB to lead this team. Anything else is a waste of time and will not move the franchise forward.



    Love Freakonomics. To anyone not sure what this is it's 2 profs from the Univ. of Chicago who use the laws of economics on non-economic topics.


    This thread has quickly gone off the rails. I wonder how many actually took the time to read the article. All it tries to answer is "does defense win championships." By following the numbers the answer is no because a top defense is no more important than a top offense. Due to the fact that top defensive teams don't win any more championships (or even playoff games) by enough of an appreciable difference than top rated offenses.


    In other words teams can win championships with a dominant defense or a dominant offense. Either or works, one is no more important than the other.


    That's it. That's all it states. I don't know why this is so difficult for some.

  3. From what I've been reading on twitter by the Buffalo media, none of the information provided by Mehta is new, so if that's the case, then why wasn't this information made public by the Buffalo media when they supposedly knew about it?


    I've got no doubt to it's accuracy. But if you read the comments of Jets fans at the bottom of the page it sounds a lot like what is said here after a negative piece about the Bills by a beat reporter.

  4. Put yourself in Marrones shoes. With new ownership coming in there will be a whole new front office in place that will review the entire orginization from the top down. I'm sure the feeling for many at OBD is that their jobs are on the line. If you're Marrone are you going to put your job on the line to develop a QB who has shown virtually nothing?


    If Marrone fails will he ever get another shot at being a HC in the NFL again? Doubtful at best. So you want the HC to go with a QB who was no great shakes at FSU, has shown little if any development as a pro, and more than likely will not be any better anytime soon. The division is up for grabs. Orton may very well fail too, but Marrone doesn't need to see anymore to realize EJ can't get it done this year. Might as well roll the dice with Orton, at this point he has nothing to lose.


    Marrone has reached the pinnacle of his profession in being a HC in the NFL. This most likely will be his one and only shot. It's nonsensical to believe he's going to throw his opportunity away in the NFL just to develop a lousy QB.


    And when all is said and done he may still be fired. But if Orton is competent and he makes the playoffs good luck selling that to the fans who watched him guide their team to the playoffs for the first time in well over a decade.

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