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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. There's this one lady that walks in off the street and talks to my secretaries for 20-30 minutes every other day or so...it's soooo frustrating. My office is upstairs and I can hear her talk and talk about stuff around town. My secretaries try their best to "politely" break the conversation but she keeps going. I've even called my own office phone number on my cell phone upstairs, it rings through and one secretary answers the phone (to indicate she's busy) but she continues talking to the other secretary. One of my secretaries has hidden under her desk when she sees her coming across the street to my office. The other runs to the bathroom. She announces her appearance and then I go down and talk with her for ten mins until the phone rings (from my secretary on her cell phone under her desk) and it is dead silence. I have to pretend I'm talking to someone. She waits for three or four minutes until I start jotting down notes on paper indicating the call will take awhile. She's also a doorway diddler: "Well, just thought I'd stop in and give you an update. I have to go now...(door halfway open and cold air rushes in)....ohh, I forgot to tell you, the town is planning a....blah, blah, blah" I may need some advice on how best to stop this treachery. Any other horror stories out there like this one?
  2. Color me confused. I must be the idiot in the room.
  3. I've wrestled with this question for a day. On the one hand, if we traded Josh for (hypothetically) Joe Montana, Russ Wilson, Luck, etc. I might be ok with it. But to have Brady win a Superbowl for the Bills would make me feel dirty.
  4. You only had one soul and you sold it in exchange for a glossy 8x10 with cracked glass. I thought I knew you and Mike in Horseheads. I'm re-thinking things today.
  5. The epitome of silliness is arguing that a hypothetical question won't happen. Think about it. It's a ***** hypothetical!!!
  6. WHAT KIND OF BILLS FAN ARE YOU? A HYPOTHETICAL... It's my hypothetical and I'll make it come out however the hell I want!!!!!! Ugh...I used to think you were a Bills fan.
  7. Do you want to win a Superbowl with our own home-grown talent...to say "We did it with our own guys" or do you just want a Superbowl win no matter who leads us to that victory?
  8. If you want to skip ahead to the 6:30 mark go ahead. The whole monologue is quite funny. Refreshing to hear these comments in re. Hollywood elites!! (Note Tom Hanks’ facial expressions at the 7 +/- minute mark.).
  9. I give these injury reports about as much credence as a Tweet from Luke Russert’s mom (old timers here will remember the Mario Williams thread). As I recall, Julian Edelman had a similar likelihood of playing against us and ended up with 5 catches for 90 yds or so. You still prepare for him to play.
  10. Correct. So my point is this nimrod doesn’t even understand his beloved city and team are supported by a Buffalo based (Loser city) banking institution.
  11. I think he spelled Play Doh wrong...and IT IS educational. https://www.walmart.com/ip/Play-Doh-Kitchen-Creations-Burger-Barbecue-Food-Set-with-5-Cans/55502592?wmlspartner=wlpa&selectedSellerId=0&adid=22222222228000000000&wl0=&wl1=g&wl2=m&wl3=42423897272&wl4=pla-51320962143&wl5=9004988&wl6=&wl7=&wl8=&wl9=pla&wl10=8175035&wl11=online&wl12=55502592&veh=sem&gclid=CjwKCAiAjMHwBRAVEiwAzdLWGN45WS0i1mdNwILaZ03p7pmhWayiRLipAZ2Sy2xf7ny_6oE7vnQsxhoC3-kQAvD_BwE
  12. Not sure if anyone noted this yet (here or on Twitter) but the stadium where the Ravens play is M&T Bank Stadium....corporate offices right here in the City of Losers.
  13. Looks to me like Terry and Kim bought all the players PJ's for Christmas.
  14. Why are you posting pictures of @Gugny in this thread?
  15. “And just like that, the Browns became the AFC’s most complete team” LOL, LOL
  16. You need to make your predictions when the cantaloupe start producing flowers (May). Get with the program Island Boy!!
  17. I think I challenged that back in March. Couldn’t re-open the original thread for some reason but it’s on Page One. Of course, now I’m watching the Sabres game and thinking McDermott needs to get his ass down to Key Bank Center.
  18. Yep. Right now OBJ and Landry are scouring the jewelry store for diamond clad cleats and some insurance company is throwing money at the little QB....rather than prepping for a playoff game.
  19. But, but, but....it’s not the talent, it’s the coach and GM. With OBJ, Landry and Mayfield, a coach can teach them how to be humble and buy into the process. Not
  20. You may have convinced me to make beef on weck for the game...sounds great. Will make two pan pizzas (bought two deep dish pizza pans for Christmas with the hope of replicating The Harvest Best pizza...worked pretty good last week so I can refine it for better end product) Same: Start with IPA's and move to LaBatts Blue
  21. Try www.askjeeves.com. Type in “Buffalo and bills and beer and bars and pineapple and Hawaii and places and near and ocean” and you should find a few places. Webcrawler is another option.
  22. Very sorry Joe. Glad you had her for so long. Many great memories I’m sure.
  23. https://sports.yahoo.com/amphtml/browns-todd-monken-freddie-kitchens-coaching-total-mess-011950248.html
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