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Posts posted by gumby

  1. I don't know maybe part of the problem is that the economy is in a cesspool. The population as a whole is not spending because they just don't know what the future holds.


    I think it would be a good idea for the uber fans who drive 500 miles to attend a game to support a huge surcharge on their tickets to pay for the stadium renovations instead of sticking the taxpayers in WNY with a 100 million dollar bill to pay for your entertainment.


    You guys are the "real" fans right? Maybe you should step up to the plate and show your commitment.

  2. Paul Hamilton


    Orchard Park, NY (WGR 550) -- As the Bills get ready for Sunday in Kansas City there's no shortage of confidence with Chan Gailey. The head coach was asked if he expected to challenge for the division and make the playoffs he said, "I expect it. I think our players expect it. If you don't expect it, something's wrong with you. If you say I want to be a little better than last year, you ought to get out, that's wrong. I expect to win every one of them, I expect to be undefeated, that's the way I've always been and that's the way I'll always be."


    My link



    I don't know why this is so difficult to comprehend. The statement that he expects to go undefeated is the problem. Saying you expect to win every game is one thing but saying you expect to go undefeated is entirely different. That's a HUGE difference. I can't think of one NFL coach who would say such a thing. Expecting to go undefeated is lunacy.


    Now I don't think Gailey is crazy. So that leaves me to believe that the undefeated response was a line of coach speak B.S. And if that's the case everything before that is called into question also. What does he really think? Does he really believe the team will challenge for the division title and the playoffs? Who knows because he wraps up the comments with something so implausible you can no longer take the rest seriously. I'm sorry but words mean things and when you take the totality of that comment he's not really saying anything. NFL coaches are masters at talking a lot and not really saying anything.

  3. I can't tell if you are in your crayon eating mode, or just really don't understand...but I will play along...the preseason games are set up by the franchies' not the league. There were times where the Raiders and Cowboys would play eachother twice in pre-season...



    It's always been my understanding that the individual team is responsible for scheduling their preseason opponents.

  4. I doubt the Bills will be fortunate enough to get Luck. But I'd be just fine with Matt Barkley or Landry Jones. Until the Bills finally address their need at QB and actually get it right they will be spinning their wheels. Fitzpatrick is an adequate stop-gap until the franchise QB arrives (hopefully next year). When the Bills do find that guy they will take a quantum leap to respectability in the league.

  5. Since the NFL started the 16-game season in 1978, only one team has ever gone 0-16, the Detroit Lions in 2008. Would like someone here who actually paid attention in Statistics class to figure the odds of a perfect losing season.


    Given that the Bills:


    • Won four last season, and lost many games by less than a TD, including about three OTs, including against several playoff teams...
    • Drastically improved its run defense...
    • Did nothing worse than last season with the O line, which was less than average but did not lead to doom...


    Not to mention the fact that Fitz can only get better, I'd say the odds are not in your corner, jumbalaya.


    My money is on:


    • 7-9 with no O-line upgrade.
    • 9-7 with one.




    That's not a fact and not something I'd be necessarily counting on.


    Coming into camp I was hopeful for around 6 maybe 7 wins. But this team seems way to unsettled for me. 4 or 5 wins seem more likely at this point.


    It takes a special kind of bad to be 0-16.

  6. I'd be surprised if Overdorf is making the actual football decisions. I think his main purpose is to carry out the orders of the football side and to work the cap. Can anyone give me an example of a unilateral football decision that he has made? Overdorf knows as much about football as most of the hardcore fans here... HE doesn't sit and study film and coach or scout players as far as i know.


    Overdorf cut Troy Vincent without informing anyone beforehand.

  7. Bob, good topic. Not sure about being the most negative time, but it is pretty damn depressing. Particularly after the way these past few weeks have unfolded, I feel partly cheated. As with every new regime, we are prone to give them the benefit of doubt. But, the FO came in with a keep your own and build through the draft philosophy. Well, they have thrown that first part out the window over these past few weeks and entrusting the team largely to rookies and second players on D. On the O side, excuses abound about why we have not upgraded the OL + got rid of a proven veteran in Evans. Finally, these confusing personnel movements and promotions are giving me the feeling that instead of competent football personnel, we have a dysfunctional and divisive set of people at the helm.


    But this is the way it always has been. Occasionally competent football men run the organization (Saban, Knox, Polian). But the bean counters always undermine them and they are shown the door.

    Not surprising that with the last coaching search no legitimate choice wanted the job. That alone should tell you what the rest of the NFL thinks of the Bills operations

  8. Born in raised Montclair, NJ...Graduated West Orange High..(in NJ) class of 99'..grad from Lackawanna college (same as our very own donald jones) 01' 10-1 Record finished top 10 in the nation. Played OLB for Charleston SOuthern unknown school yes but 1-AA none the less...and yes I started...and lastly everybody from NJ does not sound like Tony Saprano...like I said think before you post



    Do you know Snooki?

  9. Must read thread of the year. I've noticed its become the in thing to follow all nonsense with "flame away if it makes you feel better." It seems TBD has become a hotspot for masochism.


    Reminds me of the Monty Python "argument" sketch but we are giving it away for free.


    I know what you mean. Isn't it enough abuse just being a Bills fan?

  10. Let me start by saying I respect the opinion of the OP. Everyone is entitled to their own perspective and opinion. The differences of opinion are what make the board interesting. But I think it is funny how the term Optimist is misused on this board a lot. An Optimist is someone who looks at a situations and finds the most positive reasonable outcome. An optimist does not look at a piece of poop and see a chocolate cake. An optimist would look at the Bills and say, "well they addressed the defense so they should be better this year" He would not expect them to win the Superbowl, that is just plain stupid.



    Maybe if it was a sheet cake.

  11. Since 2005, the Colts have lost more preseason games than regular-season games (4-24 in preseason, 75-21 in regular season).


    Do I need anymore proof that the pre-season does not mean anything compared to the regular season? Jesus Christ guys quit whining. I'm sick of the pessimistic crybabies everywhere and it's really annoying. I mean you guys really have nothing to cry about until the games actually COUNT!



    If the Bills had Peyton Manning I wouldn't worry over the preseason either. Instead the Bills trot out a back-up QB to start for the team.


    Coming into camp I thought the Bills had a shot at about 6 wins. So far they look to have regressed from last year.

  12. The optimists state in this very thread Nix knows the o-line is bad and shouldn't we all realize it takes several years to rebuild.


    But then I recall this little gem from a little more than a month ago.


    "You know, if a guy comes available that we think can upgrade us, we’ll do it, said Nix. He added "I think that the offensive line has been beat to death. Somebody writes that we need this or somebody says it, and then it goes around, we’ll see. We think we’ve got better players than you guys and maybe the fans think we have."


    So I'm left with this question. Did Nix really have faith in this poor excuse for an o-line and is just now realizing how much still needs to be done. In which case I question his ability to analyze talent.




    Was he just blowing smoke up our back ends. In which case I'm left to question the veracity of the front office when dealing with their fans.

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