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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Isn’t that what “flattening the curve” means....stay inside to slow it so it doesn’t peak at an unmanageable level. That’s what we’re doing...most of us anyway.
  2. So very sorry Mrs KTW. Can you post the obit so we can send a donation to your cause? God Bless you and family!
  3. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/ncna1167831 Correct. Been used in the past. FDA has now approved this technique for critically ill Covid patients first.
  4. https://www.wsj.com/amp/articles/fda-approves-plasma-treatment-for-coronavirus-under-certain-circumstances-11585090669 I believe @Hapless Bills Fan referenced something like this in the other thread (to test for antibodies and T cells and B cells) but this now allows for the use of plasma from Covid + patients who have “recovered” for critically ill Covid patients. FDA approved this pretty fast so perhaps we’ll see some positive news in the coming week(s).
  5. Coincidentally, I share those very same concerns. Has Diggs said he’s retiring? Did he freeze his feet in Paris? Evicting a baby momma? Why are they keeping him away from OBD? Let him in front of a microphone.
  6. If we had a friggin Press Conference it would allay a lot of these fears. Any word on it?
  7. I was thinking that as well. I have many questions I’d like to ask.
  8. How can we negotiate with Diggs and get some extra cap room to sign Dalton ? I’ve been thinking about this and it may take some incentives for Diggs (maybe a car or something) and then have enough money left to entice Dalton to sign. These should be some of the questions asked at an introductory press conference. Maybe in the next few weeks (I hope). Leave it to Beane though. He’ll get it done like he did with CHAN gailey and our DL in the 90’s. Don’t want anyone going to the ER like Terrell Owens (#81).
  9. I gave you an “Awesome” for this post, not because we secured McKittrick, but for your proper use/spelling of “re-sign”.
  10. I believe the last 6 or 7 posts are all purely political. So assuming the nation (workforce) is on lockdown and the economy suffers (which it already has), a politician should not be penalized/criticized by his or her opponent (or supporters) for taking such protective action, correct? The economy should not even be a talking point, correct? (Just playing Devil’s Advocate)
  11. Global News travelled to Minden to find out why Vollmer was advising potentially sick customers to come to the store, which sells items including medical jewelry, essential oils and Himalayan crystal salt.
  12. Happy Birthday MIH!! You are, indeed, essential!
  13. It seems this drug is gaining traction (not as a "cure" but as a way to shorten the severity of the virus). The article cites a Chinese study published so I guess we can either believe their data or call it hogwash. University of Minnesota doing their own study, as are South Korea and Spain. The WHO has gotten on board to at least investigate the usefulness of the drug so that's promising. Sadly, some medical facilities have run out of the drug not based on demand, but some physicians and pharmacists "hoarding" the drugs for friends and family (at least that's the allegation). https://www.statnews.com/pharmalot/2020/03/19/teva-mylan-coronavirus-covid19-malaria/ As a result, Mylan plans to restart production of hydroxychloroquine tablets at a West Virginia facility to meet “potential” increased demand and is looking to begin manufacturing outside the U.S. in coming weeks, according to a statement. In explaining its decision, the company noted the World Health Organization listed the drug as being under investigation for combating the coronavirus. He also pointed out that the University of Minnesota announced that it will start a multi-center study evaluating hydroxychloroquine in around 1,500 people who were exposed to Covid-19 within three days but are not symptomatic. And Amsellem also noted that studies are under way in South Korea and Spain. And a search of PubMed, an online database of medical papers, turns up several abstracts, including “Discovering drugs to treat coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19),” published by three Chinese researchers in Drug Discoveries & Therapies.
  14. Hadn’t seen that before. Makes sense. Generation C! I can just picture little Augie’s asking “What did you and Mom do during the 2020 pandemic?” and Mrs Augie just changes the subject quickly. By the way, had no idea where to put this. If you want to move it to “Generic Covid” thread go ahead.
  15. Is there a chance with so many men and women staying home for the next few weeks that we see a huuuge baby boom in December 2020 - January 2021?? We could be ushering in a new generation of little Fergy’s, Gugny’s and (God save us) Exiled’s. https://www.npr.org/2019/05/15/723518379/u-s-births-fell-to-a-32-year-low-in-2018-cdc-says-birthrate-is-at-record-level
  17. I believe I was at the forefront of this issue when asking whether I can pet my “dumb yellow lab”. Your answer made sense. So I have brushed him every day since then...and washed thoroughly (because the hair and slobber is unbearable).
  18. Maybe it’s not fox fur after all...that piece of fur on the floor is left over Schnauzer pelt. No wonder she left him.
  19. Maybe he'll share his "other" pics of the fox?
  20. https://glensfalls.craigslist.org/clo/d/stony-creek-silver-fox/7094747014.html I thought Craigslist banned any form of human trafficking? This fox can be purchased for $750 and you get a fur coat included as part of the deal. Seller writes: "she left me now she looses" By the way, this is in @Gugny's backyard. Would ya?
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