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Posts posted by gumby

  1. Take this for what it's worth. At the combine Mayock's opinion of him was that he was a total boom or bust player. The reason for this opinion was that Maybin has all the athletic ability in the world but doesn't know how to play football. He was a project that would take 2-3 years to coach up. Even with that there was no way of telling if he could succeed in the NFL. Any team drafting him was rolling the dice, he was either going to turn out to be a stud or a bust.

  2. You are 100% right. The only question Young got right on the wonderlic was "name" and Palmer has no heart.... McNabb has 1-2 seasons left in the tank at most. These guys are not worth mentioning when discusing the Bills quarterback position.


    Fact of the matter Fitz showed he still has some growth potentail, he is pretty young and very bright. He will get another year of starting to see if he can become we we are all hoping for and that is a long term solution. I like the fact that our guy will be the smartest guy on the field most sundays.


    There are quite a few NFL teams worse off at QB than Buf. Dolphins, Panthers, SF, Zona, (Skins if they decide to go with Rex), Minn, even B'more fans are, to my surprise, saying Flacco is a problem. I am sure there are more



    He's not and never will be. I also believe the Bills coaching staff and front office know this as well.


    As for the OP. Not interested at all in Palmer. Too much wear and tear on him. Besides why would Palmer want to come to the Bills? He'd be moving from one lousy team to another. I think he's looking to get on a team that's much closer to contending then the Bills currently are.

  3. 10 pages of this...wow.


    Clear example of the evolution of a thread. The OP comes out boldly and declares Defense wins....PERIOD! Then changes his stance to acknowledge he'd be ok moving back in the draft to pick a QB if the Bills use the extra picks to get help for the D. Talk about "to have one's cake and eat it too". :rolleyes:


    The bottom line is that the NFL is a Quarterback's league and the NFL wants it that way. Don't for a minute bring up the Ravens from a decade ago. It's not the same game anymore. Since then the NFL has implemented rule changes to protect to QB and free up the passing game. All this current post season is proving is that defensive coordinators are pretty sharp guys and have caught up with the changes. If defenses continue their upward projection in shutting down the offense the NFL will step in with more changes to open up the passing game. The NFL wants it to be a passing game so it will be a passing game.


    That's why it's imperative for the Bills to get a real QB. I'm not going to say if the Bills should get that guy through the draft or trade to bring someone in. All I do know is the sooner the Bills make a serious upgrade at QB the sooner they will start to compete in the league.

  4. This reminds me of a ruling by the Supreme Court in 1973. Asked to define what is pornography Justice Potter Stewart said the following:


    “I shall not today attempt further to define [obscenity]; and perhaps I could never succeed in intelligibly doing so. But I know it when I see it….”


    Take that quote and substitute obscenity with franchise quarterback and I think it rings true as well.

  5. I read the OP then I read it again. But I'm left to wonder if as the OP claims "defenses wins...PERIOD!" what's the explanation for the Chargers?


    The whole argument is silly. You need both a top flight QB and D. I believe the QB is more important but the argument is moot because the Bills have neither.


    If Luck was in the draft the Bills should have made every effort to get him. But since he's not then there isn't a QB left to justify selecting one at #3 overall. Trading back to get one would be an option but that's easier said than done.


    Barring a trade down, as it stands now, the best option is BPA. Even if that means Green or Peterson. Needless to say the Bills finished 4-12. They are without question one of the 5 worst teams in the NFL. They need help everywhere. (Maybe not a NT but Williams needs to follow up his performance next year to convince me he's nailed that position down).


    The sad reality is that the Bills are not anywhere near to competing yet. If there is a season in '11 I expect the Bills to be picking in the top 10 next year as well. It's going to take several drafts, and nailing your picks, to get the Bills to a level where they can compete as a legitimate NFL team.

  6. Everyone talking about tradition. It's becoming Oregon's tradition to have a huge number of uniform combinations. I think if you don't like it you're showing your age. I'm not 18 but I can still remember being 18. I wouldn't wear half the stuff now I did then but you did it for shock value and to be outrageous. I think the Oregon uniforms go along much of that same mentality and is a recruiting tool for 18 year old high school recruits looking to stand out.

  7. Whitner was a "need" pick? I thought if anything he was a "BPA" pick.


    I believe in '05 the Bills safeties were Milloy and Vincent. That was Milloy's last year in Buffalo and Vincent was gone in '06 after one game. Add to the fact Jauron was hired and he preferred drafting DBs, so his scheme had a need. So yeah it was a need pick. Whitner was considered a late 1st round pick. He certainly wasn't BPA at 8th overall.

  8. It wouldn't matter if Whitner became a perrennial Pro-Bowler on his way to the HOF. His value at the time of the draft was not an 8th overall selection. My personal wish would be to have a front office savvy enough to realize that. Instead the Bills had an octogenarian, who by his own admission hadn't paid attention to the league in several seasons, in charge of the club. And he was brought in for no other reason than he made Ralph Wilson feel good after the disaster that was Tom Donahoe.

    The Bills did what they usually have done in the last decade (Spiller being one of the few exceptions) and drafted for need instead of BPA. Now there's nothing wrong going with the "draft for need" route but you need to know the player's value and move appropriately in the draft to get him. You don't select a guy 8th overall who was considered a late 1st round pick just because you want a safety. Move down in the draft get extra picks and still get the guy you want. To me that's how the good teams do it, that's how the smart teams do it. It would've be nice if the Bills FO IQ had been better. I still have hopes for Nix & Co. that they will have a good draft in 2011.

  9. For all of the people that say the Bills are so so far away from success, just look at what the Seahawks just did. They found their way into the playoffs and just took out another overrated team in the Saints. The fans here who think that the Bills are no where near success just don't understand what the NFL has become, a collection of bad to decent teams where you're only one good offseason from turning it around.


    The Bills are well positioned for success in 2011. Believe it.



    If the Bills were in the NFC West then I might agree with you.


    I feel like we finally have a foundation of players. I feel like it's the mid-eighties again! Here's hoping that breakout "we have something serious brewing again" year comes in 2011!


    This is my favorite part. The 1985 team that went 2-14 had the following players.


    Bruce Smith

    Andre Reed

    Darryl Talley

    Jim Ritcher

    Pete Metzelaars


    Plus we had the rights to Jim Kelly.


    Name the guys on the 2010 Bills that come anywhere close to that. That was a core to build around. I still have hopes for Nix and Gailey but this team is still a long way from competing.

  11. Finally...SOMEBODY picked up on the suttelties of my post




    Go to NFL.com and dig up the combine clips of both Maybin and Moats. Moats moves like an NFL linebacker while maybin moves like that tall, lanky, uncoordinated kid from high school who never could make the basketball team


    Thanks, I'll check that out. But I was never happy with the Maybin pick. A team like the Bills needed somebody who could step in and play right away. They didn't have the luxury then, and still don't, to be picking projects

  12. I remember when he was at the combine Mayock's take on him was that he was a 2-3 year project. He had all the athleticism in the world, that's how he got by in college, but didn't know how to play the game and had to be taught. And after taking the time to train him there was no way to tell if he would be a boom or bust.


    I heard it reported that Jauron insisted on draft day we take him because he fit his system best. Yet another Jauron dividend still paying off to this day.

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