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Everything posted by gumby

  1. If we had a solid head coach the first thing he'd do is get rid of Fitzpatrick.
  2. I think you're giving them way more credit than they deserve to have.
  3. Alphadawg why do you bother? You'll never convince some people. It's because you use logic to prove your point and they use emotion. It's just like you couldn't go to a Justin Bieber concert and convince a 12 year old teenybopper that the music is no good. They don't want to hear it. It's the same mindset that creates threads like this or the one about feeling sorry for Fitzpatrick. It doesn't matter what stats you use. As one emotional poster said here he doesn't even understand half of what the stats at ESPN mean. They'd rather just clutch their pom-poms ever so tightly and blindly cheer for a player.
  4. I don't need math to know you can usually pick division winners by which team has the best QB.
  5. So the Bills have upgraded from being boring losers to exciting losers?
  6. During the '90s the top 2 QBs played in Miami and Buffalo. It's no coincidence they both dominated the division then. Until one of the other 3 teams find a QB that can go toe to toe with Brady the AFC East will be a lock for the Patriots until he retires.
  7. Growing up my second favorite team was the Vikings. Mostly because of Tarkenton. So that probably would be my team today if there never were the Bills.
  8. QB, QB, and QB. It shouldn't come as a shock to most (although some people on this board I wonder about) that the last time the Bills even had a sniff of the playoffs was when they had a legit QB in Bledsoe. That guy was even on the downside of his career and he was head and shoulders better than anything the Bills have had since.
  9. What if the names were changed but the same kind of argument was used? Example: I truly feel sorry or Kelvin Sheppard. Dave Wannstedt is a terrible coach all he does is draw up defensive schemes that expect our MLB to make to many tackles. It's not Sheppards fault that he's not getting it done on a consistent basis. It just goes to show how bad our coaching really is when they expect a MLB to make plays. Who in their right mind would accept such drivel? When a poster in this thread said Chan is terrible because he uses an "antiquated" 5 receiver set it just goes to show to what depths excuses get made for Fitzpatrick. Maybe the Bills can go to the wishbone and play a 70's style offense "3 yards and a cloud of dust." To think that the argument is we need to have our QB throw less is preposterous. To compare him to Alex Smith is just silly. The 49ers have switched QBs because Smith can't make the throws either and they're relying to much on the running game with him in there. In the modern NFL the running game only gets you so far. It's a passing league and becoming moreso every year. Finally I think Chan Gailey has his limitations too. But to say his play calling is the reason Fitzpatrick can't get it done is not accurate. More often than not the WRs are open and Fitzpatrick can't get the ball to them. I'm not sure what more a play call needs to do if the QB can't execute it.
  10. The Bills are run by old men with tired old ideas... He'd fit right in.
  11. If you're not going to draft a QB in the first 2 rounds don't bother. The chances of finding a starter after that drops to about 10%. This idea of developing a late round pick is a myth.
  12. LOL some guys are too tightly wound and fail to see the sarcasm. Maybe a smiley face would help for the simpletons. But even though it was sarcastic it wasn't too far from the truth. You can dream all day long of a big time head coach with accomplishments in the league coming here. Barring a miracle it's not going to happen. When was the last time the Bills landed a coach like that...Chuck Knox? When the Bills pick a HC it's from the scrap heap of wannabes and neverwases. Gailey, Jauron, Mularkey, just recently but you should get the point by now. I just picked Tice out of a hat but it could be any failure from the last 20 years. Mike Sherman, Marty Mornhinweg, Steve Spagnuolo, anyone of these is more likely than the names being tossed around here. But hey, keep dreaming your dream, whatever gets you through the night.
  13. "A fool and his money are soon parted."
  14. I'd say Jack del Rio but he's out of the Bills league. With what the Bills can attract it's time to get on the Mike Tice bandwagon.
  15. That sounds like a slump buster. That's what the Bills need after missing the playoffs for so long.
  16. I do not agree with this. I'd take Ponder or Tannehill right now over Fitzpatrick. I do agree that Gabbert seems as of now to be a bust but he's the exception to the QBs drafted recently. Nor do I agree that a rookie QB needs to be "groomed" for several seasons. Newton, Luck, RG3, Dalton, Ponder, Tannehill, Locker have all stepped in and performed from ok to very good. Many college teams are running pro-style offenses today so the idea of "grooming" a QB to the pro game is becoming a thing of the past. I also believe that if the Bills found the second coming of Dick Butkus they wouldn't be going anywhere without a legitimate QB running the show. The NFL is a passing league and becoming more so with every year. I think the days of a 6000 yard passer is coming. That's what the league wants because offense sells tickets. As long as the Bills keep trotting out what amounts to a back-up QB, because they have no one better, nothing will ever really change
  17. Only positive is the season series against N.E. is over. Don't need to watch them beat the Bills anymore this season.
  18. Really? Every week after a loss there is a thread devoted to placing blame. It really doesn't matter if the defense is lacking or coaching leaves much to be desired or the WRs are not the best, because all that is true. But having all that be true does not invalidate the point that Fitzpatrick is no damn good and the Bills will be severely restricted in how good they can be as long as he's the QB of the team.
  19. Well as I said in another post it has been 3 years since the Bills last drafted a RB with the first pick. Not out of the question to see the Bills move Spiller and draft his replacement in April.
  20. Well it will be 3 years since the Bills last selected a HB so the smart money is on the Bills taking one. But with Marcus Lattimore's injury I'm sure the scouts at OBD are scrambling to find the next best option.
  21. Most back-ups can do it too. You see a back-up play good and you say to yourself "this guy is pretty good why is he a back-up?" Then you see other games where he's not good and you say "Oh yeah that's why he's a back-up." Fitzpatrick is nothing more than a back-up quality QB. He'll play some really good games but then he'll give you 7-8 games a year where he stinks. Great QBs will give 1-2 bad performances a year. That's the difference the top QBs are consistent week after week. Just because Fitzpatrick can do it occassionally is no indication he can do it regularly.
  22. Ravens won the SB 12 years ago. Since then a 144 teams have made the playoffs and you find 3 examples of average to below average QBs making the playoffs. Congratulations! I'd rather not have the Bills build their team to be the exception to the rule.
  23. I really like Polian but his days are over. Re-hiring him would be the same mstake the Bills always make. The orginization is run by tired old men whose ideas are 20 years out of date.
  24. Too bad a game is 4 quarters long. The d stunk, no question, but wouldn't it be nice to have a QB who could take apart a defense like Brady does. You can like it or not but as long as Brady is playing the Bills will be also-rans in their own division.
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