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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. I was overly eager to get this off my chest pineapple boy!! I got ***** to do!!! Ours is apparently functioning properly...too properly.
  2. I live in a small town. Really small. 4000 - 5000 people small. One traffic signal at the “busy” intersection between the business district (my office) and the financial district (the local bank). There might be three or four cars waiting at the intersection at one time. So when some couple is walking their dog or a parent has their kids on bikes, they inevitably press the “cross walk” button and I get to the intersection just in time for them to dart across the cross walk while my light stays red for another 20 seconds. Basically, this little twerp (or the 50-60 yr old couple with dogs that drag them across the road in 8 seconds) cost me an extra 20 seconds....that’s 20 seconds I’ll never get back. Weren’t they all taught to look both ways and make a break for it? Why press the damn button? #survivalofthefittest
  3. I’ve never bought a player’s jersey but this might be my first. He’s a beast and can’t wait to see him play this year.
  4. Anyone know where I can find a hooker on credit?
  5. You’re all good. Stay away from @Gugny and you’ll be fine.
  6. "I kinda like it" @GoBills808 @Cripple Creek
  7. Real estate has remained pretty stable in my area (rural). No clue how things are looking in Boston or San Fran (two of the biggest over-inflated real estate markets in the last ten years).
  8. Question of the day (given the S&P and DJIA right now): Am I a pig or a hog?
  9. Happy Birthday Joe! Enjoy
  10. I’m tearing up a little. An AJ Green thread. I missed you!!!!
  11. But how else can I describe your sunny disposition?
  12. What were his college stats TD/INT ratio? Completion %? I know it was decent.
  13. Listened to Sal Cappacio today and he said it’s quite possible Beane drafted Jake Fromm thinking the Pats really wanted him. Makes sense: Bellicheat trying to draft Brady Junior (smart kid, student of the game, not a huge arm, not super mobile, but super accurate). If so, I love it! Go Beane.
  14. There it is. Thank you. Put the OP in his place.
  15. I am disgusted by this optimism. If you keep it up I’ll report your ass.
  16. I hit 95.7% of the picks. My Big Board has mirrored the draft thus far except for those schmucks who traded up ONE SPOT. I didn’t account for such stupidity. Just letting the draft come to me.
  17. It’s coming together nicely. Was a little nervous projecting Reagor there to the Eagles but I put it in Sharpie last night.
  18. Just changed my Big Board a little. Heard something about a trade early so had to adjust. But it’s all set.
  19. This comment is no longer contributing to the thread and will now be deleted.
  20. I hear ya. Not talking about going to homes. Fumigate the draft room at OBD, put plastic on the seats, put the coaches GM’s and asst GM’s in rubber suits and let them do their job. 9 of them....not 10. Had to edit my prior post to remove the cuss word.
  21. This is f*#%!ing ridiculous. I thought groups of more than 10 were prohibited? Why can’t Beane, McD, the other scouts sit at OBD and collaborate? They can sit 20 feet apart in that draft room from last year. This hits home how nonsensical this whole thing is. F&@$!, , take their temperatures when they walk in the room. Ridiculous.
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