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Posts posted by gumby

  1. Walterfootball.com is as lame as any other mock draft sight. They know little about the teams they're writing about. Most guys on this board could make as decent if not better mock draft than the so called "experts".


    In round 3 he has us picking Titus Young out of Boise St. to be a deep threat for Pryor. Because Lee Evans is due 8.4 million next year.


    The guy likes to take a shot at the Bills every chance he gets. And while the Bills do deserve criticism he uses it to be snarky instead of insightful.

  2. It never ceases to amaze me how fans continue to expect the team to pull starters or "tank" games for a better draft position. In your wildest dreams do you really expect a coaching staff to put a lesser team on the field if everyone is healthy? I mean it's common for teams that wrap up a playoff berth but when your scratching and clawing to change a culture of losing you gotta win. Chan Gailey and his staff have their professional reputations at stake every week. They were humiliated last week. I expect tham to try to win this game with everything they have (especially after getting embarrassed by the Jets already this year). If Brian Brohm gives the team a better chance to win than a healthy Fitz, then go for it. I suspect that's not gonna be the case. I'm glad the fans are just fans and don't call the shots here. Can't stand people wanting the team to lose. Big deal, Luck is either going somewhere else or he's staying in school. There will be plenty of good players to choose from wherever the Bilsl pick.



    You change a culture of losing by getting better players. Not by winning a meaningless game in week 17.

  3. Their last move to bolster the team occurred 4 years ago in March. Since then, the big moves were signing TO on a 1 year deal, trading for Stroud, and signing some guys who are either A) Not with the team (K. Mitchell) or B) there and not more than average players (Hangartner, Fitzpatrick).


    We Bills fans have the worst of both worlds: a bad college scouting staff and a pro personnel department with a small budget. No wonder the franchise has been wandering in the wilderness for 11 long seasons. If there's no commitment to change, then there's no commitment. Of course, they could be saving up to pay that hopefully top 3 pick who'll get big dollars. And I can't wait to see Overdorf negotiate that contract.


    This I agree with 100%

  4. So what you are saying because Fitz has a bad game against the best team in the NFL you'd dump him for a rookie that would take years to be any good...if ever?


    And you are saying that QBs alone win or lose games?


    And you still didn't answer my question as to why Fitz is a back-up when his stats are as good as the average NFL starter?




    You like stats so much and then you go on to say the Pats are the best team in the NFL. Yet their defense is ranked 27th in the league which by the way is lower than the Bills. Furthermore they hammer the Bills 34-3.


    The Pats are the best team in the league because they have the best QB in the league. Period. End of discussion. The rest of that team is interchangeable and isn't much better than the Bills. The NFL is a QB driven league, with a great QB your chances of winning are increased exponentially.


    Would I take a rookie QB? Absolutely! Am I afraid he might not develop? No! How is drafting an o-linemen or defensive front 7 any safer?. For every Leaf, Couch, Carr, Russell that others throw out on this message board, one can list Mandarich, Gallery, Williams, Bosworth. All positions have their busts. I for one won't curl up in a fetal position with worry because we "might" draft a bust at QB.


    A rookie QB might take a few years to develop. But at least we would be heading in the right direction. With Fitzpatrick you're just spinning your wheels and putting off the day when the position needs to be addressed.


    I guess we should agree to disagree. You see Fitzpatrick and see potential. All I see is mediocrity.

  5. Fitz has 23 TDs and 3,000 yards in 14 games. Statistically he is in the same neighborhood as Rothlesberger, Favre, Cassell and Hasselbeck. So what exactly makes Fitz a "back-up" and these other guys "starters?"






    Sam Bradford is having a worse year than Fitz, so if Fitz is so horrible then why do you want a QB that's playing worse?




