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Everything posted by BringBackFergy

  1. I suppose you two can do butter?
  2. That was damn good. Admit it.
  3. If I read any more of this nonsense you’ll have to wheel me outta here on a Guernsey.
  4. Cud this thread be any more weird?
  5. Russ always reminded me of Ted Beneke (Breaking Bad). He even has a rug mishap (with Kevin Kolb.)
  6. That’s not even pizza. It’s focaccia. If I wanted to eat a side loaf of fresh baked bread I’d order one of those. The Harvest pizza (noted above) has a perfect balance of sweet crust, sauce, caramelized cheese baked to perfection. Try again.
  7. Maybe his Mommy eats the crust for him.
  8. This might be the most un-American post ever written on TBD. ?
  9. I had to look up “CHUD” and there’s various meanings. Which one were you aiming for: Canabalistic dweller or ugly/stupid person?
  10. Leon was a great boxer, but I’d say Michael was a true champ. Still, the pyramids will last much longer than both of them (even though they’re both in great shape for their age.)
  11. Your lawyering tactics don't work on me mister!! That's a BS question. I'll re-phrase your question: "So it's accurate to say that the outer crust of the HARVEST pizza is the most important ... is that a true statement? Yes or no, please." The answer is "Yes, for the Harvest pizza, yes...I did it!! Are you happy?"
  12. Before you rush off to the Men’s room for self gratification, please know: I agreed with you in this one instance and for this one pizza joint. Now continue patting yourself on the....back.
  13. I agree. And why stop with statues? Get rid of massive memorials and monuments as well. Build more casinos!! https://thehill.com/homenews/state-watch/505474-second-tribal-leader-calls-for-removal-of-mount-rushmore-before-trump?amp
  14. I just said we’re all Americans!!! (Most of us anyway...)
  15. Stop saying “black”, “white” or “colored” and I’ll take you more seriously. We’re all humans first and Americans second. We all bleed red.
  16. The Washington Gutter Rats has a nice ring to it (in honor of our politicians).
  17. I was always told to NOT see skin color...a “black” National anthem seems counter-productive.
  18. Agree. That’s kinda why I said it. #1 allll day long.
  19. The air purification system in airplanes is top notch. They clean/sanitize everything to the extreme. Safer than going into a McDonalds. Sure.
  20. Well, there’s the proof right there....How ya doin’ IceBowl???
  21. And...there it is.
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