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Al Czervik

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Everything posted by Al Czervik

  1. I'm so sorry to hear this...thoughts and prayers
  2. I've been touring around the internet for a top shelf nacho recipe to make at home...lots ideas but I still don't think I've found "it" yet. "KILLER Nachos" has me interested...if you care to share some details please do! I'll have a cooler of Old Mill's beside the couch...and no dietary food restrictions on this end.....yet
  3. Unfortunately I think "dumpster fire" will now end up on the list of all time TSW-isms
  4. Ok thanks for clarifying...so it had to do with the PC ended up a disaster...I haven't watched it, only read about it on the board here. As far as accountability would that be a back room slap on the wrist or would that be firing-worthy in its own right? Haha...that's an insult I'm definitely not a RB fan...a glass-half-full Bills fan, perhaps...but the further away he can get from football operations the better it is for us. Here's to 2017!
  5. Yes I'm with this....thank you OP for tracing things back and mapping it all out. Two very INlightening posts...I wasn't aware of the meeting back in the day involving Coughlin. Thanks JW for chiming in with some unbiased INsight...that you say Brandon would be more of a Whaley backer than Rex was something I didn't realize. Promo....I'm also confused as to what Whaley should have his feet held to the fire over...I've reread things and tried to read between the lines...if you find out please let me know. A couple of opinions to add: - since Rex wasn't DW's recommendation, or even if he had faith in him at all, how he would be expected to go to bat for him if he in fact thought Rex going was the best thing for the franchise. - on the flip side, since it was Pegs decision to hire Rex, how could DW possibly tell his superior, in any diplomatic way, that his decision was wrong and he had made a huge mistake? I think DW's only move was to take the hands off approach and let Pegs come to the conclusion himself. - It appears that DW watched the coaching situation come full circle and die its own natural death. Almost like a game of corporate survivor. It's not that complicated to see but its beyond comical in the media anymore. All that said, I am excited to hear DW has control over the current hiring process...I have faith, and really hope he makes the right choice on the coach and they can make the right decisions with the QB position that will in the end get us there. I don't think the bills are a dumpster fire and believe we're closer than it appears. Exciting times to be a Bill's fan!
  6. I've been waiting for you to share the media-theory you've been hinting about In past Bills News articles on the main page, you can usually tell who a couple of the author's are based on the negative statement theme of the article's title...so nothing new there, but from the aggressive tones of the past few weeks writing, I doubt there is much room left for professional courtesy let alone working friendships between the two sides of individuals...but like you say that could be the result of continually being squeezed out of the media market. Maybe you're right and TBN is on the outside looking in on the Bills world? Either way one thing I agree with is the Bills franchise (or any team) in today's NFL and media world doesn't need the little guy to tell their stories for free anymore...as kind of sad as that is to say. Interesting take...thanks for sharing
  7. They are directly competing for the same playoff spot and have home field advantage...and with all the underlying side stories to draw motivation from beyond the historical rivalry, (must win for playoffs, job firing rumors, A-Williams injury, playing for jobs, mario's return) This game is a chance to make a defining statement on the season for this group...if they can't get up for this game then I don't know what it will take. Either they want it or they don't...Going with my heart here Bills 30 Miami 17
  8. Checkmate Sergei
  9. Agree...take the time to let him sit and learn...after a few years we might have built something to show for it In fact do everything the exact opposite of how they handled developing EJ Manuel
  10. On shady's 3td TD didn't he give the ball to Incognito to spike in the end zone? I was watching the game and into some pints with some friends in the garage...but I think that's what I saw anyway...if so that's pretty cool and says to me that they are all jelling
  11. I saw Marrone leaving as a blessing because I foolishly thought we'd get new coaching like this...instead we got, um what we currently have. Silly me for hoping for something positive.
  12. Oh Mylanta....didn't see that one coming today...this season will not end well. I guess we had to see the results to believe it but more firings will equal progress
  13. I agree...I have no problem sticking behind a bad team if they are moving in a positive direction.
  14. As a Bills fan is it wrong that I get a kick out of all the Jimmy posts?
  15. I agree with this point...especially when it comes to hiring and selecting "his" coach. I didn't like the Rex hire...but its who we have for this year at least. I'm not as far gone as Gugny yet...but talk to me around the quarter season mark...I may agree after where we're at after 4-5 games.
  16. So far I'm still with Bluto here...that was only 1 game..way too early to write off the season and the team...yet I was pretty excited in the early off season with the re-signings we made...but losing our top 2 draft picks in the summer did kill some of that enthusiasm...plus the league suspensions...plus that first game didn't display much to be excited about. But the D did play well...lets see what happens here on Thursday night first. And I do get the frustration people have....especially the loyal season ticket holders...you all commit more time and money making the games in person as opposed to us who watch on TV and make maybe 1 game per year. If the stars align I can see this team challenging for a wildcard...I can also see this season ending like a dumpster fire. Even tho I feel like we're presently closer to the latter, I will still be cheering for the Bills week in and week out. The way I see it we either end up challenging for a wildcard, (which will be fun to watch and show progress) or we will fall short and Pegs will clean house over the off-season (which will also be interesting to see unfold and be relative progress too). Is is an entertaining little thread tho...made me laugh a few times
  17. No way! That's way too young. One of the best coach rants on Sports Center...RIP
  18. There's a lot of info in there...I think I need to read that one again! But overall sounds positive, thanks for helping me kill some time this afternoon tho!
  19. Heartfelt condolences to the Ryan family
  20. I've been following this site for years now and I can't remember the last time a post draft offseason made us all (most?) happy and excited like this one. Even compared to previous RFA signings and the odd draft that brought the usual hype and fanboy feelings, this one feels special somehow. I don't want to wish away our short Canadian summer too quick, but man I can't wait for the Bills in September!
  21. Good read...Thanks for the morning recap!
  22. I lost a Proline Pools ticket on Josh Scobee kicking that 59 yard field goal on the final play....I will forever the despise Jags.
  23. I agree with you....I thought it was kind of funny....at least shows he's a good sport about it all
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