    I don't care about Cassell or Hasselbeck and don't consider them great. Plus if you're comparing Fitz to a broken down Favre well that says it all there. I once heard a saying that went like this "Stats are for losers" Rothlisberger and Favre may not have great numbers but they win games. There are many instances where you can point to where one of those guys rallied his team down the stretch to win a game. That to me is the essence of a great QB. When the chips are down can you rally the team to victory. 2 years ago Big Ben had a season of those that led to a Super Bowl win. Favre has a career of them. Where's Fitzpatrick's moment, in a big game that meant something. All the Bills were saying all week was the Pats game was a "gauge game" to see how far along they've come. And Fitzpatrick proceeds to produce his worse game of the season.


    Sorry I'm sure he's a nice guy, Harvard educated, and has a truly awesome beard. But I want the team I root for to be great not just "good enough" and hope we can sneak into the playoffs as a wild card team.

  6. What are you basing this on? I provided ample evidence to the contrary, some facts to back up your claim would be nice.



    Which evidence do you want?


    Moss was traded with a 7th in exchange for a 3rd.

    Boldin was moved for a 3rd and a 4th


    If you think Evans comes close to those two guys well then we got a totally different view on football.


    As far as not being a #1 receiver on the Bills the last couple of seasons. T.O. was the #1 in '09 and Stevie Johnson is clearly the #1 this year. Add to the fact Evans caught 44 balls last year and only had 37 this year before going on IR. That's 81 catches in the last 29 games. 81 catches in a 16 game season barely qualifies for #1 status let alone stretched over almost 2 complete seasons.

  7. Fitz is a nice story this year. But reading every post in this thread even his supporters are saying if he gets the right kind of help we can be a wild card team. Really? Have we sunk that low that we hope to one day squeak into the playoffs?

    I still hope for greatness. To be great a team needs a great quarterback. Fitz is decent. I fully expect him to be the QB in 2011. But anyone thinking he's the long term answer is nuts.

  8. I want them to try as hard as possible. Give the 'ol proverbial 110%. Then at the end of the day come up short. I don't play to "win the game." Because I'm not on the team and I doubt anyone else on this board is either.


    This team has won two meaningless games. I don't believe that having won them has helped in any way to instill a winning culture. All it has done is put the team in jeopardy of missing out on drafting probably the highest ranked franchise quarterback coming out of college in over a decade.


    I have been a fan of the Bills long before this current crop of players arrived and I will be a fan long after they're gone. I want to see my team be relevant in the league again. I want the Bills to be great again. I'm tired of hearing that a back-up quarterback is good enough. That a bunch of guys who "try hard" is something to root for. Have we as fans been so beaten down by the last 11 years that greatness isn't even considered anymore? That the best that can be hoped for is to reach the level of mediocre?


    Not me brother, I'm tired of my team being the NFL's version of the Island of Misfit Toys.

  9. I have always been a "win now and don't worry about the draft" kind of guy. I have always believed that a team benefits itself more by digging deep within and finding a way to win, than getting (and squandering) high draft picks year after year. Winning builds a whole team, and enables all of its young players to develop their potential, while losing creates a sink-hole in which the greatest talent becomes worthless.


    Until now.


    I have watched some of Luck's games, and read the scouting reports. This kid is for real. The Bill's need to get this guy. In retrospect, are a couple of measly victories worth watching this kid lead another team to victory over the next decade???? I cannot believe that Carolina will beat us out on this one. The universe cannot be that unjust. Perhaps the lockout will alter the draft (or Luck won't come out). I will quit watching football if Carolina drafts Luck. I will devote myself full-time to soccer, which is a better game anyhow.


    Go ahead and rag on me. Fools! If the Bills lose luck, there is no God, there is no meaning to life, and when you die, there is nothing good to look forward to. The world is just governed by random chance, and there is no justice. I will have seen it, but the rest of you lemmings will be still following the losing Bill's franchise off of the cliff, ten years later--claiming "loyalty" to your team, and to "American football."



    I read this as being the sarcastic rant I believe it was intended to be.

