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Everything posted by gumby

  1. They would like to but they couldn't get him out of the bathtub.
  2. Until the Bills get a QB that can go toe-to-toe with Brady they are never winning the division.
  3. Really??? And here I thought it was lack of talent.
  4. Bills fans are already on the Trail of Tears.
  5. Yes the Bills defence blew it. But wouldn't it be nice to have a QB who could systematically dismantle an opposing D?
  6. The Bills have never picked a QB with their first pick. Why would anyone expect that to change at the 2013 draft? At the next draft it would be 3 years since the Bills last selected a HB in the 1st round. I think the smart money is on Marcus Lattimore. I'm only half joking.
  7. He has a worse career winning percentage that Rich Kotite.
  8. Fitz does what most back-ups in this league can do. One week he can light it up and you say to yourself "Wow why is this guy a back-up". Following week he's lousy and you say "Now I remember why he's a back-up". Problem is you don't know what you're getting from him week to week. In the NFL that isn't good enough. Not nearly. Watching the last 3 weeks and I can't help thinking how good the Bills would be with a real NFL QB.
  9. Hey it's New York State so of course you'll get tons of ads from gov't agenicies. On a side note I like your avatar. I used to watch Ultraman when I was a kid.
  10. Says the guy with over 2000 posts. I'm not sure if you just woke up to reality but the NFL has been "pissing" in the face of fans for years now. Everything from PSLs to the blackout rule to holding communities hostage for hundreds of millions to build their personal palaces to play their games in. Where do you want to start? And seriously if you didn't know these refs were replacements would you really know the difference? The regular guys blow calls on a weekly basis too. How many games over the years have the Bills lost because of poor officiating? But I'm with you brother I stopped watching a long time ago. If the Bills aren't involved I'm not tuning in. Outside of the Super Bowl I can't remember the last time I watched an entire game in which the Bills weren't one of the teams.
  11. Time to get my nerd on. Your avatar is a picture of a Chaos Warrior of Khorne, from the Warhammer games. The quote is their warcry.
  12. Barbarian your avatar rocks "Blood for the blood god. Skulls for the skull throne!"
  13. Maybe it will turn around when the Bills take drafting a QB seriously. In the 50+ years of the Bills existence they have never drafted a QB with their first pick in a draft. If a QB isn't available in your spot make the move neccessary to get him. Many here laughed when the Redskins traded all those picks for RG3. But who now looks like they have a brighter future the Bills or the Redskins? Shanahan now has his guy and they can begin to build around him. The Bills are still lost in the wilderness.
  14. I understand that it's only one game but what are you basing your hope on that this is going to be any different than past seasons? The Bills still have the same below average QB lining up behind center every week. Fitzpatrick certainly is capable of coming out against KC and lighting it up. But you still have no clue what he'll do week 3. Inconsistency is not a reason to base hope on. A good winning QB has 1 maybe 2 bad games a year, Fitzpatrick has 6 to 7. And all the hoping, all the faith, and all the BILLieving isn't going to change that. This is year 3 of the rebuild. This team now belongs exclusively to Nix and Gailey. No more excuses, this is the team they envisioned and built. How is it possible that a coach runs a spread offense with 5 receiver sets and only dresses 3 receivers for the game? Is this the kind of thinking that you base your hope on?
  15. No sir I will not. I cheer for the team, the logo on the helmet and the city they represent. NOT any idividual player. These guys come and go but the team remains. Ryan Craptastic does the team and its fans a disservice with his poor play. The only thing he is consistent in is being inconsistent. The sooner the Bills dump this guy and find a real QB the sooner they will be a good team again.
  16. I'm optimistic because the Bills are now one week closer to Matt Barkley.
  17. Oh the outrage! Now they're talking about Sanchez dating Eva Longoria. That would never happen on TBD..... What? Three pages of that on TSW? Damn.
  18. Baby steps. You can't rush these things.
  19. There's nothing to be done at this point. You're not going to find a guy out there right now that's going to make any real difference. The Bills are going to roll into the 2012 season with a back-up QB who just happens to be their starter because they don't have anyone better. There isn't anyone who's going to come in and supplant Fitzpatrick at this time. So I'm going to do what I do every year. Cheer wildly for the team. Be very happy when they win and not be upset when they don't.
  20. Having known Bulldog in high school I can tell you he was a really good guy. And even though I haven't seen him in over a decade I'm sure he's still the same guy who would literally give you the shirt off his back if you needed it. I think where many have a problem with WGR is thinking that they do purely sports talk. I recall Jeremy White saying they're not just about sports and that a purely sports talk program is no longer a good business model as that is not the direction the medium is going. Another on air personality (I don't think it was White) said they're trying for a show of what guys talk about if they were in a setting like a bar or some such place. So sports will be discussed most of the time but not all the time.
  21. Nonsensical gibberish. No where was any "hate" expressed towards Fitzpatrick in my post. Questioning his ability does not equate to hate. So you can save that particular tactic to try and shame others, it doesn't work on me. To compare the QB today with someone from 20 years ago is even more nonsense. It's not the same game. The rule changes are such that it is now a passing league and will be even more so in the future. What Kelly did 20 years ago has no bearing on today. Unless of course you're suggesting Fitzpatrick is every bit the QB Kelly was because their stats may be similiar, but I don't think you're that silly.
  22. Fitzpatrick seems to be a great guy, highly intelligent, and has truly epic facial hair. I understand that he has some very good games and some bad ones. That also can be said for most of the back-up QBs as well. I cheer for the logo on the helmet not the name on the jersey. I hope that he does well. I doubt that he's able to.
  23. What...what...what? Now I'm completely confuzzled. Your saying the answer is a sloppy 'ho? And if VY doesn't work then what, sign one of the Kardashian sisters?
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