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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. And Caddyshack - Judge Shmals: "Play with me Tye...Dr Beeper was the club Champion...and I'm no slouch myself" Tye: "Don't sell yourself short Judge...you're a tremendous slouch"
  2. LOL. I was going for the untimely penalty angle. Yours make more sense.
  3. You missed a few. I fixed the list for you.
  4. That's what I'm looking for: Who's going to get me there? I ain't looking to get on no sorry team for no money. That ain't going to fly. I ain'tgonna put my body through all of that just to lose no 16games, go home with my check. I'd hate that, so that ain't what I'm doing. So if I can't win no Super Bowl, I ain't going to no team that can't win." There’s 7 “I”’s in his explanation. No thanks. Over-hyped player. He had one big hit in college and is not a difference maker...nor is he a Beane type.
  5. The Marrone Coaching Tree branches are long and distinguished.
  6. She is definitely on the scale somehow. That’s why I feel bad about coming right out and saying “we’re too busy for you”. As Gugny said above, I will probably take the middle ground and ask her to take a seat for a few minutes while we finish some things up, then let her talk after that for 5-10 mins, then tell her we have to get back to work on an emergency file. Trying to handle it with kid gloves to some extent.
  7. If a guy is buying $55 cocktails (each) and various other side dishes for $200-300 per, he needs to stop and think about how foolish he looks. Testing a tomahawk bone? What an ass.
  8. https://amp.miamiherald.com/miami-com/restaurants/article239104028.html Not sure who I believe. All I know is this customer must have said “This Bill is unacceptable!”
  9. “Unacceptable”....Had a client say “That answer from the Court is unacceptable”. I went on to think “I said it, you heard it. It’s too late. Accept it”. Pompous phrase.
  10. Not sure how she’d be offended if I called her “continuity”.
  11. “I thought you were taking me to Hooters!?”
  12. That's not possible I plan on updating this thread as often as possible just to see that F5 gif!!!!
  13. You’re right (did I just say that?). She’s sweet as pie and completely harmless. That’s why it’s tough for me (and the ladies downstairs) to come right out and say “See ya...you need to leave” after five minutes. By the way - the library is straight across Main Street. I seriously think she waits in there and watches for her chance to make the 50 yard sojourn to my office.
  14. 62% to 38%....F off Brady, we’ll win our own damned Lombardi and keep the Wrong Josh.
  15. Very possible. That’s why I’m trying to use the “friendly” approach.
  16. She is neither a client or hairdresser. She is relatively new to the community (but grew up here years ago and moved back three years ago). She is now a self-proclaimed socialite (if announcing who danced with who at the Harvestfest constitutes social announcements).
  17. It was almost a "resting B word face look" coupled with a "I won't talk to him tonight at the post Golden Globe party and that will show him"
  18. The people who run my office. My bosses.
  19. Ugh....ugh....define HOT It's a very unique situation...she's somewhat of a charity case in our town (so the "tough as nails approach" wouldn't fly in a small community). But she doesn't stop in at the pizza joint, the bank or other buildings...just mine. I can overhear my assistants just saying "ohhhh" or "uh huh", meanwhile this lady talks a mile a minute about her day. It's funny and frustrating at the same time.
  20. I'm gonna suggest this to the ladies downstairs. Awesome. Tried that. This is the same woman that my secretaries say "Oh, the phone is ringing...I have to take this call" (and it's me calling from upstairs) and she says "That's ok, I'll wait". She's one of a kind. In a community of about 4,000 people, I get the one person with so little self-awareness that treats my office like a knitting club.
  21. I, for one, was fooled. The reaction by Tom Hanks (who I like as an actor) told me many in the audience were fooled as well.
  22. I see your point, and for a person like you or me, the message would be received loud and clear. Not this one...she's a whole different breed. She'd invite me in and talk MY ear off until the American Flag starts waving on Channel 4.
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