  10. You may call me crazy, but no, I don't understand. I honnestly think that Brady and Fitz are quite the same type of guys. The "only" differences between them are the OL, TE and bilicheat



    I could not disagree more. Brady and Fitz are barely in the same league. The QB makes the line, the line doesn't make the QB. Brady's been sacked one more time than Fitz while playing 2 more games than him so that's pretty comparable. The Pats defense is ranked 2nd worse in the league. I don't think the Pats skilled players are that much superior to the Bills. And yet the Pats are 10-2 and the Bills are 2-10. Why? Simply put the Pats have a franchise QB and the Bills don't. Period.

  11. I agree Fitz is not the guy, but it certainly wasn't from today's performance. Fitz is playing at a "very good" level this season with a real bad team. The man has had many chances to start in the league, and has never really kept a starting job. There is a reason for that. He is a very "decent" quarterback. Teams that want to win need a FRANCHISE QB. The sooner we finally draft this guy, the sooner we can go through the growing pains, and build the team around him. It seems as though the Bills are always trying to STEAL that QB. Lets get Trent in the 3rd round, or JP after all the other good first round QBs are taken, waste a draft pick on Levi Brown in the 7th, try and get Brian Brohm in here maybe he will shock us. BITE THE BULLET AND DRAFT THE GUY THAT CAN LEAD THE FRANCHISE!! Does a top 3 pick guarantee us a GREAT QB?? No it doesnt. Does it make our odds a hundred times better?? YOU BET! Draft the guy, develop him, and try moving on. The Lions didnt have a great oline, the Rams didnt have a great oline, but amazingly they still draft the franchise QB when given the opportunity. That is how franchises turn around, and not by seeing who you can steal in the 5th round. Give me a break already.


    Quite possibly the single greatest post in this or any other universe.

  12. That's back when Bill Walsh was at Stanford grooming those guys. Now a days Stanford cranks out NFL starts like Trent Edwards. There is no reason to think that a QB from Stanford now has anything to do with the stars coming out of the school when Walsh was there.



    Actually Walsh didn't coach any of them. My point is that it's stupid to throw out a school just because somebody else was a bust from there.

  13. I guess I'll be the contrarian. Kyle Williams is an undersized nose tackle. He plays with plenty of heart and will occasionally come up with a good play but he gets pushed around far too often. A NT should tie up at least 2 o-line men to allow the LBs to make plays. He rarely does that. Being last in the league in rush defense (by quite a bit) and another 274 rushing yards against tells the story.

    I view him the same way I do Fitzpatrick, a player who is best suited as a valuable back-up.

  14. I know a few weeks ago I started a thread about this entire team is full of holes and sub par talent. Oh how things have changed in just 2 weeks. Fitz is playing absolutely out of his mind. Stevie Johnson is showing he's a real starter quality wr in this league and now that he's doing well and the emergence of a qb and a coach willing to throw the ball downfield, Evans has put up some solid numbers. Truthfully, I think Johnson will emerge as the #1 wr on this team and Evans will be there for what he is built for, to stretch the field and open some things up. The running game (or maybe the gameplan for the run) has not impressed anyone at this point but we all know what we have with Freddy and hope we have something with CJ.


    At the end of the year I believe we will have a few probowlers on this team.



    potentially a olmen (just my hopes that someone emerges, Wood or Levitre maybe)

    and I'll even throw in Poz or maybe Whitner just on the number of tackles they are making because everyone else is so horrible on defense. It's gonna take a few fumble recoveries, sacks, and interceptions but it might happen.

    Right now (minus the 0-6 record) this team is looking like what we hoped they would look like (exception to the horrible defense) at the beginning of the year.


    Gailey made Thigpen look like a star and there no doubt he will/can do it with Fitz. I just hope if he looks good all year that Ralph doesn't make good on his promise and draft a $70million gamble at qb when we already have one capable of putting up good games.


    We really need defensive help (especially the front 7) and I hope we get it. Just think, if we can pick 2-3 starters in FA at LB, DE, NT then we might actually have a shot at looking good next year.


    I'll eat my crow with hot sauce from Duffs about how bad I thought they all were a few weeks ago.



    If Whitner makes the Probowl it should be immediately canceled because it will prove once and for all that's it's a complete and utter farce.

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