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  1. And Coy WIre snitched on the Bills on NFL Network
  2. Istead of trading our draft picks for a QB how about supporting Fitz with the right people through the darft and free agents. Did Eli become as good as he is now on his own? Why was Kelly, Montana, or Young as good as they were? They were supported by some great supporting cast and guys who had a common goal. With the guys that are in place know have started something that will become awsome with the peolple not just the right guy., We do need a good back up so Fitz doesnt play hurt.
  3. WHy are people talkin about Maybins sacks? The same way they Talked about Tebow. They are getting praised for doing what they did against Miami, as always they will prove what they are all about when they have to face a real team.
  4. Who really cares what the ass kissing back peddling morons think.
  5. They need to sell beer in the bottles again.
  6. Who cares what he has to say, he's gonna make excuses and alot of back peddling
  7. Maybe he forgot to wear a bra today, know I know why he wears baggy sweats. HE'S GOT BOOBS
  8. Know all we are going to hear how bad Brady was today and that they are still the better team even though they lost. Jamie Dukes. I thought that they said that they would take Buffalo seriously if they beat the Pattys, Well? the Bills are the most hated team and the are making alot of the un Billievers eat crow.
  9. Knock us down and kick us, We'll get back up and punch you in the mouth!
  10. That hit on the dummy was so clean and powerful. I cant wait to see him in action. The Bills havent had anyony since Bruce that can and will install fear in the QB's life. I hope that the rst of the D-line takes on the same attitude. KILL THE QB Watch i=the vid again it was a clean shoulder pad hit
  11. Check out the utube video , marcel dareus sports science
  12. Check this out. buffalonews.com/sports/columns/larry-felser/article359483.ece
  13. Alot of big words with nothing said
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