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Posts posted by gumby

  1. "22. Bills (5-9; No. 26): Don’t worry, Bills fans. In just two weeks, you can start crafting unrealistic expectations all over again."



    Bills win one or 2 of their remaining games this year, they will be a trendy sleeper playoff pick. There is zero excuse not to make a playoff run next year. Zero. Heads will roll if they don't.



    I guess some can't even wait 2 weeks.

  2. Despite the loss I'm very optimistic. For the first time in a long time it seems the Bills have themselves a QB. I agree that penalties need to be cleaned up. The defense looks better but still having a hard time getting off the field on 3rd down. A few too many long 3rd down conversions for my liking. But overall I like the direction the team is now going.

  3. As with any NFL team it comes down to the QB. If Manuel develops into a good QB the Bills will be fine and on an upward path. If he turns out to be another in a long line of scrubs the Bills have placed behind center they will continue to wallow in the lower tiers of the league.


    It's not any more difficult to understand than that.

  4. Mike Shanahan was not going to work for Ralph and the Bills. It is as simple as that. I'm not criticizing anyone here. What I'm saying is that Shanahan had choices as to where he could go. He had a better situation for him in Washington compared to Buffalo. From his perspective it was not a difficult choice to make, especially since he had a backdoor relationship with Dan Snyder.



    Is that the new colloquialism for "friends with benefits"


    Advice for people who think it's wrong for Bills fans here to act like normal sports fans everywhere: don't post. You're weird and your weirdness has zero value here. Go start a forum for other weird fans who think that until the team starts winning we have to sit on our hands with our heads bowed in a darkened room and avoid making negative comments about teams we've hated our entire lives. If you hate your identity as a Bills fan, you know where the door is. I have a Bills bumper sticker on my toolbox at work and wear a Bills hard hat on Fridays during the football season. If people give me crap I give it right back. There's no shame, there's pride. We love our team and we're not fair-weather fans. If you can't act like a normal sports fan who loves his/her team and dislikes his/her opponents and rivals then maybe you shouldn't follow sports. If it's too hard for you to cheer for a team that's fallen on hard times, then give up.


    We won't miss you.



    It's ironic that a guy who joined TBD 1799 days ago and has to date racked up 18,607 posts would be calling anyone else "weird." Having posted an average of over 10 posts a day for what's going on nearly 5 years is the epitome of "weird." Your obsession with grown men in colorful outfits would shame an 11 year old Justin Beiber fan.


    To get back to the OP's topic (before the thread got hijacked by the previously mentioned nonsense). Anyone who is into Strat-o-Matic can't be all bad.

  6. Not surprising at all. When Pittsburgh played Arizona in the Super Bowl a few years back Roethlisberger and Warner were the top 2 most sacked QBs in the league that year.


    No QB has been sacked more in the last 3 years than Aaron Rodgers.


    QB is the be all and end all in the NFL today. If you got a good one you stand a chance if you don't you're paddling upstream without an oar.

  7. What a great idea. Start a thread that is totally original saying get rid of Brad Smith. Something nooooo one has mentioned, then enlighten us all with the reasoning of 8 words. 29 letters. Wow William FreakingShakespeare right here, eh?



    Brevity is the soul of wit.


    - Shakespeare

  8. Not that I'm holding my breath but also, what happens if Carrington becomes a star this year?


    What happens if Troup, Aaron Williams, Kelvin Sheppard and/or others become solid starters and/or contributors?


    So it's not only the upcoming draft which could still change Nix's legacy.



    If you changed your sentence to read Kolb instead of Carrington than I'd say the Bills stood a chance.

  9. OR, maybe he is incompetent.

    OR his assessments and values for players differ than those of other NFL scouts.


    There has to be a reason he is on TV and not employed as an actual professional scout/talent evaluator/GM.


    Why the hell would he want to be a pro scout/talent evaluator/GM? He's got one of the sweetest jobs going. Not only is he probably making more than those guys he's not responsible for any of his "picks." A GM has to live with the consequences of his picks and if he fails he gets shown the door. As soon as this years draft is over Kiper is getting ready for 2014 and everything he just said is no longer relevant.

  10. Such a long ghostly rant -- and then there was another one!


    Short version of above: Wilson is incompetent and indifferent. The Polian hire was close to an accident. There's no rational evidence the team will not be very bad so long as Wilson is the owner. The only tangible thing fans could do to change the situation is not buy tickets and refuse to support the team.


    C'mon Dr. you got the TARDIS. You already know if the Bills get any better in the next few years.

  11. BTW, this is a serious question.


    How many draft spots did our meaningless week 17 win over the Nyets cost us?


    Anyways, I think we all need this:




    Since you gave a serious question I'll give a serious answer.


    As for your example the answer is quite obviously no effect at all. But like what happens on message boards people like to cherry pick their facts to support their point of view.


    So in turn let me cherry pick mine. In 2010 the Bills started 0-8. They then went on to win 4 meaningless games in the second half costing them Cam Newton. If the Bills had continued to lose they would have their franchise QB today.


    But thanks for ignoring the bigger point I was trying to make as to how supposed Bills fans seem to enjoy sniping at each other as much as supporting their team in any way that they choose to do it.



    Well...The Lions do have Stafford, Suh, and Megatron...So they sure as heck have some pieces to work with from bottoming out....


    But I'm guessing the OP is thinking about the potential QB Draft Class of 2014...Which figures to be pretty special if the underclassmen declare...If the Bills were to bottom out the odds are good that 2013 would be the year to do it...I think though...somehow, some way...The Bills will figure out a way to win 5-6 games in 2013 and screw themselves out of bottoming out... ;)



    Then we can all be lectured to by those that BILLIEVE that winning meaningless games in December is somehow noble while quoting Herm Edwards to support their position.


    While the rest will be incredulous the Bills are blowing their chance at the top QB in 2014.


    I can hardly wait for the season to start.

  13. Ain't hindsight wonderful? The Bills were on a role when they resigned Fitz and he was playing very well. You must be the only one who knew it was a guaranteed fluke. Not saying it was a smart move at the time given Fitz's track record, especially at Cincinnati. But no one complained under the circumstances.


    Of course it's hindsight. How else do you evaluate if decisions that were made were the correct ones. Part of Nix's job is to make correct decisions on player personnel. How you can rate his ability to do so without hindsight is beyond me.

  14. It's shocking and sad to me that this is even a topic.


    Yes the Bills have a many holes, especially on D. But until you fix the problem occupying the #1 position on any football team you are just spinning your wheels. To just "let it ride" for another season with Fitzpatrick is not an answer.


    To the OP: there are at least a half dozen QBs in this draft I'd take over Fitzpatrick. I'd rather attempt to move forward than continue on this path. I'm fully aware there is no guarantee a rookie QB will work out, but if he falls flat on his face you draft another QB in 2014. If the Redskins can draft 2 QBs in the same draft I don't find it shocking to draft QBs in consecutive drafts.


    Every year it's the same story on this board. Every excuse under the sun is used to explain away why the Bills can't draft a QB in that year. It's always wait until next year to get the QB. Couple years ago you could find more than a few threads against drafting Newton. Luck was questioned as being overhyped. Washington was laughed at here for moving so much to acquire RGIII.


    Time for the Bills to move forward.

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