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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. Maybe they’ll upgrade the video to BETA.
  2. Phil Villapiano. 1983 - 1986. Somewhere in there. I delivered the Buffalo News to his house in EA. I sucked at billing so I’d knock on the door every 5 or 6 weeks to say they had money owing. His wife was a smoke show. I was about 14-16. I hoped she’d invite me in for a “refreshing” drink. * Bom chicka wow wow *. No such luck. Not sure I ever even collected the damn subscription.
  3. Given the amounts we pay in taxes to subsidize you fellas sitting in your “lock tower” watching boats go by, yes...I count my pennies. And we all know you are the only guy to reach level 2,983 in Tetris....shoot, you broke the damn game while “on watch”
  4. @Cripple Creek has generally relied on my scouting when putting together his Bigger Board. Davis rated as a "light blue" on my Board. Rather than grades from 1-10 I choose color coded ranking systems that go from "white" (vanilla, bleh) to "fire engine red" (cherry, hot). It also keeps people from stealing my homework because they have no idea what "mauve" or "turquoise" represents. Suffice it to say, Davis rates light blue and my rating will be proven come November. Arm swap length is an algorithm I created which incorporates some analytics and genetic tendencies. I look at a player's background and family history, measure the length from the base of the thumb to the top of the tricep (subtract out the circumference of the funny bone/elbow) and multiply by pie. That gives me a rating which is then multiplied by family genetic history adopting those same measurables to predict how likely he is to wrestle the ball from defenders (i.e. swapping possession of the ball from CB to WR on underthrown or inaccurate passes). My final score is an indication of whether the WR is more likely to gain possession from the CB or safety.
  5. I grade my WR’s on three criteria: Arm swap length, Cranking voltage and Flash speed. The “flash speed” trait measures the player’s ability to stop and go through heavy traffic while maintaining good eye control and brain acuity. Hope this helps.
  6. You get my point. Can’t wait to see what suspensions are doled out to Chung (if any). Class B felony amount of cocaine. Oliver is charged with a misdemeanor. Hmmmmm
  7. Patrick Chung was given a conditional discharge on the condition he refrain from possessing coke, lead a lawful life and complete 40 hours community service. Silence from Roger.
  8. I’ll do a voice over toward the end, but get me a Las Vegas oddsmaker that I can talk to for forty minutes to close the show out.
  9. Can you find me a quick GEICO radio ad?? Stat!!!!
  10. Would you be my sound board/producer guy that basically tells me I have no clue what I’m talking about? I need one of those.
  11. The instruction booklet doesn’t tell me how many people can play the games at one time. Now I’m thinking I need to hire security for this thing. Thanks Jerry!!!
  12. Was thinking the same. You must be fun at parties...and funerals.
  13. Is there a player that you think will be solid but not great? Plays well but not superb? Just a steady force. I’d say Milano.
  14. A “rowboat”??? I don’t see anyone pushing oars in and out of the water. Dude, have you ever even studied maritime terminology or the design of certain vessels?
  15. Nate seemed to have a good sense of humor about his predicament. Wishing others interruptions from “Gabby McGaberton” is ruthless.
  16. Hi Nate!! You’re a true fan. (Curious: When buying gloves, do you ask for 50% off?)
  17. I missed one out of 16. Thanks @Gugny
  18. We booked a Sammy Davis Jr. impersonator. He’s a dead ringer and the mask covers his mouth, nose and eyes. Already paid a non-refundable deposit so you see my point. If I stick with the June 27th date, I should be able to make enough for the music and liquor overhead. All the profits go to the telethon.
  19. Yes. I have the beer pong shoot and knife throwing all set up but don’t want to get the greased pigs out until I know people are allowed to mingle.
  20. Should I cancel or keep it scheduled for June 27th?
  21. I can see how this happened. Good old boy in TX, heading out with some buddies to ride four wheelers, drink some beers. This sucks.
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