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Everything posted by gumby

  1. My sons were born in '93, '96, '97 and they asked that when they were very young. Then as they got older they asked why I wasted my time. Now all 3 are grown and away in college and not one of them has any memory of the Bills ever being good or in the playoffs. My oldest will watch occasionally but my 2 youngest couldn't care less. And honestly I can't blame them.
  2. The only thing that makes it tolerable watching the Bills lose is coming here and watching some of you guys go off the rails. Some here want to replace Ryan with Schwartz? Are you freaking kidding me? The guy's a tool and was one of if not the biggest douchebags in the league when he was in Detroit. Rex has a losing record as coach, Schwartz's is worse. Rex is a bit of a clown, Schwartz had his players carry him off the field after beating Detroit. Rex may not be the answer.......but seriously Schwartz as HC? GTFO!
  3. Chip Kelly's a good coach not a good GM. No worries for him though he'll have his pick of several multimillion dollar college gigs to choose from this offseason.
  4. It makes sense. If we're worried about the Phins catching the Bills then they probably aren't going to make the playoffs anyway. If the Cowboys lose there's a good chance Romo gets shut down for the season. I'd rather the Bills face Cassel in week 16 than Romo trying to lead the Cowboys into the playoffs.
  5. I consider myself a "realist" and more often than not the Bills deserved criticism the last 15 seasons. But not this year and especially not this game. The Bills went into a road game with their playoff life on the line on national TV and came away with the victory. Mcoy rushed for over 100 yards against the top rated run D. The team caused 4 turnovers that led to 13 points. They had not 1 but 2 4th down stops in the 4th quarter. Plus we got the added bonus of watching Fitzpatrick blow the game for a team other than the Bills. You're not being a "realist" if your salty after tonites game, rather you come off more as a jack@ss.
  6. Right. And when Fitzpatrick threw a late INT all those times for the Bills I'm sure the story was how the Bills blew it and the opponent really shouldn't have won. I prefer the W to silly moral victories.
  7. Good 'ol Fitzpatrick. Don't ever change buddy.
  8. The Song Remains the Same - Led Zeppelin
  9. I didn't even need to open this thread to know most of the responses would be negative. Funny thing is when Carson Palmer looked like he might of been available a few seasons back many didn't want him either. Washed-up and broken down were the comments of the day then. Quite frankly I'm not here to say RGIII will ever return to the form of his rookie season. What I do believe is when the Bills are long time members of the NFL's QB cesspool I wouldn't be too fast to turn my nose up on anyone who has shown more in a season than the current crop of Bills starters have shown in their careers combined.
  10. This is how low it has sunk. Fans are actually yearning for the Fitzpatrick years.
  11. Jim Schwartz is a tool and someone I'd want nowhere near being the HC of a football team.
  12. Dalton is too good in the regular season, he doesn't need extra help from dumb penalties.
  13. There's the personal foul. NOW it's a Bills game.
  14. Difference is night and day with McCoy instead of Boobie. EJ looking sharp.
  15. Title is confusing. Contenders for what exactly? The Super Bowl? Newsflash we never were this year and if you think they were that's on you. Didn't the Bills win yesterday? There's complaints now on style points? I'm sure there's many on this board with no living memory of the Bills in the playoffs and we got some complaining they don't look impressive in a win? Bottom line is the Bills offense this year wasn't built around their QB or even their line. Their success is dependent upon the skill positions and when the top 2 skill guys are out its no surprise the offense has struggled.
  16. Time to put out an APB for the OP. He seems to have gone missing. Even when the offense is not playing well the Bills have a QB who finds a way to win.
  17. As usual, the same old crap thrown Rob Johnson's way in this thread so far. All I remember is when he walked off that field he had that game won after a great 2 minute drive.
  18. Bills fans named drunkest in the NFL? This guy doing his best to hold onto the title. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0xkFdiNnqA
  19. That's where I'm at. I watch the Bills religiously but outside of that I'll watch an NFL game if I've got nothing better to do. It's never going to happen but you want the league and the networks to pay attention to how pissed the fans are about the Pats stop watching when they're on. If you're listening to ESPN or Fox Sports Radio when they start talking Pats change the station. I didn't watch last night but reading the comments here it sounds like Al Michaels was laying it on pretty thck for the Pats. So unless you like having smoke blown up your ass you can sit like zombies and let shills like Michaels insult your intelligence or you can actually do something about it by not watching.
  20. I never did get the Tebow hatred. But it's not in the cards for him to be an NFL QB. He should go back to TV where he was pretty good.
  21. The 30 page "discussion" is EJ fan boys and TT fan boys throwing mud at each other. The only thing they seem to agree on is that Cassel isn't any good either. If that's what you consider as football "discussion" than yeah you are pretty dim. But at least you seem to understand your shortcomings.
  22. Looks like I touched a nerve. I guess some are more sensitive than others. “A distinction without a difference”—a colloquial expression employed by one wishing to recognize that while a linguistic or conceptual distinction exists between any number of options, any such distinction lacks substantive practical effect. To allege that a situation presents “a distinction without a difference” is to suggest that any difference between a given set of options is a logical fallacy—purely a creature of erroneous perception. The point is, (which clearly you were to dim to grasp) is not about their abilities which are clearly different. But the end result in the W/L column. If you think the Bills are likely to win more games with one QB than another then I'd suggest you're the one who is as you say "doesn't understand much about football". They are all sub-par QBs and the end result will be the same. So instead of being clever and pulling meanings of single words from a website dictionary to invalidate an entire posting try educating yourself on what a colloquial expression is and you won't come off sounding like a fool.
  23. 30 pages of back and forth about this QB or that. You guys are making a distinction without a difference. All 3 are sub-par in their own special way and none of them will demonstrably affect the W/L record this year. But by all means keep going this has been thoroughly enjoyable. If I had a big bag of popcorn I'd be complete.
  24. Once she uses that phone or the server to conduct government business the phone and server and all records on it, both official and personal, belong to the US Government. It no longer belongs to her it belongs to us. It seems you are having a hard time understanding what the accusations are. There are many but I leave you with one to contemplate. 18 U.S. Code § 1519 - Destruction, alteration, or falsification of records in Federal investigations and bankruptcy Destruction of any record in contemplation of an investigation is obstruction of justice. (Interesting side note, Hillary voted for the change in this statute that says in contemplation to any investigation.) Now when these records were destroyed in wasn't even in contemplation as there were 8 house investigations going on. She announced a few months back she destroyed records claiming there was personal content within. The minute she did that all her records should of been subpoenaed. She was given a political pass on that. I don't think the FBI will be so lenient going forward. For violation of this statute alone she could be looking at up to 20 years behind bars. Whether it actually gets to that remains to be seen but she is in need of a criminal defense lawyer much more than a campaign manager.
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