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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Mocking mock drafts makes a mockery of mocking.
  2. Maybe the Mods should start a pinned thread for "All Mock Drafts Before FA and the Combine Go Here" @Chandler#81 @Hapless Bills Fan
  3. Oh man. So tough re. your Dad. Glad you could be there for him. I suppose he hung on for you to get there and talk about the game. Strong man.
  4. Enjoy CGF!!
  5. Thx Augie. Good stuff. Interesting thing is - it’s different for everyone. Unique in all cases. For those who have not been with someone when a person takes their last breath, it’s a whole new outlook on life IMO.
  6. Crappy situations are what you make of them. Fitz (a 38 yr old career backup) seemed to do ok with that Dolphins team. Why do you assume the Fins were a “crappy situation”? Have you been reading too many “Right Josh” excuse threads?
  7. So true. Thx Being with someone over 70 or 80 is tough enough, but being with a little kid has got to be soooooo damn tough. Even if you don’t know the little one, it’s just terrible to witness that I imagine.
  8. Dad hung on last Thanksgiving until my brother arrived from Ohio. At night, brother went to hotel and sister went to her place. I stayed at the house and slept in chair near Dad. He died with me and Mom there with him...maybe he didn’t want my brother and sister there. Never know. So many things to think about. Funny side note: When I was with Dad, I told Mom to call 911...as I’m holding him, I hear Mom tell the 911 operator the address to respond to...but it was their address in Florida (not their house in East Aurora where we were). I yelled across the room “No Mom...our EA address” and Dad kinda moaned at her (since he always kidded her about those kind of things). She was obviously flustered. But he knew what she meant.
  9. Sorry to hear about your Dad...that is really rough. Glad the whole family could be there with Gram though.
  10. There's days I still reach for the phone to ask my Dad a question. Shocked he is still gone. That last breath was just so amazing...just hard to explain the feeling you have when you hear and feel it.
  11. Serious question. We've talked about putting our dogs down, but what about being with our loved ones, friends or others when they pass. We have many law enforcement members here, as well as soldiers, EMT's, doctors, nurses, etc. who may have been with someone when they took their last breath. I'm none of those but have been with two people that took their last breath: one was a client I was with in the hospital. The other was my Dad who I was lucky enough to hold when it happened. Without getting into too much detail about how it happened, why it happened, etc., do you still think about it? How has it affected you? Some people say it is the "most beautiful thing to experience" but I won't go that far. I'd say I was very lucky to be with my Dad when it happened but I still can't believe it...very glad I was there with him. Wouldn't want it any other way.
  12. 1) Beane is a master of negotiation and value. Diggs was drafted in the 6th round...no way he offers a second round pick. He’ll offer two 7th rounders. 2) There is no way in hell Diggs wears #14 here in Buffalo. That‘s Sammy’s number!!! .....should have been retired when he left.
  13. Listen now, thank me later. The instrumental track is well developed, lyrics are deep and heartfelt. Put this baby on auto replay. I found my new ring tone. “Holly bear, Holly Bear, Holly Bear ...hit the”. It just....how do I put this? Speaks to me.
  14. Beane dropped the ball. So done with this team.
  15. That’s a very diplomatic way of saying “F#%k No!!!”
  16. Where will paying clients sit?
  17. LOL. She has been in several times since last update. She takes a comfortable seat next to the staff and talks while they work. I think she actually enjoys telling her stories about what is happening in town while my assistants go about their tasks and give the occasional “uh huh” and “oh really”. I walk into the foyer and she just keeps talking. Yeah, I’m not very intimidating.
  18. As the guy on the ice is walking, they’re yelling “left right, left right” trying to time his steps. They finally got it at the end. Glad they had fun.
  19. You forgot the kinda guy that throws gummy penises to cops and chocolate penises to media members. #teamplayer Webster’s Dictionary definition of “team player”??
  20. Where is the damn “mad as hell” emoji????
  21. Forgot to hit the “sarcasm” button. Need to talk to SDS about that.
  22. No argument from me. I agree with you. Just don’t ever challenge @ExiledinButtonPushing because he’ll tell you his index finger is vital in keeping our waters at the right level and clean (lol lol lol). My point is why can’t these brilliant scientists create a female robot who can push buttons, plow the driveway and plant wildflowers at our local canal system?
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