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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. I’m usually in the 89% - 92% range. Takes a lot of work.
  2. They should retire his number.
  3. Today’s Sneak Peek: A certain WR that was thought of as “a great route runner” will fall to the second round. I’ll leave it at that and you’ll see what I mean.
  4. Well. Here ya go. I talked about the “V” word yesterday and now it’s all the rage. My Big Board is replete with versatile players on both sides of the ball and now all my contemporaries at CBS, NBC and ESPN will start spouting off. Seriously...it’s like clockwork. Casserly is a hack and hasn’t watched film since he put that stupid football on his bookcase 20 years ago. https://www.nbcsports.com/washington/redskins/linebacker-prospects-2020-nfl-draft-have-charley-casserly-excited-about-positional?amp
  5. A lot of hate in this thread for a guy that plays his cards close to the vest. Don’t want to divulge much more but will check in tomorrow to (again) give you a peek.
  6. Thanks man. I don’t like to toot my own horn...that’s why I don’t post 6 different mock drafts. I set my board and sit back. I let the draft come to me. See you Sat. Night online.
  7. Another quick peek into my sheets: This draft will be heavy on versatility in Round 2. Many offensive players will have a background in playing QB, RB, TE or Line and many of the defensive players will have a background in playing line, LB or safety. My discussions with GM's around the league make this a certainty as they look for plug and play people that have a background in a variety of roles.
  8. I'll release a few more hints each day leading up to the draft....just so you know I'm not pullin' anyone's leg. The last thing I want to happen is publish my Big Board and then have everyone else steal my thunder and ideas.
  9. I can assure you my Board is all set (I might tweak it a little if there's a Laremy Tunsil type event the day before), but you'll have to take my word for it and review the hints above which establish my credibility.
  10. Every year I pour through materials, game film and stats. I do a little background investigation on these players (I have a few connections that give me info many NFL GM's are privy to) and create a "Big Board". With very few exceptions, I usually hit on 89.6% - 92.7 % of the players, conferences and which NFL clubs draft them on days one and two. Before you ask, "No, I don't do Mock Draft iterations 1, 2, 3, etc." I am confident in my abilities and will not forsake the sources I have around the NFL and the media analysts who share that info with me. Since I publish only ONE draft Big Board, it lends to the credibility of my background as a scout and analyst. Before I publish my Big Board on Saturday (that is the best day to announce mine since it allays any fears that I might be collaborating with other members here), let me give you a few hints of what is already set out on my spreadsheets: 1) Two QB's will be taken in the Top 20 2) Two WR's will be taken in the Top 40 3) A DT from the SEC will make the Top 30 4) There will be a rush on Offensive Linemen (OT's, G's and C's) in picks 30-60 5) There will be at least one (and possibly two) trades up and/or down in rounds 1-3. Other than that, I'll see you all Saturday night at 11:59pm so you can analyze my picks. Go Bills!
  11. Happy Birthday James!! Great times for a financial planner!!!
  12. "Vintage" means something more than 10-15 years ago.
  13. Elizabeth Shue in a sweater? Didn’t like that movie at all.
  14. By the time someone else posts here, 40 million Americans will have had a drink. Any questions?
  15. My father always said it grows in much thicker when you get a brush cut (had one from 7th grade through college)....so when I look at Michael Bolton, I’d say “yeah”. Lol
  16. Still confused. Don’t we need a vaccine or some kind of drug response? Why aren’t the brightest minds and multi-million dollar companies able to come up with a vaccine quicker? Aren’t they linked into the WHO and CDC? Why didn’t they start this process months ago as cutting edge scientists? Whether it’s Spain (maybe you didn’t say that) or Singapore/Hong Kong, are they all immune at this point? They did things so much better, do they not need a vaccine next year? I asked before...will this thing die and not come back, and it’s still up in the air (except for Singapore/Hong Kong/South Korea....who apparently did everything perfect.)
  17. So are you saying that Singapore, South Korea, Spain have contained the virus and don’t need a vaccine? I thought we needed a vaccine in case it becomes an annual “thing”? I’m really confused. Is the virus different in those countries that took fast steps compared to other countries like ours?
  18. https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/489622-photo-shows-staff-using-trash-bags-as-protective-gear-in-hospital-system?amp The nurses had PPE on for their shift. You can see it under the trash bags. The hospital would not let them on duty unless they wore the proper PPE. One would assume they wore the trash bags as an added layer of protection. So after the AG announced prosecution of anyone hoarding health safety equipment, a CA labor union just happened to find 35 million N95 masks in their inventory. C’mon man...get yer chit together. https://www.nbcbayarea.com/news/coronavirus/seiu-locates-39-million-n95-masks-for-healthcare-workers-local-governments/2262072/?amp
  19. I see. Kinda goes back to what I asked you Pages 1-3 (somewhere)...will we see this again every year? C’mon researchers....get that vaccine done!!!!
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