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Albany Bills Backer

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Everything posted by Albany Bills Backer

  1. Our Co-Founder had a really good post entitled "Old Media Considered Harmful" Of course feel free to join us in Albany at McGeary's
  2. I just saw SportsCenter do a nice piece on the Bills being a bunch of "nobodys" from small schools with BIG stats this year. Really nice piece
  3. FYI. Now we are getting attacked for being a little upset over her article by her blogger buddy. http://twitter.com/#!/JustKristi And Yes, the other thing she is talking about is breast enlargement...
  4. Ms. Gish wrote a blog post about Tantrums this morning. I find that ironic. She knows a lot about childishness after her column yesterday.
  5. Thanks for the Support Guys. Please join us for a game next time you are in Albany.
  6. This was in the Bills Backers Forum: http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/21379-nj-cnjbbb-central-nj-buffalo-bills-backers/
  7. Mainly Jets and Giants. I would say the Bills are the 3rd team, and Pats 4th.
  8. A local Albany Parenting Blogger turned sports columnist wrote a horrible piece that beats up on an 82 year old woman for liking the Bills...Amongst other attacks. You can read it on the Albany Times Union's Website. I am not posting the link because I don't want to give her the pleasure of the increased direct link views. The Albany Bills Backers have responded. Read our Response.
  9. I will concur with the Burnt Ends at Arthur Bryants. Go to the original its great.
  10. Thats too bad on the radio. We will still be getting together at McGeary's for the games. Join us if you are in the Albany Area. http://www.albanybillsbackers.com/
  11. I agree that Fitzpatrick will get better if they keep developing him...So will Brohm. Unless Buddy and the gang are going to go out there and get #1 draft pick material for QB, and get a good O-Line, then Fitzpatrick will be better than the next 4th Rounder that will come through the revolving door on One Bills Drive. He's smart, his skill was shown yesterday at calling the audibles on the first TD. He needs some refinement, but other parts of the team are a whole lot worse.
  12. I don't think he will play, but if he does, with our luck he will have a quick release, throw for 300 and 3TD's and no sacks.
  13. Secondary Markets can have the game on Sunday Tickets, So if you go to a bar in Syracuse, I believe they can have the game. As for straight Broadcast, you can see the Map Here
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